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'Tis the Season for ... GAS!

Cthulhu Fhtagn

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OK, boys and girls. Time for that time honored tradition, the winter holiday, gift-giving season! Since ther are only 17 blue state or 15 red state shopping days until the observed non-demoninational winter solstice and/or fertility rite as recognized by most local, state and federal municipalities, let us hear what everyone one would like to see that wonderful Saturday morning under their winter holiday tree, bush, shrub, rock, complicated candlestick and/or milking goat.


(Notice how "red" states have "blue" laws and the "blue" states have the better "red" light districts? Hmmmm.)


I am angling towards a Boss Flanger and a set of flatties for the 4 string. In the stocking, some essentials (polish, string lube, fret polish and a winder and maybe some Dunlop 2mm). I would rather have a Warwick Thumb fretless (test drove one at GC in Seattle over turkey day), but that ain't happening this year.


What did you wisper in his ear when no one was watching?


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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I put in for a high quality gig bag (Mooradian or maybe Road Runner). Also Levin's book "Beyond The Bass Clef". I don't expect either to show up, but you never know.


Best wishes to all for a great holiday season :thu:




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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A Nordstrand NJ5 Deluxe. ;)


Most of tnb's gear. :D


Some of getz76's gear. :wave:


Oh, almost forgot, my family's continued and undying love and affection. That always comes in handy! :cool::D


World peace would be nice, too. I don't know if Santa's up to the challenge yet.






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Peace on Earth, a chicken in every pot, and two cars in every garage.


Oh yeah, an Ibanez SR855

Don't look back. You never know what might be gaining on you.

- Terry Pratchett: Going Postal


A good bass player knows the notes not to play. - Nick St. Nicholas



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Originally posted by 44 hurts:

...and two cars in every garage.

I'm with your other requests but this one?!! :confused:


Give it 10 years and it'll be fulfilled with a side order of melted ice caps whilst the sound of thousands of wells being sucked dry plays in the background...



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I don't disagree with you at all, Alex. After all, I am a good tree-hugging, pinko, hippie, liberal, Califonian.


Just recycling some old political campaign slogans as holiday wishes.


Except for the 5 string. That's for me.

Don't look back. You never know what might be gaining on you.

- Terry Pratchett: Going Postal


A good bass player knows the notes not to play. - Nick St. Nicholas



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Optimistically, a multi-course bass (probably an 8), a nice Strat, and a bunch of effects.


Realistically, Ultimate guitar stand, some effects patch cables, and one effect pedal. Maybe.






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Originally posted by 44 hurts:

I am a good tree-hugging, pinko, hippie, liberal, Califonian.

Ah! Good. :) If I'd taken a moment longer to think about your signature I'd have realised! Is TP popular in the USA? That's the only one I haven't read - waiting for the paperback to be published, in my miserly manner...



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Boss TU-2, my new rig (whatever it may end up being...hey this is a WISH list, right?), a pre-Gibson Toby Pro 5 to jerk around with, a G5 loaded with Nuendo and/or ProTools, a quality set of cans since my last pair were stolen, a new case for my Ibanez since my SKB is cracking all over, and a pair of Bermuda shorts.
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Originally posted by C. Alexander Claber:

[qb] Is TP popular in the USA? That's the only one I haven't read - waiting for the paperback to be published, in my miserly manner...


I own them all and turned my mother-in-law on the Terry's work. She loves them and is 76 years old. There seems to a fairly large audience here in the colonies. Going Postal is up to his standards, at least. You will enjoy it.


That's a good GAS item, too. A complete set of TP hardcover, and the ability to laugh at life, for everyone.

Don't look back. You never know what might be gaining on you.

- Terry Pratchett: Going Postal


A good bass player knows the notes not to play. - Nick St. Nicholas



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I do not want what I haven't got....


Which makes me a very hard person to shop for.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Well, I whispered "Please help all women and guitar players to find and hold onto their sanity." Hey, if you're gonna wish . . . .


Christmas is a special time for me. I always buy myself something musical because I know nobody else will shell out for it. This year, I bought myself a 2000 watt power amp.


After blowing up one of my GK heads a couple weeks ago, I played a gig with my Fender combo that was horrid. I was searching for tone all night (RhinoRob will attest to that) and never really found it. So, now, I join the Power Amp Club (PAC) and will use my BP200 for tone. Also, my latest cab, Blonde-zooka, will be done tomorrow so I can pretty much start with a rig that guarentees hours of fine tuning and experimentation.


Ho, Ho, Ho!!

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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Some money to put the final touches on my OLP MM2... new strings (thinking about going back to some roundwounds... of the Rotosound variety), finally get that blasted SD MM replacement pickup's preamp (already got the pickups), and a new tuner (one of them broke off, I have to use a wrench to tune my D).


Wouldn't mind an acoustic guitar... but if I get enough money for all of those bass deals, I'll be happy... oh, and I want a Motown boxset!

In Skynyrd We Trust
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I've actually been playing alot more git-box lately (dont worry i'm still a bassist!) so things i want are a new amp ,going for the Traynor (yorkville) YCV80 (80 tube guitar watts, more than any person should ever need) and maybe a nice multi-effect unit (only having distortion and clean can get a tad boring on guitar). I'd also like some emg hz buckers as the stock pickups in my epiphone sg special are a tad noisy. Although all that im really going to get is the amp.


For bass though i've been wanting this Yorkville amp for a while but since im playing g***** in my current band i dont't really need a big bass amp, even so i think i'll be getting my bass amp for my birthday in March. Some multi-effects for bass wouldnt be an unworthy investment either maybe some new pickups or a new preamp for my bass would be cool, not really because i need them, little julie sounds great already, just would be nice to try something new.


I've also been wanting a decent A/D (analog to digital) converter for pc recording ever since i downloaded Audacity . Great program but since I'm plugging straight into the mic input on my pc with a 1/4" to 1/8" cable the sound quality is absolute shite.


peace and merry/joyous/happy/insert positive adjective here winter holiday to all.

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Originally posted by PickPunk:

Traynor (yorkville) YCV80 (80 tube guitar watts, more than any person should ever need)

I use and have a YCV40 (40-watt, 1x12" combo). It's plenty of power for pretty much anything, so you might want to consider. Same preamp as the YCV80. It's under 50 lbs.


I've let both of my guitarist use the amp on stage. Also, it was used for recording chancer's CD for one of the guitar's clean-sounds.


The only thing with the amp is servicing; I know where the preamp tubes are, but it would take several hours of work to get to them. ;)

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