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way ot:: bad haircuts


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just got back from the barber...and man.....this dude did me in. To be honest with you guys, i didn't act as i should've. He messed me up bad. I stopped him in his tracks, went to the payment area, spoke with the manager and walked out.


Around where i'm from haircuts cost $8 and it's REALLY hard to get a bad haircut. You have to search out that one blind barber that has an unsteady hand. Up here they are $15 and bad. Back home it feels good to throw on a 50 if not 100 percent tip.


any good stories from you guys?


ps. i'm particularly mad b/c i'm selling valentines day serenades on monday and now i get to walk around campus with a bad haircut.


jason "mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore" atkins


Soli Deo Gloria


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I've been going to various "stylists" for many many years. Lots of service, good cut, lots of cash. Now that my hair is short, I'm trying a barber. Went once - was OK. Am going agin today - we'll see. I like that it's easier (no apptmt) and cheaper.


As to the serenades, get a nice hat. If you get a fedora and think of it as a Fodera!





Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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With my hairline starting to follow my father's, I hide it in plain sight. The 'stylist' always loves it when I say, "Just give me a one, leave the sideburns, and round the back, please." Takes longer to clean the clippings off and my hair is usually dry before I step out of the shower.


Same place, and depending on which girl I get, the price can range from $9 to $13. I usually throw in a $3 tip unless she tried to take off my ears.



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Sorry you got hacked dude. What have you done wrong lately? Hair Karma is really the worst.


My wife is the only one who cuts my hair. We started this tradition when we used to travel a lot. It is an intimate process. Lots of touching and talking - it also insures that I look good to her.


BTW - yes she has done it when mad at me with no bad results.

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I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Word of advice - when going to the barber, always go to the chair with the guy with the worse haircut. Assume that the barber's are cutting each other's hair, then the guy with the worse haircut had his hair cut by the worse barber; ergo he is not the worse barber.


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They can screw up beards, too. I remember stopping a girl "stylist" about twenty+ years ago, when I used to wear it longer. I always said- don't trim my beard unless you're experienced with them. Damn, she ruined it, all uneven and otherwise whack.


I go to a local yokel who is your classic barber, he does a good job 9/10 times.


But nobody touches my beard but me. :D

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My wife cuts my hair. She is a hair stylist at a salon. If she wasn't my wife a hair cut from her would be $40. You would think I would be able to get my hair cut frequently. But, that is not the case I usually have to wait until I can get squeezed in. But, I always have a good hair.
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Man!, sorry to hear about your fashion disaster Gospel. I've been there before as well so I feel for ya' bro'. :(


I have worn my hair short for a long time now. I would always go to a traditional barber shop because I have had disasterous results with "stylists". Where I go they do a good job and I can get a great hot foam straightrazor shave and they do my van dyke as well. All for about $16


However, I am now going through my second childhood and am growing it out long again. Right now it is in that annoying "sheepdog" stage where it is too short to tie back well and long enough to always hang in my eyes.Unfortunately my hair grows very slowly so it might take me a year to get the proper "Qui-Gon Jinn" look. :cool::D

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


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Long as we're talking haircuts here....


Anybody over about 45 has probably experienced the "true barber" experience...you know...in the days before stylists.


Got the barber pole, the tools soaking in blue water, even the old electric massagers. Got that leather chair that rotates with the circular footrest.


Some old coot with the electric haircutter. Remember all that?


So, is anyone else familiar with that really uncomfortable with the modern hair salons...the kind that do boys AND girls.


I am. I especially am very wary of the female hair stylist. While they work, they are always bumping into me; parts of them touchin' my upper arms and shoulders that are a little too personal.


Ya know, that's interesting, but I'm always weirded out by it.

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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I'm sure everyone is thinking this, but i'll say it anyway...


i'd much rather have a female stylist have parts bumping into me and touching me than a guy. But of course i'm thinking best case scenario where the female barber is twenty something and cute as opposed to sixty something and ugh.




Soli Deo Gloria


"it's the beauty of a community. it takes a village to raise a[n] [LLroomtempJ]." -robb


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Originally posted by davebrownbass:

I especially am very wary of the female hair stylist. While they work, they are always bumping into me; parts of them touchin' my upper arms and shoulders that are a little too personal.

Some people pay more for this, you know. ;)


No, seriously; in my home town, there was a salon named "A Little Off The Top." The stylists wore bikini tops.

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Originally posted by davebrownbass:

Long as we're talking haircuts here....


Anybody over about 45 has probably experienced the "true barber" experience...you know...in the days before stylists.


Got the barber pole, the tools soaking in blue water, even the old electric massagers. Got that leather chair that rotates with the circular footrest.


