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OT: Termites on Bass: What's the 'freakiest' thing you've ever found in your house?


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Everytime it rains, I find a huge Toad (or is it Bull frog?) in my toilet!! :eek: Believe me, it's shocking. Other times, millions of tiny ants raid the bathroom. A visitor who sat on the toilet bowl during one of the numerous powercuts has a 'painful' story to tell. By the time he felt the bites, tiny ants were all over him!! :mad:

Before I enter my bed, I first give my room a 'Secret Service level' check for all sorts of univited guests.

Hoping I never find termites all over my bass!! :eek:

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Originally posted by TShakazBlackRoots:

Everytime it rains, I find a huge Toad (or is it Bull frog?) in my toilet!! :eek: Believe me, it's shocking. Other times, millions of tiny ants raid the bathroom. A visitor who sat on the toilet bowl during one of the numerous powercuts has a 'painful' story to tell. By the time he felt the bites, tiny ants were all over him!! :mad:

Before I enter my bed, I first give my room a 'Secret Service level' check for all sorts of univited guests.

Hoping I never find termites all over my bass!! :eek:

I think I would definitely move!


The weirdest thing I found in my house was a frog in the middle of my family room on its back dead. I don't know how it got in the house but, I have four cats and I'm sure that is how it meet its demise. Once it stopped moving the cats must have gotten bored and left it there. At, least they didn't disembowel it on my carpet.

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I got lotsa' stories 'bout this here!


Tarantula under my pillow - totally freaked! I hate spiders!


Stung by a scorpion lurking in my towel - Big headrush! Lasted for hours.


Carpenter ant nest in the attic. They only come out at night.


Currently beseiged by thousands of sugar ants in the kitchen. happens every year for a couple weeks.


I know a drummer who is an exterminator. His name is Arnold - no lie! Anyway, he was nice enough to tell me that no matter how much you spray, there is no guarantee.


The perks of country livin'.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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a burglar.


Came home from work one night. Saw my basement doors open. Walked into the basement - heard movement upstairs. Went up stairs (aluminum baseball bat in hand). Guy jumped out the front door as I made it into the living room.


Cops were called - nothing of value taken - The gear was all locked up. Dope didn't know I had about $5,000 in gear a room away.


Turned out to be a crackhead that broke into three or four houses on my block that week.

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Do ghost stories count??


One day I took a few toys out of our closet to give to our 1 year old (at the time) to play with. Him and I were the only two people home at the time. I went into the other room briefly and when I returned, my son was exactly where I left him but all of the toys were gone. After looking around for a while, I looked back in the closet where I got the toys and there they were - stacked neatly on the very top shelf!!!


That's the only "paranormal" experience I've had in this house, but my wife and daughters always insist that "someone" is there watching them. The odd thing is that it's a brand new house - we just built it a few years ago...



Reality is like the sun - you can block it out for a time but it ain't goin' away...
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My wife got up one morning to get coffee and found the snake our cats had brohgt in as a "present" for us.

Don't look back. You never know what might be gaining on you.

- Terry Pratchett: Going Postal


A good bass player knows the notes not to play. - Nick St. Nicholas



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Originally posted by kad:

Do ghost stories count??


One day I took a few toys out of our closet to give to our 1 year old (at the time) to play with. Him and I were the only two people home at the time. I went into the other room briefly and when I returned, my son was exactly where I left him but all of the toys were gone. After looking around for a while, I looked back in the closet where I got the toys and there they were - stacked neatly on the very top shelf!!!


That's the only "paranormal" experience I've had in this house, but my wife and daughters always insist that "someone" is there watching them. The odd thing is that it's a brand new house - we just built it a few years ago...



When they start saying things like "get out", I'd suggest you do so.


I found a pterodactyl in my kitchen last week.

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Oh TShakazBlackRoots... what can I say but you do keep things interesting..


Freakiest thing I found in my house... besides me?


Half the cheese off a slice of pizza in the toe of my sneaker. I was eating a slice, with only a minute to spare before heading to school (I had 28 minutes to run 3 blocks, shower, put on a shirt and tie (sometimes pants), eat dinner, and run another 2 blocks to meet my ride to school. I did this for 2 years). It fell off and I couldn't find it anywhere.. Being a neatfreak this disturbed me.. I didn't think I'd find it a month later inside (way inside) one of my old pairs sneakers... I do have that luck though. I once had a meatball roll out of a sandwhich UP my arm, and in my shirt pocket.. the only consolation was I had witnesses to prove my claim.

If you think my playing is bad, you should hear me sing!
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I was on a service call and stopped by the house to pick up some paperwork and when I went upstairs to my room I caught my daughter and her boyfriend in full frontal "Flagrante Delecto"


There are some things a father should NEVER see. :mad:


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Originally posted by kad:

Do ghost stories count??


