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Hi to all you people. i've been cheking out the lowdown for quite some time now, and find the topics very insightful and you guys groove-condusive.

people call me Tyler. i am currently living in Hong kong, working as a musician, playing bass for a top 40's cover band. i've been playing bass for 6 years now, and i play a fender roscoe beck signature 5.

i've always wanted to be among bass players, so this is fitting. i won't post too many topics or ask that many questions, but i will give my input if i know i can help. And i constantly have GAS. :D

just wanted to make my presence known. good day everyone!

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Hey there, welcome...i look forward to heeding your advice and answering any questions you may have, and giving you more gas. You've got a pretty nice bass by my book, those basses seem very functional and beautiful to boot! So what's your current GAS?

P.S. Cool sig.

Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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hey thanks guys for the welcome. by the way musicfiend, my current bass is my current standard. i've owned my share of basses, a thumb bolt 4 (which i regretfully had to sell because i needed a 5er)and a yamaha trbjp2 (the dude who plays bass for jamiroquai has the same). i love that it's passive, versatile, and that it's built like a tank. my current GAS is a yamaha trb john pattitucci 2, but i've been forever GASsing for an F-bass bn5 and a kinal bass. a g&l or a musicman stingray would be tasty too.

the signature's from a song i wrote, thank you for noticing. and yes, the more the merrier!

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Welcome aboard, Matey!


(sorry, woke up in a Pirate mood this morning...)


Glad you could make it into the Lowdown. Usually lots happening during the week, but weekends are more sedate. Probably 'cause everyone's gigging...or doing laundry.


You'll find the entire gamut of players here, from newbies to old hands. Be sure to make use of the 'search' button up top for more detailed information on pretty much every piece of gear ever made.


Oh, and watch out for the moderators. How it usually works is like this...Bob and Dave distract you, and Tom sneaks in and steals your gear. :D



Tim from Jersey :thu:

Play. Just play.
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thanks for the briefing flemtone. i've been doing back searches for several months now. this forum has helped me a lot even when i wasn't directly part of it. and my apologies to the self-pity police, but i only have that one bass and nothing else, so tom's gonna have to pry it from my lifeless body. :D
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as of now i have not invested on an amp or cabs, as we play in three bars here in hong kong, 6 times a week. we take taxis every night, and it would be a burden for me to be lugging equipment, not to mention my consideration for my bandmates as well, 'coz we take the same cab. also, i'm financially challenged as of the moment. :D


our workplace usually has gallien-krueger amps and hartke cabs, so you can imagine that our boss is really going for a bright sound that cuts through. these places are almost always packed to the brim. i'm contemplating on acquiring a sadowsky outboard preamp/di or an aguilar db924 to bolster my tone.


cool sig by the way! love the movie, and yes, i am wearing sex panther. :D

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You're a smart man...let the venues supply the rigs. But you don't even have a practice amp for playing at home?


I've read good things about those preamps. Have you checked out the Tech 21 BDDI? Seems to be all the rage 'round these parts.

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i'm afraid i don't even have that, davio. but i do have a zoom ps-04 4 track portable recorder. it has many drum pattern presets, and this is how i 'shed nowadays. i've always liked the sansamp bddi, and a lot of my friends swear by it, but right now i'm looking for a preamp that gives my bass that modern tinge and still retains the traditional sensibilities of my instrument, and i find the sansamp adds too much coloration. i will have one of these in the future though.


Phil, you can bunk with me in my 6-by-8 feet room for a while, if you want. :D

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Originally posted by TylerlovesAva:

[QB] right now i'm looking for a preamp that gives my bass that modern tinge and still retains the traditional sensibilities of my instrument [QB]

The sadowsky outboard preamp is boost only, and when the bass and treble knobs are set flat it provides clean boost which is said to sound very much like your basses passive tone. The treble is very high and "polite" while the bottom has some nice fatness to it.

I'm a little partial to aguilar products though, and I'm a big fan of the tone of the aguilar preamps set flat. I run my aggie rig flat and I'm not missing anything. :D

Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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this might've been tackle before, but can you give me some input on the aguilar db924? i've checked out the sound clips they had at basstasters, and found it suites my preferences even better than the sadowsky. i'd love for it to have an adapter option as a power source, though, which it doesn't.
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Originally posted by TylerlovesAva:

Phil, you can bunk with me in my 6-by-8 feet room for a while, if you want. :D

Wow, so they let you out every day for one hour of excercise, three squares a day and they let you gig on weekends? America's legal system could learn something from Hong Kong! ;)


Is it an apartment, a room in a house or what?

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The aguilar line is very much based ona very well behaved tube pre setup. Their first preamp, the db680, was made for dave boonshoft as arecording pre. My rig consists of the db750 head and 2 gs210 cabs. I upgraded to this rig from an swr 750 head and goliath3 cab. On the swr I was consantly fiddling with the knobs, boosting the bass and cutting the treble, getting confused by the mid parameters, and aggravated by the aural enhancer and limiter circuits as well as the harshness of the tweeter. I found that when I first started the transition, All I had to do was plug into tha guilar rig...and smile. Tha aguilar has a great deal more punch, and it has a very nice fat, yet controlled, botom end....even when set flat. It's actually quite versatile. It's amazing what a little mid boost and some treble and bass cut can do. Or even some bass cut along with mid and treble boost with bright circuit enhanced. I have not tried the db 924, but I understand that the aguilar products are all made to capture the "aguilar sound". I've tried a wide variety of aguilar products and I've loved all of them. I've been pleasantly suprised by their line of combos, nice clean tone, with the ability to dial in some tubeyness on the second channel.

