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LowDown SWAG: Holiday Shipping Deadlines


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Hey folks,


I was playing around and came up with a T-Shirt design with the help of Jeremy C and zeronyne.


Negative Part 1 Negative Part 2


Regular Part 1 Regular Part 2 Regular Bass Clef


Regular Grizzly Bear


HP T-Shirt Transfers seem to work the best. Avery work well. Make sure to apply at least 50 pounds of pressure, apply for the recommended three minutes and keep the iron moving to avoid burning. My printer has the "Iron-On Transfer" option to print backwards, check to see if yours does.


Credits go to Jeremy C for the Bass Player saying and zeronyne for the LowDown graphic from www.LowDownLowdown.com.


I'll be working on more, and if anybody else has some, please come forward.



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Sorry, I didn't quite give a good idea on what the finished product looked like. I don't yet have a decent pic, but here's what it looks like all together.


Back Sample


I had used Jeremy's and zeronyne's avatars on each of their pockets. I figured it would help introduce us to each other when we meet.


Eddie, print the negatives, and you will have things in the correct order.



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Love those sayings! I'd love to have a black long sleeve t-shirt. It would be cool if we could actually get some LDLD merchandise. Maybe www.cafepress.com. The only thing is, who would get the profit or could we just buy the T-Shirts at cost?



"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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Originally posted by Tenstrum:

The only thing is, who would get the profit or could we just buy the T-Shirts at cost?

As far as profit goes, my original thought was for any money made to go to zeronyne to help with his work and hosting on the reference pages.


Oh, and "Bass players go deeper!" would definitely be a choice.



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I think the designs are the sheezy, and I will be printing and wearing appropriately.


Well, I will print them appropriately, anyway.


Thanks to all for the work involved!!

Nicely, nicely!







I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Originally posted by ATM:

As far as profit goes, my original thought was for any money made to go to zeronyne to help with his work and hosting on the reference pages.

Naah, I certainly appreciate it, but I wouldn't feel comfortable taking any profit. The reference pages are woefully late. I apologize for that. Life keeps getting in the way.


If you are going to use Cafe Press, why not just offer them up at the exact cost of the shirt and shipping?

"For instance" is not proof.


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Originally posted by ATM:

Oh, and "Bass players go deeper!" would definitely be a choice.



I'm definitely a cheese ball... :P

I don't quite get the grizzly bear reference and I assume the cheetah reference refers to the many topics we've had on Growl.



"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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I would be interested in such t-shirts !! Especially if I can have my avatar added, but I can do that here in Belgium :thu:


Would Cafépress ship to Europe? Otherwise I'd have to rely on a fellow LowDowner :)


Oh, and I just LOVE the "Just like all musicians, you are following a bass player" phrase :D

"I'm a work in progress." Micky Barnes


The Ross Brown Shirt World Tour

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Originally posted by jeremy c:

....or maybe Great Bassists Do Funk Always.

And, may I suggest "And Carry Every Groove" to complete the turn of phrase?






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Great Bassists Regular


Okay, give that a try.


Originally posted by dcr:

Originally posted by ATM:

butcherNburn - Great idea, but that's a heck of a lot of ink.

But it's SO cool...any way to print just the light-colored bits onto a black shirt?
I made the black bits transparent, but things didn't look right. I believe that it would either take all the ink, or someone with better software and skills than I have.


Looking at cafepress now, anybody have experience with this site?



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Originally posted by Quinn:

Originally posted by Quinn:

Originally posted by wraub:


Originally posted by jeremy c:

[qb] ....or maybe Great Bassists Do Funk Always.

And, may I suggest "And Carry Every Groove" to complete the turn of phrase?





Excellent, I'm converting.


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Okay, here's the poop.


I've set up a shop on CafePress.com.

Here\'s the link. http://www.cafepress.com/lowdownlowdown


I've put the first setup on the shirts and such. To keep it free, I'm only allowed one design per shirt, but will be able to change designs (upon request.) These products are offered AT COST. I'm not making any money off this, I just want to make a better contribution than my smart-@$$ remarks.


Note on the graphics: zeronyne will be providing me with a higher res. graphic, so you'll want to wait until I tell you on the LowDownLowdown inspired items. He's busy doing his real job at the moment, so we can't ask any more than he's already done (well, we can, but I wouldn't expect a postable response ;) .)


If you have any questions, requests, or recommendations, please contact me.


Yours in the lower octave,



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