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gigspam: wow, almost forgot about this one.

The Fonz

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blue winter is once again on the stage at cbgb performing originals. the date is june 7th (one week away) at 9:30 and the cover is $7. everyone who said "i really need to get to cbgb before they close," now's your chance. cbgb: 315 bowery, nyc.
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I can't swing it. But others must. I hear nothing but good things about this band's ability to supply le rocque.


Ace, man, I promise to catch Blue Winter. Just keep throwing the gig notices up on the board.



--Dub $$



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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The Winter does indeed bring the rock. Fully.


I will attempt to represent the LD, CB's stylee.


As of now, I am there.






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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I am going to try to make it under two provisions:


1. Nothing comes up at home (not too risky really)

2. The show time doesn't drag back too far (9:30 start I can do, but 10:30 start is too late).


If #1 is OK, I will be in the establishment at least...




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I had my first CBGB experience last night. The sound in that place was quite fine for the two bands that I saw - much better than some of the other clubs I've visited.


Wraub and I were there to see Erik take the stage with Blue Winter. It was the unveiling of the Behringer 4x10 as well. His "newly bridged" OLP 5 and his previous generation Ampeg SVTpro III (is that the exact designation?) were there as well. I got to play the OLP - a fine fast neck with low action and a great feel. This is one nice bass. The bridges look pretty cool as well!


Erik did a fine job with the band. Unfortunately it was dark, and it made it difficult to watch his hands. Sometimes Erik doubled the guitar; sometimes he had his own part that was more than a backing part and less than it's own riff. It was great to listen to, and did it's job of propelling the music. There were flourishes of notes as well (I saw at least one fill built from a repeating part that was quite neat) - lots of fingers going, because it looked to me that Erik doesn't stop at two fingers for plucking. He rocked back and forth, deftly avoided the singer (who I would have reprimanded for the way he was swinging a mic stand around), and looked like the ROCK he was bringing.


The drummer was solid, and had lots of varied parts (and lots of cymbals :rolleyes: ). He would do 16th note runs on the kick that wiped Erik from the soundscape. It happened at the end of one song, and that was cool. But it was a fixture in another song, and I could see Erik playing the same rhythm ("see" because you couldn't hear it).


The rig sounded good (I was up at the stage so I could hear it), but a vibration developed. I was hoping it was coming from some of the "structurally risky" stage area.


And for the curious - yes - I helped carry the cab into the club, and moved the drums onto the stage so he could set up more quickly, and helped the guitarist put his rig on stage. Unfortunately I couldn't stay until the end, so I couldn't help break down.


Pictures soon.



Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Yep, the rock was brought, BW stylee. E and the crew do not dissapoint.

In the city? See Blue Winter sometime. Worth it.



CBs was, well... CBs. I heard the buzzing too, but not FOH. Wondered if it may have been the stage, it is suspect in spots.

E, how's that cabinet?


Tom, thanks again for the incredible bag.

It's Incredible. :)

I am sure that the pic of me is up to our usual standards, but I look forward to seeing your shots.







I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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I am reading this while listening to Cactus - and bag then an "incredible bag" had drugs in it (Cactus has a song called "Bag Drag").


Let me assure you that the bag contained pedals I loaded wraub to find a "blended overdrive" tone. Included was a TU2 (for it's switching abilities), an Ibanez PH7 OD/Dist pedal, and a Boss mixer (that I bought from JeremyC just prior to last year's "yard sale").


wraub knew I was bring some stuff, but I told him (via PM) that it was an "incredible bag". It was - the plastic bag used was from the movie "The Incredibles" - making it an incredible bag.


I agree that the vibratory sound was not in the FOH, so must have been a stage-area thing.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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yeah, that buzz was distressing. i bought the cab on saturday and that was the first time i really pushed it. i haven't had a chance to push it at home to see if the problem is indeed with the cab. not sure what it was as they use a mix of direct and live for the FOH mix at cbgb so i'm hoping that indicates it's not a problem with the cab or, God forbid, the amp. my hope is that it was either the stage or the clips on the amp case.


big ups to tom for helping me haul the beast into the club so i could get a parking space more quickly (although he did leave before the show stoppers).


for the record, we played with a band from harrisburg, pa called condition k. they were onstage when i got there and holy crap could they bring le roque. i wasn't really looking forward to following them. talked to them after the show and i'm looking forward to playing with them again either here or in one of the other myriad places where they hold sway. if they are EVER in nyc again i will not miss them, nor should you. or if you see them in your town, catch them. we all might meet their bass player curtis soon as i tried to recruit him into our little coven.

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E- I also hope it's not the cab. I am pretty sure it wasn't your amp, wasn't that kind of noise.


Either way, that cab is HEAVY. I pulled your guitarist's Mesa 4x12 off the stage by myself, it felt lighter than your cab.



Sorry I missed the other band. Stupid job.


When's the next BW extravaganza?






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Ya' know, I was looking at some pics of E and the BW boys, and it struck me again how relaxed and in control E seems onstage. Even with tech problems, he was sellin' it.


No matter how relaxed I am onstage (usually very), I never seem to look like that.


It also doesn't hurt that the cat can play, either.


Good on ya, man.






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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