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Does anyone else find the schecter website offensive?


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It's sites like that -- and even more especially the latest Guitar World's Buyers Guide (that is sent to us for free -- how ironic is that?!) -- that reminds me why there aren't more women in rock music. At least the bass magazines seem to downplay the girlie thing, but guitar mags and companies can't seem to help themselves. Maybe that's why there are so many female bassists! :thu:


I guess anymore I'm not so much offended by it as I am tired of having to see it. I know sex sells, but it would be nice if people tried to be a little more creative in their promotion once in a while. Not everyone enjoys staring at a half-naked porn star straddling a guitar. :rolleyes:

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I almost can't believe that I'm about to drop myself in to this can of worm all over again, but I feel compelled to add the following statements:


My Grandfather fought in WW2

My Father was in the Royal Navy and served at the time of the Falklands conflict

My Uncle was in the Army


And I resent companies like Schecter presenting War to us all as some kind of fashion statement.


I could point out that the Falklands war was a pointless gesture and a criminal waste of human life; fighting for a place that Britain had never cared much for before, or cared much for since. The true purpose of that War was to sell Margaret Thatcher as a "strong wartime leader' in the 1983 elections.


Schecter says "God Bless Our Troops'; and I hope that the same God (whoever that entity may be) blesses us all, whether we are British, German, Argentinian, American, or Iraqi.


War – what is it good for? Absolutely nothing.

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Well said, Amy.


And ya know, there are many ways to be inclusive to women and still get the attention of us men...


For example...


Two of my favorite blues artists just happen to be women. Sue Foley and Bonnie Raitt are both great blues guitarists. The are both very attractive women, made even more sexy by the soulful way they express themselves through their singing and their chosen instrument.


I believe that the 'thinking male' would find a website with a few snaps of great female artists, performing and endorsing guitars, far more appealing on many levels, than the sad attempt at exciting 14 year old males that the Schecter site employs.


Time to get out their and get some serious endorsements from a few bass makers, Amy. And maybe we'll get to see what a truly appealing instrument manufacturer's webstie looks like.

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Originally posted by DJ-Wood:

And I resent companies like Schecter presenting War to us all as some kind of fashion statement.

Now that I can agree with.


Edendude, I think most manufacturer's websites are actually pretty decent. In recent memory, I've checked out Fender, Godin, Music Man, Dave Wendler's, Warwick, Nordstrand, Celinder, Alembic, etc. These sites all look very professional, & give a good look at the instruments; that appeals to me. (I've also looked at Epiphone's, which is a little cheesy, but quite acceptable.) I think you find this sort of thing on the sites of makers whose main line of business is selling cheap but "wicked looking" guitars to pubescent males who are on the prowl for a cheap but wicked looking guitar. When that's the demographic, the marketing department is quick to take things quickly downhill from there.


And of course they're all idiots.

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My point was more to echo Amy's suggestion that, yes sex sells, but companies need not be so one-dimensional and juvenile in their approach when they do use sex to sell. You can reach a wider potential market by using sexuality in more subtle, creative, and suggestive ways.


To me frankly, a photo of Sue Foley rockin' out with her Strat, or Sheryl Crow or Amy playing their basses live, is far more interesting to me, both as a musician and as a hetrosexual male, than anything on that Schecter website, or any of the websites that use porn stars and bikini-clad bimbettes to help sell instruments. And live performance imagery of Sue Foley, Sheryl, and Amy is probably not at all offensive to women, and may even be viewed as role-model imagery by many women. It's a no-brainer.


I mean...


What's sexier as a way to sell vocal mics, for example, a photo of Norah Jones' face singing into a vocal mic, or some silcone sister holding a vocal mic as if it were a glorious phallic?


Or maybe I'm wrong...


Maybe the modern Western male is stuck in some kind of pre-pubescent holding pattern. I pity all those women out there if that's the case and the marketers behind the Schecter website have it right.

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I hate talking about this kind of crap but, I need to say something. The Schecter site I didn't find offensive. I couldn't even wait for it to download before I left. I didn't think it was a big deal. It just didn't interest me but, maybe if I was interested in one of their instruments I would of just zipped to what I was looking for.


