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String shootout


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I've heard, and read the comments on BassPlayer magazine's "wind tasting?", string shootout. And I agree with some comments but, I agree that the brand of strings makes a big diffrence in tone/feel/$, and playability.


Who really are the 4 or so bass guitar string manufacturers????


This seems to be a very hush-hush/top secret topic. I know these manufacturers make strings to a buyer's specs. And, have experienced these differences through the years. And have my own preferences on nickel/ss/round/flats etc...I think it's great to have so many different types of strings to choose from, and it is overwhelming at times.



"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up." ~ Pablo Picasso

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You're one of them aren't you???

You gave yourself away with such a vague answer...

It's a conspiracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rumor has it that one of those 4 string manufactures isn't to far from my area...

Wish I knew for sure.



"Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face."

Harry Dresden, Storm Front

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Originally posted by jeremy c:

Each brand is made to different specs even if they are made in the same factory.

In many cases, the only difference in specs is the color of the ball or silk at either end of the string, or the box it is packaged in. The "manufactured to our specifications" racket is not very convincing to me anymore. Call me a cynical consumer.
- Matt W.
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Hey, looking like Skinner ain't such a bad thing. I have it on the authority of every X-phile girl I know that he's one hot, hot bald man.
For sale: 1992 or 1993 Carvin LB20F fretless 4-string with lines. Black with black hardware. Good player, fair amount of wear. $250 shipped.
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Ya'll (Texas thang) make me laugh and smile after a crappy day. I was just curious, and thought someone would know better than I. JC is in on the scam! Who woulda thunk?



"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up." ~ Pablo Picasso

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Originally posted by tatudbassman:

Jeremy probably knows the truth about JFK also! I'm scared...should I use a payphone to call the FBI?

why? the second you dial the last number they know where you are and they have a satellite fixed on your location to monitor you.

better get out the foil hat. :D

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