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Fishman B II: Question


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I am looking for an outboard preamp for my passive electric basses. My first choice would be the Aguilar, but money is an issue.


I heard really good things about the Fishman Pro EQ Platinum, I tried one and was really pleased with the sound, but still, the money... And I don't need all the stuff that is on it.


Then I found out about the Fishman B II


It is sold a very decent price. It is said however that it is designed for Acoustic Bass. Is that a real problem if I want to use it on a electric bass? I probably would not be in position to try one before buying it, hence my question to you.

Thanks in advance for your advice.

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There are many uses for an outboard preamp - especially with passive basses.


There are many good outboard preamps out there. It dependes on what kind of tone you want. They are a great way to get that "active" sound with your passive bass. The Sadowsky gets high marks from most, as does the Aguilar. I had the Fishman and didn't like it that much.


I have active basses, but they have a bypass so I can go passive. I use an Avalon U5 and a SansAmp BDDI. Two different tones, and I like them both depending on the gig.

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I am looking essentially to liven up the tone of my basses. For my fretted, I want a more punch in my slap tone. For my fretless, I am looking for a little more depth, or something more round (I really don't know how to explain it).

I found one in a store near where I work, so I will be able to try it after all.

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You won't get anything from an offboard preamp, tone wise, that you couldn't dial up with the amp's tone controls. There is some advantage to a offboard pre if your amp's imput impedance is to low(i.e <1 meg ohm).

If this is the case The preamp might give you a little more treble.

Of course an onboard pre if a different story because it allows you to make extreme tone changes on the fly.

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Originally posted by bassric:

I am looking essentially to liven up the tone of my basses. For my fretted, I want a more punch in my slap tone. For my fretless, I am looking for a little more depth, or something more round (I really don't know how to explain it).

I found one in a store near where I work, so I will be able to try it after all.

The "punch" and "depth" sound like EQ. The "round" sounds like compression. The Fishman Pro EQ Platinum Bass, as you mentioned, can help with that. The BII, with only gain & limited EQ is probably not going to do what you want.


I think you'll find most folks here have "horror stories" to tell about getting something "cheap" because they couldn't afford to wait. I'm not into high-end rack-mount gear, but I've regretted every < $100 "stomp-box" I've ever purchased...

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Thanks for the advice. I went and tried it with a set-up similar to the one I have, including a Nemesis 2X10 combo. It does some of the things I wanted, but not all.

I was wondering: would a sansamp bass driver offer the kind of tone shaping possiblities I am looking for? Or would it be the same: won't add much to what I can already do with my amp.

On the same subject: I have on my amp a one-pot "Enhancement" function. Would adding the APhex Bass Exciter in my signal chain be totally redudant?

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