If you don't like it don't look at it. If it sticks around then you're the minority and you have to live with it. It's not like they are showing up on your door step to push it down your throat. Everywhere you look their is stupid crap. You have Jerry Springer how long has that garbage been on TV. Their must be a lot of people who like it or it wouldn't be on. I personally HATE reality TV but it sells. It is all over the place. One of NBC's most successful shows is hot chicks in bikinis eating goat eyes and other crap. I don't watch but, someone must be watching it. Oh yea almost forgot wasn't Baywatch the most popular show in the world at one time. So, there you have it the whole world likes sex go figure.


One more thing if you are going to sit hear and tell me that you were looking for something and you are a heterosexual male and the page you clicked on had a very attractive woman on it either naked or half naked. you wouldn't look? I think any man would. If you don't like my opinion that's too bad.

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Geez, somebody pee in your cornflakes this morning? Sure, there's stupid crap like this everywhere, and most of the time, most of us just look the other way and go about our business if we don't like something. That doesn't mean you can't bitch to your friends once in awhile (including online friends) about how lame it is. It's not like anybody's proposing we storm Schecter's headquarters with hoods and flaming pitchforks demanding they take down their web site. :D
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The really interesting thing is...


DJ-Wood made a post that was intellectually stimulating enough to get us all debating that dorky website, and the greater issues that surround that kind of advertising in the music biz and beyond.


It's great to have a discussion where male and female musicans can debate such an interesting issue openly.


I wish there were more interesting discussions on this forum, where the girls and boys all come out to play together and to hang out and debate shit like this.




The bimbette crap on that adolescent Schecter page doesn't draw me in at all man, I gotta say. I'm so desensitized to all those air-brushed skinny silicone injected bimbos in mainstream media now, that I just just breeze on by that crap nowdays.


And yeah, I'm guilty of staring just a little too long at all those great Carly Simon LP covers in the old days, but there's nothing anywhere that good to look at on the Schecter site.


On the other hand...


Diana Krall in a black evening dress at the piano in Paris, Norah Jones belting it out at The House of Blues, or Sue Foley shakin' and stompin' while rippin' out a blazing blues guitar solo...


Now THAT melts my butta, man!


Not sayin' other images of the female form don't catch my eye, but the stuff on that Schecter page is more likley to make me laugh out loud and move on quickly, than anything else, bro.


And just to make a point...


Find me one image on that Schecter site that's as sexy as this one...




And I'm betting that none of the women here find that image even remotely offensive.

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Originally posted by Lee Flier:

Geez, somebody pee in your cornflakes this morning? Sure, there's stupid crap like this everywhere, and most of the time, most of us just look the other way and go about our business if we don't like something. That doesn't mean you can't bitch to your friends once in awhile (including online friends) about how lame it is. It's not like anybody's proposing we storm Schecter's headquarters with hoods and flaming pitchforks demanding they take down their web site. :D

Exactly. It seems like a lot of people got bent out of shape over Schecter's web site and made a big deal about it.


It's dicussions like this that gives me the attitude of someone who had their corn flakes peeed in. When we should be discussing music, musicians and gear and not how that music or gear is marketed.


Topics like this create a rift between people like in the posts above. Talk about positive things. I have enough in my life to bitch about I don't anymore. So, stop this already and talk about music and playing and how when you pick up that bass (Sorry Lee it's a bass forum) you don't think about anything while you are playing but music. Everything else doesn't seem to matter at that time.


I'm done and good day. Oh yea have Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. (I hope I didn't offend any of our Jewish members)

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Obviously, DJ-Would, Lee, Edendude, etc. are all right. They have a monopoly on what is moral and correct.


And Edendude is right, anyone who voted for Bush is a war-mongering homophobe. He should know since he lives in the... oh wait... that's right.


A company like Schecter is wrong. It's obvious. Anyone who has support for the war is wrong. How could they be right?