This si not to say that it's the be all end all. Not everyone will love aguilar gear. If someone is a fan of very dry solidstate type sound, produced by say...a gk amp or swr rig set flat...look elsewhere.

Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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davio, i live in athree-bedroom (whew!) apartment with our singer and guitar player. we don't pay for rent, the company does. but we don't get to pick the apartment either. :D i wouldn't say it's dreadful, it's just that when i came here two years ago, i filled in for their former bassist, who had to go back to england. i wanted to live with my bandmates. i also like how our place is near everything. my room was once a stockroom (or a sorry excuse for it, by it's dimensions), has a window i can't open due to the exhaust situated conventiently beside it, and at 5'11, i take up half of the space. :D it's all good though, i love playing here, and am enjoying the experience.


it would be great if i got to wear anything other than orange overalls, though. :D

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seems like you know your aguilar, musicfiend! i've always been interested, and know people who stand by it's name. i'm actually torn between them and eden for amplification. the only thing is, the music stores here or any where i lived in (i also played in singapore) don't carry them, and i would have to order them and have the shipped from the U.S. i am not in a place financially to get an amp, cabs or a combo, as i just got married and am saving up for some kinda big. a nice outboard preamp would be, nice (excellent vocabulary), though, and both the sadowsky and aguilar fit the bill.
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Obviously, when considering names like eden, sadowsky, and aguilar...all of the choices will be good. At this point it's all about preference. Eden amps always seem to have a lot of color to my ears. Also, it seems that the low mids are very powerful to my ear, even more so than the bas frequency. I've never been a big fdan of the low mid frequency. If I need to give give my tone more balls I'd rather get a deeper fundamental and some punchy high mids. Sadowsky gear has a very present treble response....think marcus tone...although it also has a very nice, deep fundamental.

I'ce found that with my aguilar rig I can just keep the eq flat, adjust the gain to about 10:30-12:00 and I'm set. I might hit the deep switch or bright switch depending on the acoustics..or maybe cut bass and boost mids if the acoustics don't react very well with low freqs....but overall the tone of the amp flat is really the sound that I strive for. Between my bass and my amp I get the tone I've always wanted: Fat bottom, punchy high mids, and an overall even balance to the tone that allows for a very controllable tight sound and a lot of presence to your playing.

Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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Originally posted by TylerlovesAva:

seems like you know your aguilar, musicfiend!

Yea, but it took a long time to get there. The first time I played an aggie was at Namm..I was blown away. I played an acacia cusotm through a db750 and 210+115. Then I can recall Nobody near me carrying them. I finally made the trip to a well known boutiqe-y shop about 1 1/2 hrs away. They had a 212 stacked over a 412 with a couple 410s and 115s, not to mention a 210 scattered around, along with a db750 and db680/db728.

I ambled up to an employee and asked if I could try a db750 and gs210. He sternly told me that they had two customers trying out effects and he didn't want me disturbing them qith any noise. I came back after they had finished and asked if it would be ok if I tried out the aguilar gear. He told me that they were closing...this was about one hour before closing time. :mad:

10 minutes after this incident, my friend, who had come to check out guitar amps, came up to me. He told me that employee told him that "his friend" can't play any more gear. :cry: I had played about two basses up to this point, at a reasonable volume through a hartke combo. They have not gotten any of my business since. I guess this is what i get for being a young'n :freak:

Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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These might be a cool consideration for your apartment practicing schedule, and the racen labs unit might help live as well.

Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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yes, i've actually inquired at bass northwest about these items. thanks for the links, though. they might prove to be helpful indeed.


i can SO relate, as i have my 'love affair' with music store employees as well. once i asked for an instrument cable to give a potential purchase a spin. the guy looked irked from the get-go, and after waiting for fifteen minutes it never came. i'm not making sweeping generalizations, as there are a lot of helpful clerks out there. it's just that most of us (i take it) have had our experiences, and we all know the type.


although it didn't help that i went there wearing my comfy house clothes, looking like i wasn't gonna be able to buy a pick. :D

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Being a youngster myself (I'm 24) I can relate to what TLA and Musicfiend experienced.


Once went into a music store very near my hometown to check what basses they had.


This was around the time when I wanted a new bass and could actually afford one. How often does that happen?


So I ask the salesperson "Can I have a look at that bass there" and he replied "Sure". Guess I should have asked "Can I play it" ... :D

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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Thanks for joining in !!


Don't worry about losing your bass to me - I live closer to others. Like Flemtone !!!! (bwaaaahhhhhhaaaaa).


Orange overalls? Hmmmm - could be interesting at gigs, but my band would probably kill me....




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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