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New Year's Gigs

Wally Malone

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Just got back from Reno last night, a ten hour drive that normally takes five hours. Got on the Lowdown today and was surprised not to see a thread on New Year's gigs, so I thought I'd start one. I'll be playing with Lady Bo at JJ's in San Jose. We'll be doing a trio situation, guitar, bass & drums. The Mercury news A & E section today has Lady Bo as the top pick for New Year's Eve including the pick with a photo.


Where's everyone else gigging?



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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Got lucky this year. Actually, God blessed me.

I had to find subs for 2 gigs because i kept getting calls for better paying gigs.

I will be at the Bellagio with a Jazz/Funk Latin 5 piece band. Great sax player. SMOKIN' keyboard player ( plays with Alex Acuna's band) and otherwise happening rhythm section. Shoudl be fun. But it will be a madhouse. In addition to the general chaos, it's Vegas' 100th Anniversary. They expect 500,000 on the Strip.

I have to be at the gig at 3 pm to ensure I can get in fine! But hey, its a kickin' payday, so i don't mind. Happy New Year, Wally!!

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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Hi Wally! I take it you arrived without incident, just a long trip due to the weather? I hear it's really nasty right now in California.


On topic, I'm playing with my 80's/90's band in Portland, OR on New Year's Eve. The event is called the Champagne Ball . This is the 14th year in a row of said event and, according to some friends that have gone in years past, it owns much real estate. Should be a good time.

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I'll be at the Sharon Heights Country Club, Menlo Park, CA.


I suppose it is a party for the members. I'm beside myself with anticipation. :rolleyes:


But it's a six piece band playing Motown and Disco and I'm sure we'll manage a way to get down and get funky. :thu:


And we will definitely get a paycheck.


This will be my 40th New Year's Eve gig.

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I will be in Miami, playing for a band I used to be in. They are opening for George Clinton (is it still Parliament-Funkadelic?). Should be a good time, but you never know with this particular band.


Wish me luck.

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Originally posted by Bumpcity:

Hi Wally! I take it you arrived without incident, just a long trip due to the weather? I hear it's really nasty right now in California.

Bump, it was the snow that was the problem, chains were required. Actually the worst part of the drive was the last ten miles to my house. Bear Creek Road is a small and winding road up into the Santa Cruz mountains. With the heavy rain and winds there were branches coming down and some rock slides as well. I've lived here since 1978 and know to be careful when driving on Bear Creek Rd.


Wishing all of the Lowdowners a prosperous gigging 2005. :cool:



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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First time in about 3 years that I don't have a gig. I will be cooking a "shrimp spectacular" for my new bride. The menu is:


Champagne Cocktails (with Creme de Cassis)

Shrimp Cocktail

Shrimp Scampi

Shrimp in Alfredo Sauce over Angelhair Pasta Asparagas with Hollandaise Sauce.


We are planning a quiet evening at home...or maybe not TOO quiet if you know what I mean... ;):P:eek::D:love:

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Gigging tomorrow night at the Dug Out. It is our favorite place to play hands down, as the bar owner is fantastic. He gives us free pizza before we play if we like, sets up a cooler full of beer, pop, and water and keeps it filled all night, and lets us grab a pop or whatever else we want for the road home and pays us on top of it. Kevin is a great guy and we thank him and give him praise over the PA whenever we play there. He's also given us reference and gotten us two more gigs with other bars. :D I'm looking forward to the gig, and not looking forward to the hour drive home. Hopefully not any drunk drivers out or another snow storm. :( Then New Years Day, I get to spend with my wonderful wife and awesome 2 year old boy and relax. :thu:
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I'll be working at a club called

The Sunset Grill..... Seaford, Long Island

nice place ....we play there often during the year....

I think I'll bring mt B-2/ WW Ultra set up - a Sadowsky and maybe a passive P Bass??


Its a good pay night and we expect a big crowd but I am just happy to be playing....


Happy Hew Year to all......



