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Anyone who reads UK Bass Guitar Magazine...

Grant Sharkey

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I'm kinda stoked to say that I've written a peice for the bi monthly Bass Guitar Magazine here in the UK and the feb/mar issue will feature it.


It's not the average lesson about scales and technique in the hands but more about an attitude to playing bass if you start to find the theory side more daunting. I'm not sure exactly which parts they are printing but I wrote a lot more of for it as part of a lesson guide for some of my students who seem to be struggling with the in depth side of bass.


Hopefully, you'll find it fun and informative in many ways and supplies a different way of approaching the bass.


I'm not on their payroll - so this isn't a spam - just a heads up.



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Thanks guys,


I'm a little nervous about it because it is not your average lesson you'd find in a bass mag because it centres more around thinking about bass instead of the usual mode/scale work.


Either way, I'm kinda happy they think it's good enough - just might generate a funny reaction from the puritans.

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Originally posted by Grant Sharkey:

I'm a little nervous about it because it is not your average lesson you'd find in a bass mag because it centres more around thinking about bass instead of the usual mode/scale work.

Grant, that sounds cool. I usually have to skip a lot of lessons from BP because I don't understand what the hell they're talking about :D


Now, this is partly due to my lack of theoretical knowledge and partly because of English being a second language to me.

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Congratulations Grant, sounds great!


Coming to grips with the high level conceptual side of playing bass is probably the single most important fundemental. Studying music theory is also very important, though some very gifted people seem to get by okay with minimal theoretical knowledge, but everyone has to come up with an overall approach to playing this electric bass thingee.


I'll try to find a copy of this issue.

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Originally posted by Tedster:

Here would be a good place to post that we'll be having a Musicplayer.com forum dinner in London sometime between Feb 25th and March 4th.

Good idea - if you have it then, then that damned Claber bloke will be on the other side of the Atlantic...



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Good grief, C. Alex...dadburn and consarn it!


Whereabouts are you going to be in the US (or Canada?)


Details will come soon for anyone else. Grant...the wife and I will be heading back to the US the morning of the 4th...

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I pick it up from time to time, but it is rather expensive (about $9US)But I will definitely pick up "your" issue. :thu:

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Check out this page for info about the current issue.




I can occassionally find this magazine at places like Borders Books, Tower Records or Barnes & Noble.

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Originally posted by Nicklab:

I can occassionally find this magazine at places like Borders Books, Tower Records or Barnes & Noble.

Thanks Nicklab! I have all of those stores in my town!


Now I'll be able to read Grant's article! :thu:

(and check out Bass Guitar magazine!)


... connie z

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