You don't like the Schecter website? Don't buy a Schecter. Or, you could bitch and moan like a teenager that just got grounded.


Seriously, I'm not sure what the big deal is. Schecter's management, whether for marketing purposes or personal belief, decided to show support for something "political." That's their right and their risk to take. You don't like it? Good, don't buy a product.


I personally think it's a bad marketing move; whenever you take a stand on something "political" you alienate 50% of your audience; ask Linda Ronstadt. Ask the importers of Grey Goose vodka if they're happy with recent sales.


That's just the way it is; it's been that way since the early 60s.


Learn to respect other peoples' beliefs. Doesn't mean you have to like them or support them.



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wonderful. political sniping about mysogyny in rock from the country that brought us "the darkness." are you the same guy who said american sports fans were animals when lakers fans rioted in los angeles?


yes, this does belong on the SSS but i have to say my peace.


the artwork on the schecter website, as previously noted, is nose and tail art from WWII warplanes, bombers specifically which explains the bomb motif. it's a legitimate piece of american history and i am not offended by it at all. in fact i find being offended by it to be the small minded and intolerant.


as for bush, he recieved a greater percentage of the popular vote than any other candidate in the last few decades. even more than the bill clinton everyone seems to remember as a great president.


as for the actions of the current american president, i would rather have someone who acts in what he sees as the interest of the country he governs as opposed to caving to international pressure and sending young american men and women to die in places we have no business in.


i could get nationalistic and piss everyone off too, but i'll keep my nose in my own backyard and not worry about what i find to be offensive about other peoples national interest.

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Originally posted by wraub:

I like to play bass.







Then why on earth are you posting on a political forum? Keep your filthy habits to yourself!


Oh... wait.. what's that? Oops, sorry...



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Originally posted by getz76:

Obviously, DJ-Would, Lee, Edendude, etc. are all right. They have a monopoly on what is moral and correct.

Say WHAT? Why is it that if someone expresses a personal opinion (which is all I did), some people have to see it as a call to arms or a moral edict? Just because I feel how I feel doesn't mean I expect anyone else to, or that I think Schecter should be banned or their web site taken down, or anything of the sort.


You don't like the Schecter website? Don't buy a Schecter.

OK, I won't. :D


Or, you could bitch and moan like a teenager that just got grounded.
Telling your friends on a BBS that you don't like the site is bitching and moaning like a teenager? It's one thread on one BBS, and people do sometimes like to vent. That's ALL this is.


Seriously, I'm not sure what the big deal is.

There IS no big deal. Some people don't like Schecter's web site, and expressed their feelings on one thread of one BBS.


I personally think it's a bad marketing move; whenever you take a stand on something "political" you alienate 50% of your audience; ask Linda Ronstadt.

Agreed. And that's all most people were saying. Other than talking about gender issues which COULD have been an interesting discussion if it hadn't been derailed into a political pissing match (and it was derailed by people on both ends of the political spectrum so I'm not taking sides there).


Learn to respect other peoples' beliefs. Doesn't mean you have to like them or support them.

Umm... pot? Kettle? Black? You and a few others seem to be the ones who can't even stand to HEAR a dissenting view or read a thread about it. You could read some other thread if you don't like this one, just like we can buy some other company's instruments if we don't like what Schecter stands for. I don't care if Schecter wants to keep their site the way it is - ergo, I respect their right to believe what they want and promote themselves the way they want, and I'm not writing them angry letters saying they should take down their site or they're all a bunch of sexist pigs. That doesn't mean (as you said yourself) I have to like or support what they do, or that I'm "whining" if I agree with some pals on a BBS that I think the site sucks.


Geez. :D

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Honestly, the last time I checked out Schecter's website, I didn't even notice any of the girly stuff; I just went to the wiring diagram of the bass I was demoing.

I guess that's where my interest was/is.

My best friend reps Schecter.

I was playing a Schecter Hellcat thru a Speedster 25w amp today; sweet.

Nice guitars for the money. The USA ones are really, really nice (but alot more $'s; played a "Strat" with Seymour Duncan QP's).