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Now that 57pbass brought up equipment for the gig, I forgot to mention that I get to use, courtesy of Mark (Whappo), the Read Purity preamp, the Crest Audio amp and an Accugroove El Whappo along with my Tri-112. I talked to the sound man today and we both agreed that he most likely would not need to put me in the house mix since the room isn't that large. I'll be taking my Kubicki Ex-Factor and MusicMan Stingray. I'm ready for one fun gig. :cool:



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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ok, i'll play...

1. F bass BN5

2. Lakland 55-94

3, InCase Dub Bag

4. Gallien-Krueger 1001rbII

5. Accugroove Whappo Jr

6. Various "Real Books"

don't forget the music stand...

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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Playing the 'Palm Beach Princess' Cruise/Casino ship. We did a sound check/run thru tonight... had to make the entire cruise tho' - the ship was on its' regular schedule. Not a bad deal - we got the cruise, dinner and post gig drinks comped. Rough seas tho'.


Lakland Skyline DJ

Demeter Pre

QSC PLX 1602


(and the 'Ben-Loy' as backup, or maybe main?)



"I will be in Miami, playing for a band I used to be in."

Will you be around for a few days, or headed back right after?

I'm headed to Key West for 6 nights at "Margaritaville" on Monday. PM me if there's a chance you'll be around for a few days.




Confirmed RoscoeHead

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I'm taking...


my beloved Sadowsky

the Lakland fretless

the Walter Woods

the Alphaton SM-500 direct box

No upright for the first time in years.


Jim, give me a call, I just sent you my number.


Adrian, I'm serious. PM me.


Everybody drive carefully (if you must), it's the amateur hour out there tonight.

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No gig, no party, probably no cooking. As to other activities, I have no idea (thanks Steve - I didn't need to consider that! damn newly weds). I'll be home with the wife; no idea what the kids are up to. We usually spend NYE quietly at home.


Dan - say hi to the guys!


Jim - curious about how the 2 floor sound thing went/goes/whatever.


Thomas is serious about something, and meeting Jim, and hauling outstanding equipment in FL. Hmmmm. Got to get me to Rhode Island and have a talk with that boy some day. Or at least try his rig ;):P


Happy New Year to all!



Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Well I had an unofficial gig last night...at my apartment! haha yes I had a party and we had about 20 people over, and me and a guitar player friend of mine played for a few hours.


Everyone loved it and it was lots of fun. Everything was set up nicely in my living room. Had a chance to work out that yamaha keyboard I bought, the drum patches are amazingly workable when you add reverb and put it through an amplifier. I am very satisfied, best piece of gear I have bought to date.


Between Dave(guitar player) and I, we had some great sounds. He has his MIA Strat though a small marshall 30 watt combo, me with the jazz bass through my bass rig, and the keyboard through my hartke 60 watt practice amp.


Hope all of you that had gigs last night had a good show and returned home safely with all your gear. Happy new Year!

"The world will still be turning when you've gone." - Black Sabbath


Band site: www.finespunmusic.com

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welcome to a new year!

my gig went GREAT! smokin players... i love it when it sounds like a studio session onstage.. everyone was listening and playing with a lot of soul- easiest $ i have made in a while!

done by 1 am, but had to wait until 3 am when they opened up the Vegas Strip again...

the parade of evocatively dressed young ladies was quite awe striking... :eek:

where do they make these??? i know.. terribly sexist thing to say.. but it really helped the 2 hour wait for my car from valet...

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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Originally posted by bassaddik:

4. Gallien-Krueger 1001rbII

5. Accugroove Whappo Jr

Hey Adrian, can you say a few words about this combination? Strengths, weaknesses, general description?


Wally, how'd your gig go? Who saw more time -- the Kubicki or the 'Ray? How did the rig work out for you? You seemed pretty excited about this one when we spoke a couple of weeks ago.






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Originally posted by SteveC:

Are you sure they were ladies....you never know in Vegas. :eek:

LOL! well, yeah, i gotta say, if they were fakes, i was fooled...

still, we kept seeing them go by and saying " good doctor, good doctor!! " ;)

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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Originally posted by Dr. Sweet Willie:

Originally posted by bassaddik:

4. Gallien-Krueger 1001rbII

5. Accugroove Whappo Jr

Hey Adrian, can you say a few words about this combination? Strengths, weaknesses, general description?

