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Need warmer tone


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One of my basses has EMG P/J with the BQC System preamp. Presently the strings are Thomastik-Infeld Power Bass. Aggressive with no warmth. I am using the Demeter 201S with a Stewart 2.1 and SWR/Mesa Cabinets.


Passive basses sound great. Lakland 55-94 with stock strings sounds great. Any suggestions for the American Guild Pilot with the EMG's?


What do you know abut DR Sunbeams?

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I've not tried the Sunbeams, but I too was a bit disappointed with the TI Power Bass strings, for just that reason. Funny, since I fell in love with the TI Jazz Flats.


I find that I need to fit the string to the bass. One of my favorite combinations is my Fender J with Fender flats, 50-105, coupled with a big EQ boost around 100/200--BOOM! You may have to try a few before you hit on it, I'm afraid. From all I've heard, DR makes excellent strings & that'd be a fine place to start.

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You are talking of one of my other basses. SB-1 with TI flats passive. What's worse Jeremys concern for spelling or not reading what other equipment is currently owned. Maybe you like everything the same, no diversity. Mayonnaise on white bread, no crust.
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Originally posted by shandobass:

What's worse Jeremys concern for spelling or not reading what other equipment is currently owned.

What's worse, jumping to conclusions or not responding to all my other suggestions? I both read your comment that you have jazz flats on one bass and suggested that they could be an option for this 'warmthless' bass. And I also suggested jazz rounds which sound totally different to the flats but are still a warmer sounding string than most rounds. And I suggested changing to a passive tone control. And I suggested...


Do I need to repeat myself or are you going to actually read and digest what I wrote? But I'm not the one who's looking for help improving his tone...




P.S. You might like to add a comma between worse and Jeremy, and have a question mark replace the full stop (period).

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If you reread alex's post you'll see with all of that inquisitive-ness he was simply trying to find out "How much of a difference you want"; most of the people that post here are just trying to help one another, so please post here with respect for your peers on the board and forethought. I actually beileve that an apolgy towards alex and jeremy is in due, since alex was simply trying to aid you in your quest for good tone and jeremy simply wants to make it easier for his peers to read the otherwise valueable comments degraded by shabby grammar.
Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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Just speaking on the behalf of myself,

No worries sir, and I don't think you are an ass at all. Tone is very subjective, so when one disagrees with another things get heated fast. Kudos for the apology.

Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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I don't know much about your amp, but is it solid state or has tubes?

To me: tubes = warmth.



"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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1. Tube Works (now Genz-Benz) Blue Tube pedal is about $125-150 new, about $100 more for the rack version. Strongly recommend you change the stock tube from 12AX7 to 12AU7 for a warmer "Fendery" sound.


2. Tech21 SansAmp BDDI , which can also be searched on this site for other opinions. Haven't checked prices lately, I got mine for around $160-180 a couple of years ago.


I have your EMG setup and when I require "warmth" I turn to one of those two pedals.


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I'm using DR Red Devils on my passive Warwick Streamer STD. (The Red Devils are the same as the Black Beauties with a different color coating; Peacock Blue is also available.)


I get a LOT of warmth with that setup. DR Lowriders or Fat Beams might be worth looking in to as well.


My Fender P is still new to me. I'm happy with the aggressiveness I am getting from the Ernie Ball Hybrid Slinky strings that are on that bass now. I think they fit the P quite well, but I haven't experimented with strings very much. More raw, less warm.

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My basses are fairly bright sounding by nature, and in my search for a rounder, warmer tone, I have been happy with DR LowRiders and a tube pre-amp.

Add mute to taste, preferably palm, but foam or velcro work well too.






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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I see that I'm not the only one who likes a warm tube sound.



"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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Thanks for all the input. My preamp (Demeter) is a tube preamp. Great sounding & passive.


I have the SansAmp Bass Driver. I am one of the few that never fell in love with it. Way to much color for my taste.


I will be trying some of the DR strings mentioned. The Nichol Low Riders, Sunbeams, and Fat beams. I have a set of La Bella Slappers (Nichol) I will try on in the meantime.


Palm muting is great. A little difficult if you are doing 16th notes at a rate of 120bps. That's why I will use the foam.


Anybody try the J-Retro Stompbox or Sawdowsky outboard preamp?

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