Some old coot with the electric haircutter. Remember all that?


So, is anyone else familiar with that really uncomfortable with the modern hair salons...the kind that do boys AND girls.


I am. I especially am very wary of the female hair stylist. While they work, they are always bumping into me; parts of them touchin' my upper arms and shoulders that are a little too personal.


Ya know, that's interesting, but I'm always weirded out by it.

Hey I'm only 36 and I remember that! On my last visit to a barber shop, the dude that cut my hair kept complimenting me on how well I kept my beard. He kept touching it and getting real close. Although a female hair stylist pressing against me can also weird me out (I'm happily married with three kids), I'd take her over MR. Beardlover any day!


Currently a friend of my wife cuts my hair for free. She comes over, we feed her, then she cuts my whole families hair. She give a good cut, but even if it would be bad, it was free!


A bad cut would help keep all the screaming lady fans away anyway. :D:rolleyes:

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Bic it!!!


It is trial and error, but once I find one person who does a good job I stick with them. Man or woman, old or young... I don't care!


Of course there was Anne.... she cut my hair for 4 years. Great woman parts "accidentally" bumping into my shoulders or neck. I'm sorry Dave, but I very much disagree with you on this point!!!!

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I used to never care, about hair cuts. I'd pay no more than $10. Then my wife forced me into one of these Aveda Salons, the kind that Dave is talking about. I was appalled at the concept of paying 40 bucks for a haircut. Well, my mind was changed after seeing the results. First off the women in these joints are nice to look at. Secondly, they hook you up with a massage, facial, or any hygenic thing you can think of, really. More importantly, they know whats in, will take the time to figure out your hair, your style, and make it work. They also show you how to fix it yourself, if complicated. Seriously, its like anything you get what you pay for, to these girls and guys its their artform.

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CMDN: Word.


I like looking over our concert photo pages. Going back over the past year, my hair just gets longer and longer.


I really regret letting my sister (a stylist) touch it in June and November. I told her not to take any length off, but I probably lost an inch or two each time and a lot of thickness.


I'm not a fan of "thinning shears" when you've got long hair. I say, if you're going to have long hair, make it long and magnificent. Some of my friends jokingly referred to it as a lion's mane last night (I have reddish golden hair, not quite shoulder length, and lots of it) and I took it as a compliment. :)

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Dave, I remember those barbers, and just went back to one. This past weekend was my second haircut with this guy, and I had him trim my beard and shave around it (neck and cheeks). It was pretty cool. I keep my beard short so it's not too hard to trim it (even I can do it).


I've been in two types of salons. The really high-fashion ones where everyone has their nose in the air. Not for me. And I've been in the types where the people are regular. Mostly women customers, with various nailworks going on as well as hair. The people there are into what they do, but are friendly enough that it's OK.


I am sure that the bumping would bother me now (though not before I was married!). The last stylist I had (my wife and daughter still go to her) has a Barbie-doll body. When I'm waiting my turn, I can't avoid watching her. But she has an amazing gift. Her hands are the only part of her that comes close to me, and she talks the whole time. Not mindless babble, but conversation that keeps you engaged. I can't say that I don't notice her, but I'm OK when I probably shouldn't be. Pretty amazing. (gawd - I sound like such a guy).




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally posted by Gospel5theZealot:

I'd much rather have a female stylist have parts bumping into me and touching me than a guy. But of course i'm thinking best case scenario where the female barber is twenty something and cute as opposed to sixty something and ugh.



Well, the parts that do the bumpin' are not 'xactly "guy" parts.


Never had a 60 year old female.


I'm uncomfortable because, well, I seem to enjoy it more than I should. And then, I keep hopin' she does it again, and well.......


Y'all guys know THAT drill.


Then, after it's over, I'm thinkin' "I should give this gal a nice tip." Then I'm thinkin' "Would I give the same tip to a guy?" and "Am I even lookin' at my hair?" and "Did she do that intentionally?" and "If she did, and I don't pay her for it..."


I only get my hair cut 2-3 times a year. This is probably why. (And I've never gone to a strip club. This is probably why.)

Yep. I'm the other voice in the head of davebrownbass.
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I've been watching this thread waiting for my chance to say something meaningful. The opportunity never presented itself so here goes.


$16 for an Oster trimmer kit has saved me trips to the barber shop for 6 years. On the other hand, my attempt to grow hair like Erik's failed when my bald spot invaded.


All your talk about body parts reminds me of my trips to the orthodontist many years ago. She was 23, I was 14...


Then I was off to college, where there were always a few guys in the dorms who would cut hair for a fair price - and they wanted to make you look good or else they might get a swirly. Maybe these guys are still lurking in the restrooms.

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