The same company who owns the plant that make Schecter's in Korea, own the factory that makes ESP's.

What are you more interested in, guitars or girly cartoons?

"Start listening to music!".

-Jeremy C

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Originally posted by Santa Critic:

Originally posted by Edendude:

Maybe their target market is the 14 year old American male demographic.


Pretty sad, as you suggest.

Aren't there any horney 14 year old Canadian males who play guitar?
I can assure you there are plenty of horny 14 year old Canadian males ;)

I think this thread is pretty funny. Maybe it belongs in SSS, but it would get killed over there. It's slightly less dumb over here, although some people are still getting pretty excited.

The whole national pride portion of the thread made me laugh a little; sure it's great to support your country but are you going to support things you don't agree with just because you love your country? I would be proud to live in a country where people stand up for what they believe in, not what their oh-so-amazing elected officials believe in. Then again, maybe I'm missing something... I'm not old enough to vote... maybe one day I'll understand...

I think I have to echo Edendude on the whole using sex for advertising issue... it'd be way hotter to see some cool female musicians endorsing products then some porn-star who doesn't even know how to hold a guitar. I'm one of those teenagers who's supposed to only be after "cheap, wicked-looking guitars" too, so maybe that somehow makes my point more valid :freak:

And to magically make my thread PC, I hope I didn't offend anyone :D

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Originally posted by Lee Flier:

Umm... pot? Kettle? Black? You and a few others seem to be the ones who can't even stand to HEAR a dissenting view or read a thread about it.

Lee, I love dissenting views. Honestly. What I hate is stereotypes; not all those "crazy" people who voted for a certain candidate are war-mongering homophobes. Just like all those "crazy" people who voted for the other certain candidate are dirty, jobless hippies. Just like all professional musicians aren't drug-addicted deviants. Just like all certified public accountants are uptight white dudes. Sweeping generalizations were made, no?


E-dude, chill. You're the master of trying to "slyly" get a backhanded comment regarding anything you don't agree with, whether it be gear, religion or politics. The track record includes calling Christians unenlighted, calling a candidate a monkey, and telling someone that their gear preference is equivalent to enjoying eating feces. But yes, I did miss the point if it was a valid one; it seemed to me like you just wanted to take a quick swipe at the majority of Americans.



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Originally posted by getz76:

Originally posted by Lee Flier:

Umm... pot? Kettle? Black? You and a few others seem to be the ones who can't even stand to HEAR a dissenting view or read a thread about it.

Lee, I love dissenting views. Honestly. What I hate is stereotypes; not all those "crazy" people who voted for a certain candidate are war-mongering homophobes. Just like all those "crazy" people who voted for the other certain candidate are dirty, jobless hippies. Just like all professional musicians aren't drug-addicted deviants. Just like all certified public accountants are uptight white dudes. Sweeping generalizations were made, no?


E-dude, chill. You're the master of trying to "slyly" get a backhanded comment regarding anything you don't agree with, whether it be gear, religion or politics. The track record includes calling Christians unenlighted, calling a candidate a monkey, and telling someone that their gear preference is equivalent to enjoying eating feces. But yes, I did miss the point if it was a valid one; it seemed to me like you just wanted to take a quick swipe at the majority of Americans.



You go Maury :thu:
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The majority of Americans are big enough to take it. :rolleyes: For advertising purposes, a picture like Edendude posted would be more likely interest me in a brand of gear than would Schecters lame attempt, although schecters doesn't offend me. But I'm 50 so I doubt they're talking to me. How about a picture of Tina Weymouth layin' it down? I love her sound and would be interested in what kind of gear she uses.





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Originally posted by getz76:

Just like all certified public accountants are uptight white dudes. Sweeping generalizations were made, no?

OK, bad example.




I kid! I kid!


But seriously, you know who's fun to stereotype? Them Italians! Don't get me started! ;)

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Originally posted by clatteramy:

Aren't we entitled to our opinion without getting flamed for it?

As long as the opinion agrees with mine and therefore is correct, I have no problem with people expressing their opinions here or anywhere else for that matter.

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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