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Funeral for a band...


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Okay, so here's the deal:


I play in a band called Speaker. We've been playing for about two years now, and we've had some line-up changes through the months. One guitarist got kicked out/left the band because of the acclaimed guitarist-ego clash issue. Then our drummer left in May for many reasons, mainly because me and him couldn't stand each other anymore ,<- short version, and because we were going different places musically. Then we got a fill-in for him to go on a mini-tour. Now, the thing is this; me and the guitarist are both leaving the country in january, so to be honest, the band will quit then.


The problem is, that me and the singer were talking last night about what we should do now, and we both agreed that we should try to go out with style and not just fade away... But the drummer and guitarist didn't even show up last night, we were supposed to practice/talk about plans. It's been like this for some time now, we haven't really practiced since the tour and quite frankly, there's no spirit ,drive, will, whatever you wanna call it, anymore...


Any advice on what to do? Should I try to keep it up and get a proper ending for the band?


Maybe I'm just venting...

My gear:

Ibanez SR3005ESOL

Korg DTR-2000

Mesa/Boogie Basis M-2000 (For sale)

Mesa/Boogie Powerhouse 1000 (For sale)

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Eddy is right. Sounds like they have given up. Move on man. Good bass players are hard to find - shouldn't be too much trouble finding a new gig.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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I don't know where you guys live, but good bass players are a dime a dozen around here. Very hard to get work.


My band died a bloddy death about 6 months ago. On Saturday night we are going to do a "reunion" gig. The drummer wants to do a gig where we just "play and have fun" and not worry about future gigs or band stuff because there aren't any.


I am leary about it, but I'm playing as there are some guys in the band I don't want to let down. It might suck, I might be sorry, but I'm doing it.


At least on Sunday I haev a big band gig on upright to make me feel better.

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Yeah, I should move on... Actually, me and a couple of guys decided that we should jam tomorrow, just for the fun of jamming... should be great...


There are many bands in the faroes, 50-80 at least...


Probably the biggest problem with this band is that it started as a friend thing, a couple of us friends decided to start a bnd to kill time... Yeah, as one experienced musician here once told me "Never play in a band with your friends"... I see it now... Thanks for the encouragement, i needed it :)

My gear:

Ibanez SR3005ESOL

Korg DTR-2000

Mesa/Boogie Basis M-2000 (For sale)

Mesa/Boogie Powerhouse 1000 (For sale)

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Originally posted by SteveC I don't know where you guys live, but good bass players are a dime a dozen around here. Very hard to get work.
No wonder there aren't any around here! Whew! :D

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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JanJ, good luck on "One Last Round." I guess it's like a girlfriend breaking up with you, then asking for one more jump in the sack (yes, it's happened [strut, strut.])


SteveC, that many bassists in ND? What, does the Air Force teach that in basic training now? One thing I know is, "If you're going to play in Fargo, you better have a shovel in the van." Suppose they use bass guitars for shovels?


Anyway, there's my smart-@ss 2 cents worth.



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Jan, make a clean break man. I like the girlfriend analogy. It may feel grteat that one last time, but it'll just make it suck that much more since you're set on leaving anyway. I for one am a little jealous of all the fun you'll be having hooking up with a whole new music scene. Be a good Lowdown citizen and keep us posted.
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Make a quick getaway. You want to be remembered as a good band, not as the crappy rushed effort of a final show that the players aren't interested in.

And, interesting side note, 'Musicians' are a dime a dozen, be it singers, guitarists, drummers or bassists, (I am talking standard players, not like harpists, or glokenspiel players. for lack of a better term, typical 'rock band' musicians.) no matter where you are if you actually look, they are eveywhere. But, atleast 90% of them suck. Suck bad. A good musician can always find a band, you may be the best guy in it, or the only good one, but it will be a band.

"F--k Damnation, F--k Redemption." Tyler Durden-FIGHT CLUB
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The last project I was working in came to a screeching halt about 6 months ago or so. The singer-songwriter decided he didn't want to front a rock band anymore, but we still had 2 gigs booked. We thought seriously about playing at least one of the two dates as a "Goodbye" show. We decided to sleep on the idea, and came to the consensus that there were too many hard feelings, and playing a last show would just be like twisting the knife in an already bloody and painful stab wound. Sometimes it's better for everyone to just cut bait and move on. At least that's the way we felt in that situation.

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It does sound like the band isn't up for it. I'd try talking to them and making it clear that it's OK to end things now, and OK to go a bit longer. See what reaction you get. It also sounds like there will be some musical opportunities that fit your schedule - jams are good for when you can't make a long term commitment!!


SteveC - I'm surprised about your situation every time you mention it.


ATM of MN - you spelled it wrong. They are obviously having "bassic" training.




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Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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