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No info on my bass

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Hiya. I just bought another bass, to practice on more than anything, but i cant seem to find any info about it anywhere on the web or anything. Was wondering if anyone might be able to help me out, tell me where to look and that. The bass is a Fender Power Jazz Bass Special. Anyone who can help, please let me know, thanks alot. :wave:
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lol, already been there and done that. I have just got onto someone at Fender to see if they can help. If i get and info back I am gonna post it, because there is a few people out there in the same situation.
Please check out my band PEYOTE at www.shithotrecords.co.uk/peyote. You can upload a profile+your bands tracks for FREE!
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You might want to pick through www.mrgearhead.net to see what you can turn up. There is a .pdf there of the Fender bass owners manual from the past that includes information about the Power Jazz Bass Special -- PJ config, pickup selector switch, passive/active electronics (3-position switch -- passive, active bass boost, active mid boost)...





PS: Yes, Matt, a Google search yields quite a bit of info, although some of those links are relatively uninformative.



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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great little .pdf on there about bass elements in genral. cheers mate


Originally posted by Dr. Sweet Willie:

You might want to pick through www.mrgearhead.net to see what you can turn up. There is a .pdf there of the Fender bass owners manual from the past that includes information about the Power Jazz Bass Special -- PJ config, pickup selector switch, passive/active electronics (3-position switch -- passive, active bass boost, active mid boost)...





PS: Yes, Matt, a Google search yields quite a bit of info, although some of those links are relatively uninformative.

Please check out my band PEYOTE at www.shithotrecords.co.uk/peyote. You can upload a profile+your bands tracks for FREE!
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A sarcasm graemlin would have been appropriate.


I was sort of agreeing with MoFoFunk because 4 pages of anything on Google is not very much information, especially if the subject at hand is a Fender bass.


And did you notice that the first hit was a 4 year old post seeking information?


Maybe I'm short on sleep. Thank you, S-UU, for coming to the rescue with the meaningful link to Mr. Gearhead.


I'm taking my ball and going home now. :P

- Matt W.
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Originally posted by Matt W:

A sarcasm graemlin would have been appropriate.


...And did you notice that the first hit was a 4 year old post seeking information?


...I'm taking my ball and going home now. :P



Don't go home! Stay and play some more!


My bad for missing the sarcasm boat, and leaving myself standing on the less-than-intuitive "dock of literal meaning".


I did note the link you've cited -- and I was duly amused.


Even the Mr. Gearhead .pdf isn't as enlightening as it could be about how those active eletronics work -- but it's probably enough if you've got one of those basses in your hands.






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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About that bass...I know that Duff Mkkaggen(sp) of Guns and roses and velvet revovler used one all through out guns. And when that finishes he messed around with musicman stingrays, gibson les paul basses, old ampeg a_b basses.

When velvet revolver formed he switched straight backto the fender for everything. HE even had three custom shop models made bases on the power jazz, but he still chooses the japanese model over the custom shop ones.

Hiram Bullock thinks I like the band volume too soft (but he plays guitar). Joe Sample thinks I like it way too loud (but he plays piano). -Marcus Miller
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  • 1 month later...

Sorry I am a bit late on the replies here, but I have been away for a while. I would like to thank everyone for all the help and info you have given me. The main thing I was looking for on this bass was when it was made, not much else. I still dont know for sure, but I am gonna use the serial number to try find that out.


Just as a general question, why do you think there is so little information about it on the internet, is this not unusual?




Please check out my band PEYOTE at www.shithotrecords.co.uk/peyote. You can upload a profile+your bands tracks for FREE!
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As to the lack of online info, I have done numerous searches for info on my basses, with numerous variances in spelling and punctuation, and I get very, very little.


Some stuff's online, some stuff's not. Depends how much it mattered to someone else.


As to the OP's query, I have played a couple of those through the years, seemed like a nice bass.

No additional info at present, but I'll dig through some books...







I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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  • 2 weeks later...

If anyone here would like to purchase a Fender Power Jazz Bass Special (made in Japan), I am considering selling mine.


On my bass, the neck is supported by graphite and the fretboard is ebony. The graphite pattern is visible in the headstock. The inlays look almost metallic (not sure what material is used here).


Whoever said there's not much to be said about these basses is wrong. This is such a very unique and rare Fender product.


BTW, mine has the serial E + 6 digits, which means 1984-87, I believe. But I didn't think these were around back then. Maybe this one was one of the first... but I am not sure.


If you're interested in mine don't reply here.

Please e-mail me instead:




I'm in Toronto, and I will ship it anywhere in North America for a total of $675 USD.

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