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OT - ouch


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I just wanted to say that I bruised my ribs a few days ago and it's one of the most unpleasent things I've ever done to myself. It hurts to breathe, especially deeply. It hurts to move in certain ways. Ouch. During the gig I did last night I think I hung out by the drummer's hihat and didn't move more than about a foot because I was in agony. Kids, don't bruise your ribs. It's not a good thing.
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Sorry to hear about your pain. A shame...really. :(


I'll also throw in the obligatory comment: what doesn't kill ya', makes ya' stronger. (What a load of crap, that. Let me know when you feel like you've become stronger... :P;):D )


You left out a crucial bit of info, especially given your warning to us about not bruising our ribs: How'd ya' bruise your ribs? :confused:






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Jeez, mang, I'm surprised that you didn't break a couple of ribs getting into Ichiro's wheelhouse like that in an insane attempt to bring home #258 as a souvenir! ;):D


Stay off the field at Safeco! You're safer in the stands!


Peace. :cool:




Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Originally posted by Dr. Sweet Willie:

Originally posted by Mike H.:

...I pulled a couple muscles in my right forearm at work...

Hmmmm, pulled a couple of forearm muscles at work, eh? What kind of "work" are you talking about there, Mike? :eek::P;):D




Ah, yes, I left the door wide open didn't I? :rolleyes::P I work at Acme Tool Crib (yes, Acme isn't just a Looney Tunes invention) managing the warehouse, and in the process of tearing down some scaffolding, I lifted a piece wrong and it went over backwards on me along with my arm.
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DCR and getz76 both win the Double Secret Probation Prize (whatever the hell it is).


Drinking many, many, many beverages with some friends 'round the house and I decided at some point that I really needed to get up and go somewhere. I somehow managed to fall and caught myself with my right hand on the corner where the hallway starts. My body was moving forward at such a rate, and my reflexes were obviously not so great at the moment, that my chest slammed into the knuckles of my right hand. Enter bruised ribs and a slightly bruised ego. I recall thinking to myself, "Ouch, that's going to hurt tomorrow". I was correct in this assumption.


There you have it. I'm a dumbass. Totally self-inflicted due to my own stupidity. See, stupidity sometimes is very painful!

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There you have it. I'm a dumbass.

Aw, Bump, don't sell yourself short. We all still think of you as a smartass. :D


Take it easy and don't overdo it there, construction boy. Now I'm slightly nervous about the home improving. Did you see a doctor?

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So... Bump... in other words... you punched yourself in the ribs? Are you harboring some self-hate?


Now say it with me:

"I refuse to beat myself up. I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and, doggone it, people like me."



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Originally posted by JulieCat:

There you have it. I'm a dumbass.

Aw, Bump, don't sell yourself short. We all still think of you as a smartass. :D




Good one, Julie.


Here's a bit of homeopathic advice. Go to the Health Food Store and get some Boiron Arnica Gel. Rub it in and you'll see.

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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I hear ya bro.


I got hit by a motorcycle a few years back, its handlebars made good contact with my ribs. (funny thing is, i was carring some KFC and didn't drop crumb, even though i was spun right out).


It bloody hurts!


In the topic of pain, i once played a show the day after breaking my right hand. I just stuffed a pick in and did it that way.

Check out my work in progress.
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i feel your pain , i dislocated 3 of my ribs playng rugby when i was about 17 still gives me grief to this day,

however they make a cool noise whenever i lean back in a chair like someone cracking their fingers, lol

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I'll see your bruised ribs and raise you blatant stupidity. I was running through a mall parking lot (to retrieve a diaper bag, damnit!) and tried to do the O.J./Hertz leap over a low shrub and hit the curb wrong. The fact that there were a scudzillion people watching this didn't help matters.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Saturday I was fighting in our annual Coronation Tourney. One of my opponents (who I later found out was primarily trained in rapier combat, a style which allows thrusting) stabbed me in the left side of my chest with a broadsword.This is not a good thing. Even though these are blunt weapons, the point tore through my chain mail and gambeson (a padded shirt worn under armour) and impacted one of my ribs.


Fortunately, the result was merely a superficial scratch about 8 long and sore muscles and rib. But I had 2, four hour rehearsal sessions yesterday!


So Bump, you have my empathy! :D



Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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Originally posted by CMDN:

So... Bump... in other words... you punched yourself in the ribs?

You know, it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt.


Then it's hilarious. :D


Way to go champ! TOUCHDOWN! :D


I have buddies that have had to have major dental work after spending a bit too much time consuming liquid refreshments.


Of course, they were about 10 years younger than you. :D

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Originally posted by CMDN:

So... Bump... in other words... you punched yourself in the ribs? Are you harboring some self-hate?


Now say it with me:

"I refuse to beat myself up. I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and, doggone it, people like me."

Well... I.. uhhhh...


I'm not good enough, I need to practice more, but doggone it, people seem to like me.


Originally posted by getz76:

Originally posted by CMDN:

So... Bump... in other words... you punched yourself in the ribs?

You know, it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt.


Then it's hilarious. :D


Way to go champ! TOUCHDOWN! :D


I have buddies that have had to have major dental work after spending a bit too much time consuming liquid refreshments.


Of course, they were about 10 years younger than you. :D

I hate you Maury. ;):D:D
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I love these war stories :D


Bump, you have my deepest sympathy about your ribs. I couldn't breathe properly for a week after my black belt grading. Ooooh it hurt...


I've got a really cool cracking sound that emenates from my sternum when I stretch, it makes my wife go "stop that, it sounds horrible" ;)


Running after drinking beer, was it? Isn't it amazing the silly things that go through our minds after a bit of carbo loading :D

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Originally posted by chewstermaniac:

funny thing is, i was carring some KFC and didn't drop crumb, even though i was spun right out)

just as long as the fried chicken was saved.


Thats all that matters. :D

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My sympathies Bump.


About a month ago, I was cleaning up some stuff in the living room. This room (and others in my house) are in something of an uproar owing to some recently done home improvements. So as I'm vacuuming and moving boxes around, I step backwards. And there is this really long curtain rod on the floor with the end sticking up. I hit it with the edge of my heel and stop, but not before opening a 2 inch flap of skin. Lots of bleeding. I run outside and call the wife to help me bandage it (cause it hurts like hell and I want to raise it and ice it). She says "I'll be right there - soon as I clean the blood off the new ceramic kitchen floor tile (I didn't blame her a bit). So this thing had to be bandaged for about 3 weeks because of where it is. I limped for a week, and used a shoehorn to get footwear on. I was lucky because it was superficial - nothing important damaged.


Feel better!



Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Oh yeah, if you wanna feel better about yourself, Bumpy, check this out.


I did a landscaping job all summer because I was out of work. I spent my days up to my eyeballs in all kinds of icky weeds and various plants. During the four months of this, I was never once bitten by a mosquito, nor did I get a dose of poison ivy, even though I saw plenty of both.


So... how was it that, perhaps a week after ceasing this primary landscaping work, I managed to contract an incredibly virulent case of poison ivy? Well, I wasn't doing any work outside, that's for sure. Nope. I was putting stuff in my car, dropped something on the ground, bent over to pick it up and fell over backwards by accident, landing in a massive outcropping of the dreaded three-leafletted plant. Yep. Both of my forearms are still scarred from this experience. What fun.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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