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Ozark LowDown gathering?


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This may be a bit far out...


Tower of Power has a show scheduled for May 1, 2005 in Fayetteville, AR, at George's Majestic Lounge. Their last trip to Tulsa was in 2001 - so I'm anxious to see them again.


That's a reasonable road trip from Tulsa so I plan to be there. And, what the heck, it's a good excuse for a get together.


Any takers?

- Matt W.
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Not out of the question yet for me. Its about an 8 hr. drive and prime gig season for local festivals though. I would like the chance to meet some low downers.


Maury- If memory serves Fayetteville is a college town as far as things to do go. Also, if you like Bluegrass (music :D ), about every third person you meet will be an absolutely hellified banjo/mandolin/guitar picker and probably a good fiddler too.





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Maury - if you can make it, dat would be da bOMb! It would be ever mor da BoMB if you had enough miles to charter a bird and bring the rest of the NYC area crew with you.


Fayetteville.com offers good information & travel planning. However, it doesn't offer much info about other things to do.


As far as Fayetteville entertainment goes, I have no idea. Most people go to Arkansas for fly-fishing or retirement. Chances are, I work with someone who knows the area. I'll ask around.

- Matt W.
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Originally posted by Matt W:

...to charter a bird and bring the rest of the NYC area crew with you.


Dig it, if Maury was to charter a bird and share the joy with the rest of us out here, we would most likely not direct the pilot to the Ozarks (although we might have a civil discussion about whether to pick you up). We would probably want to see what the luthiers in Hawaii are doing with quality koa, or perhaps sample some steel drum grooves in the Caribbean... You get the picture?!




Another healthy dose of Luv brought to you by the S to the U to the U.






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Point taken... and with the weather we have today I won't protest.


Bill Conklin will be disappointed when I cancel the luncheon at his shop. And I'll notify Gibson to cancel our executive tour of the new Tobias factory in Conway.



- Matt W.
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Hot as Sh**! over here too



but it's a good life isn't it Mr. Automatic Teller Machine'




"You can go a long way with a smile. You can go a lot farther with a smile and a gun." - Al Capone





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You know Matt, I was just daydreaming of having a great big LowDown gettogether the other day. Of course, this daydream also involved me winning the lottery and picking up the check for hotel rooms and meeting room and other things.


I had thought about someplace in the central US (sorry to our overseas brethren,) and came up with Duluth, MN. It could coincide with either the Bayside Blues Fest or Rock The Range . From the looks of things, we probably could do the Rock The Range all by ourselves. Other than my personal knowledge of the Northland, we would have others from the area, even a music shop owner, Donut, who would have his finest in basses and gear at no-haggle pricing.


Families and bands welcome, even encouraged to come. Lots for them to do in the area after meeting the faces behind the avatars. After the three day event, should any be brave enough, I would give a personal tour of the Northland that I love so much. Show you what it really means to be in the middle of nowhere.


Ah, well. Such are the day dreams while driving to work.


Hey Spooky, changes in lattitude, right? You only have to use the Mr. when making the machine reference, otherwise I'm just



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Let me know if you need some sponsorhip, um, after I win that lottery.


I know that anyone else making this show is a HUUUUUGE longshot, but I'm having fun trying to be the social coordinator!

- Matt W.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Very cool, Matt. I saw them in '96 here in Detroit - just freakin awesome...



I played in an 8 piece horn band. We would often get bored. So...three words:

"Tower of Polka." - Calumet

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