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a good day: the first amp is done.

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i finished the very first amp in my new position today. it is the crest CC 1800 :




my best guess is that it will be available some time this summer, but since i haven't ever been through this loop, i can't say for certain when it actually will hit the market.


some specs:


2 x 700W into 4 Ohms, .05% THD

1500W bridged into 8 Ohms .1% THD

19", 2U, 32.6 lbs.


not the lightest of weight. but it should sound very good for bass. i have the first prototype at home for hi-fi and bass rig testing tonight and tomorrow morning. i'll post some thoughts tomorrow afternoon, when i get home from work.


finally, after five years of being a professional engineer, i will be releasing a product to market. (since crown laid me off before the CTs and iTECH amps made it to market, i can only claim so much credit on those.) thanks for the support!



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Glad to hear it, I'm sure you feel much better after finally having a physical, concrete object to represent the years of hard work that you've put into your career. Congratulations!
Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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Way to go robb! I agree with Matt W, it looks great! I'd love to hear it!


Congrats my man! :thu::thu:

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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Originally posted by Dr. Sweet Willie:

What does it do into 8 ohms per side stereo? 400W?

was that a rhetorical question? you are correct -- it'll do 2 x 450W into 8 Ohms or 1 x 475W into 8 Ohms. if i recall correctly -- i'll have to double check that. (i have three specs to juggle in my mind -- stereo, mono, and 20Hz to 20kHz.)


mindjuggling. that's a power comparable to wonderboy.


erikmag -- PM me if you have any questions. i can tell you all about the serpentine road to a career in audio.


Matt W -- i didn't have anything to do with the front panel. my buddy, Caleb, did it. he also designed the PV mixers (i pushed for the orange, red, and blue knobs), and the newest gen SP loudspeakers.


we've had some pretty quality ID (industrial design) people in the past three years who've done some great work. my other friend did the JSX and all of the pvdj stuff. very talented guys.


PAYSON -- my neighbors are cool. besides, it'll be after they go to work.



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Originally posted by cornbread:

Nice job, man.


You're much more powerful than Wonderboy, but, have you mastered killing a yak at 500 yards with mind bullets?

That's telekinesis, Bread.


Excellent work robb. You have made our world a better place. :)

Ah, nice marmot.
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I feel very much at home here (more so, anyway) to be among the company of bassists AND Electrical/Electroacoustic engineers/students. Such is one of the possible career paths before me as I finish by BSECE.


Congrats, robb.

...think funky thoughts... :freak:
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person who just posted...i say this as someone who is a student of the simpsons:


Homer: I have this friend named....Joey...joe joe...ju...shabadoo.


Moe: Oh, that's the worst name i ever heard


(man runs out of bar crying)


i'm just saying




ps-congrats robb


Soli Deo Gloria


"it's the beauty of a community. it takes a village to raise a[n] [LLroomtempJ]." -robb


My YouTube Channel

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i should've known that it was mattc under a different name. for shame mattc...for shame. Misquoting the simpsons in your publicly displayed name as a college student is the equivalent of misquoting a major scale on bass while playing whole notes@30bpm.


i'm just saying




Soli Deo Gloria


"it's the beauty of a community. it takes a village to raise a[n] [LLroomtempJ]." -robb


My YouTube Channel

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some more specs:


2 x 900W into 2 Ohms, .05% THD

1 x 950W into 2 Ohms, .05% THD

1850W bridged into 4 Ohms, .1% THD


earlier i posted the specs that are most important to me.



Originally posted by PhilMan99:

Just wondering - is the unit built in the USA?

negatory. it is built in the magnificent land of china, where everything is free. actually, the good stuff coming from china is as good as anything we can make here.


Originally posted by oh9:

I look forward to seeing it in stores.

i do, too. ;)




i tried it through my bergantino HT-112 sourced by my warwick quadruplet preamp. in comparison to my crest pro 7200 power amp, it does not have as much low end and headroom -- understandably so, since it has less power. however, its lower damping factor contributed to a very nice bloom in the low end that was quite euphonic, if technically less accurate. i enjoyed it. also, whereas with my B&W CDM 700 hi-fi speakers it was a little too harsh in the high mids, that aggressiveness was beneficial in the bass rig. i guess for hi-fi, i prefer a more relaxed, warm british sound (B&W loudspeakers, rotel amplification).


the verdict; the CC 1800 makes a much better bass amp than a PA amp. still, for the price it's not too bad. overall, i still prefer my pro 7200 for both PA and bass guitar applications, but it's also considerably more expensive.



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Originally posted by joey joe joe jr. shabadoo:

I feel very much at home here (more so, anyway) to be among the company of bassists AND Electrical/Electroacoustic engineers/students. Such is one of the possible career paths before me as I finish by BSECE.

michigan state honors college. it's the way forward.



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robb, what's the SRP (suggested retail price) on this baby? I figure most outlets will carry it at 20-30% discount on the SRP.


From the specs (BTW thanks for the link) it looks like something I'll need to check out locally. Congrats on your first delivery and we'll expect the inside "LowDown" on your future endeavors.


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Congrats on bringing your work to market.

I agree that it looks pretty cool, but the special part is knowing that it's yours on the inside - where it counts.


Did you design the other amps in the group (2800 & 4000)?


To say that it's less optimum for PA is discounting what the "right" PA speakers might mean to the rig. It might be perfect!




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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