One day I took a few toys out of our closet to give to our 1 year old (at the time) to play with. Him and I were the only two people home at the time. I went into the other room briefly and when I returned, my son was exactly where I left him but all of the toys were gone. After looking around for a while, I looked back in the closet where I got the toys and there they were - stacked neatly on the very top shelf!!!


That's the only "paranormal" experience I've had in this house, but my wife and daughters always insist that "someone" is there watching them. The odd thing is that it's a brand new house - we just built it a few years ago...



Ok now that is friggin freaky!!


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Originally posted by Social Critic:

I was on a service call and stopped by the house to pick up some paperwork and when I went upstairs to my room I caught my daughter and her boyfriend in full frontal "Flagrante Delecto"

Hehe, at least that never happened with me :D


At least not that I know of :freak:

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Originally posted by Deef:

Once when I was a kid a left my shoes in the living room overnight. Next morning when I picked up a sneaker to slip it on, I saw something skitter inside. I nervously lifted the tongue to reveal -- AAAAUUUUUGGGHHHH! --





Yeah, I've had those, too. Insects should NOT be as large as small mammals.



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Originally posted by RHINO_ROB:

squirrels, three of them. they came in through a hole in the attic and could not get back out.

would not have minded but they messed up my cable line.

oh yeah and an ex-girlfriend.

So, did you find the ex-girlfriend, or did the squirrels mess her up too?
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So, did you find the ex-girlfriend, or did the squirrels mess her up too?[/QB]


two separate incidents. even though i am quite sure that all squirrels are servants of the dark one. the ex was quite insane and probably could have taken them. and believe me finding the ex was ten times as scary.

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Originally posted by Bruiser:

Originally posted by Deef:

Once when I was a kid a left my shoes in the living room overnight. Next morning when I picked up a sneaker to slip it on, I saw something skitter inside. I nervously lifted the tongue to reveal -- AAAAUUUUUGGGHHHH! --




Yeah, I've had those, too. Insects should NOT be as large as small mammals.



DAMN!!!! How big are those things???? Anyone got a picture of one with a relation to anything? Like a mouse maybe?


I'd be scared. Thats like one of those corny Sci-Fi movies made for TV. :D

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Just visted that potato bug site.




Actual size. :eek::eek::eek:

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well, i don't really live in the country, so i don't have any wierd bug stories (thankfully).


once my cat brought in a bird from the backyard. it was in it's mouth "dead", however, when i went to go get a bag for it and came back, it was gone!! it must have been faking dead and then jumped up and flew out the door.




once some punk kid rang my doorbell at eleven at night. i was up and there was a baseball bat in the next room. oh i chased that mother f*cker outside, until his friends picked him up and sped off in a car. i coulda taken him ;) .


mice once in the morning, luckily i have a cat, and he cought him. :evil:


well thats about it, lol.





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Music is its own reward



My Band: www.Myspace.com/audreyisanarcissist

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Not a house story -


In June we did a 2 week "Canyon Tour" thru Nevada, Utah and Arizona and drove thru enough of these things in Utah that I thought my 16 ton RV was going to hydroplane on em.




Adults are 2 1/4 inches long and chock full of yellow goop. It was gross!!

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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I was living in northern Idaho a few years ago and we came home to a cougar on the front porch. It took off as soon as we pulled in the driveway. And there always were black bears at the local trash dumping site.


Or then there was the time living in California when I woke up in the middle of the night because a 2 inch cockroach was nibbling on my eyebrow.

Will play bass for food.
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Originally posted by MercenaryBassist:

Or then there was the time living in California when I woke up in the middle of the night because a 2 inch cockroach was nibbling on my eyebrow.

Okay, that does it, I'm going to have nightmares tonight. . . :freak:



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I grew up in South America, so my stories are endless.


We used to have frogs in the toilet all the time. They would get scared and jump when you sat down. exciting.


We also had tree frogs in our shower and they would jump around happily while you were divested. Also exciting.


I put on my pants one day only to find out there was a scorpion in them. I did find out the hard way, but the family jewels were safe.


I have been to an outhouse with a poisonous snake coiled under the seat.


I have sat down in an outhouse only to feel excessive wind from below. I moved and two bats flew out.


Tarantulas and other large spiders were all over the place. We caught a bird tarantula outside our house. It was about 15 inches in diameter. Fun.


I could go on forever. I would appreciate, however only getting to tell the stories like this that I already have and not get any new ones.

Let your speech be better than silence, or be silent.


For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, none will suffice.



"Rendirme? Que se rinda su abuela, *#@!^$"

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I found a pterodactyl in my kitchen last week.
is this a joke?


once some punk kid rang my doorbell at eleven at night. i was up and there was a baseball bat in the next room. oh i chased that mother f*cker outside, until his friends picked him up and sped off in a car. i coulda taken him
well, if i ever show up in california, we all know which lowdown member i wont go to visit now :P;);)

"I'm thinkin' we should let bump answer this one...

Prepare to don Nomex!"

-social critic

"When I install my cannons, I'm totally going to blast their asses back to the 16th century; Black Beard style"


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