KILLER! i had to simplify my rig, my QSC/ EBS rig was huge by the time i added a furman power conditioner. I am a huge fan of the GK sound, in fact, i just resigned on with them as an endorser :cool:

the 1001rb gave me plenty of headroom, i have recently even used a 700rb with great results.. hence my switch to GK again- i had teh 2001 rb for a few days , but that was big and heavy and the 1001 is perfect- got the little carrying bag for it and i love it- of course, the Accugroove is always simply outstanding, Played the F bass all night. i was quite pleased with the tone and even when we got going, it handled the volume just fine.

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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Happy New Year, LDers!


New Years Eve -

The Good, the Bad, and the (very) Ugly


Good - Great crowd, great musical fun, great food!! The owner was very pleased. The potential problem with an extension cab never surfaced. I ended up using a 100 watt Combo from the Show Stage that had a DI. We ended up with an extra channel on the board when the guitarist decided not use his acoustic. There was a CerwinVega 18" sub down below. If anything it was too much, to my ears. Also good was not having to schlep gear up 4 flights of (sometimes) very narrow/very steep steps.


Bad (or at the least, very weird)- The stage was 15 feet above the audience on top of the Lido Deck Bar at the same level as the bridge. PA speakers were at the lip of the stage, pointed down. (Thankfully, it had plexi walls on the sides... more about that in the UGLY). The stage sound was just plain wierd, but it sounded great on deck.


The Ugly - 8 to 10 foot swells with a 20 kt wind, gusting to 30kt. It wasn't too bad on the lower decks (although there were many who would gladly argue that point with me :eek: ) - but when you are 30-40 feet above the water line that "gentle" rocking motion becomes something from "6 Flags over TX. We HAD to sit the entire time - and still we had to balance ourselves. Funny how the effects of alcohol cancelled out the rolling motions on the part of the dancers!! I never saw one go down... maybe some questionable dance moves, but I've seen worse on a stable dance floor.


The VERY Ugly - I didn't know there were so many, MANY, shades of green!!! Unfortunately - they were all on the face of our drummer :freak:

What a trooper!!, tho' I doubt he'll sign up again.


Adrian: you did the Cruise Ship thing - wanna trade next year? (yeah, right!)


Thomas: How did your gig go? Got the PM - talk with you soon.




Confirmed RoscoeHead

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Willie, the gig was great! Both basses got about equal time. This was the first time we've been back to this club since the new owners took over. We really wow'd them. After this gig I'm definitely ready to go the separates route of power and pre. It's great having all that headroom. The sound man was totally impressed with the Accugrooves, he commented that the cabs had all the frequencies covered and sounded real natural. Again, Happy New Year to all and a "basserrific" 2005.
I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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JBFLA, you're too kind! but no thanks.. ;)

i have played many a cruise ship, done my fair share of chumming the watter and feeding the fihies... :freak:

this would not have helped you at all last night, but i spent many an hour holding on the the ladder of a cruiseship swimming pool. The only place onboard that was level...and i could feel human.

I once would have glady given 20 times my pay to have been airlifted from a rocking cruiseship.

Triptone before any cruise, i say. EVERYTIME. If you take it after you feel queasy, it's too late, brother.

Praise ye the LORD.

....praise him with stringed instruments and organs...

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.

excerpt from- Psalm 150

visit me at:


for His glory

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First time in about 3 years that I don't have a gig. - SteveC
It's been three years for me also. Spent a nice evening with close friends - asleep by 10:30.

My wife had a fire call at about 11:45 and I struggled to stay awake till midnight but I made it. :)


Happy New Year All!

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Happy New Year to all...

Our show went very well...The place was very very crowded -

$50. per person for open bar and buffet and live band from 9:30 PM until 2:30 AM.

Needless to say there where lots of drunks at our show dancing the night away...but we all had a great time.

Wally... what settings do you favor on the Factor.. I love the active notch #2 setting...one of my favorites...

JBFLA ..sorry to hear about the rough seas...



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