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Hi Jan and welcome, if I may be so bold. I'm also a noobie. (Is that how you spell it?) Your town sounds way cool to a big city guy! Thanks for enlightening me. As for this forum, I've read it for a while now and have always found the banter to be worth all of the hours I spend looking. Now that I've become a member, I'd like to jump on your coattails and introduce myself to everyone. I'm a firefighter from Chicago, born and raised here, love all types of music, been playing since I was 15, (33 now) my main ax is a Lakland Skyline fretless 5. The rest of my kids are:92 soundgear sr800, rick 4003, renaissance rb5fl, and of course a fender american deluxe jazz. :wave:
Is there something on my face?
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Some very nice gear that you have listed there JanJ. I also am partial to Ibanez, that 3005 is definetly the cream of the crop of the Soundgears.


Welcome to the LDL. :wave:

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420, get a friggin' grip. Everyone gets stomped sooner or later, everyone posts an asinine thread, everyone ('cept Bump, he's the only literate member) commits an aggregious (sic) spelling error.


It is certainly easy to tell who has the thin skins around here.


"man, I think my mom is coming up the stairs!!!!"


Jan, if you've been luking, you know the damned deal. Welcome to our nightmare!


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Seeing as how I am quite young, (a mere 18 years old/young) all the nature-related stuff about the Faroes actually isn't that appealing to me, although I have done a lot of those things (hiking in the mountains, gone fishing, and so on...). I am from the capital, Tórshavn, and quite frankly I'm not much of a blue collar working man, more like a book worm. But I can try to tell you a bit about how the musical/cultural life is, here and other places in the faroes.

Most of everything happens here in Tórshavn, although this one village, Gøta, has become quite the musical centre for a lot of people. But almost everything that comes from there is alternative music (like Bjørk, Sigur Rós, Radiohead, Muse). Sadly, that's about all there is to say about life on the islands for us musically interested people...

welcome janj!!!


there are a few of us younger than you though (myself being the 2nd youngest).




they are totally awsome.


Ibanez Player, ROCK ON! (ATK300 right here)


yeah, this place has a lot of kewl stuff, i'd also like to point out that Jeremyc is one of the best, most knowledgable people here too.


that's about all i have to say really, just hope u have a fun time, and continue to post here. :D:thu:



5 words you should live by...


Music is its own reward



My Band: www.Myspace.com/audreyisanarcissist

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Originally posted by Social Critic:

everyone ('cept Bump, he's the only literate member) commits an aggregious (sic) spelling error.

Hardly... I've just got the incredible checking skillz of one Dr. Willie to correct me when I do something stupid; and then I use the 'edit' feature to correct it. I'm a complete jackass, and I'd be the first to admit it. There are so many people on this forum that are 100 times the musician/person that my stupid ass is and I'd be the first person to admit it.


I think the real lesson to be learned here is that this forum is great because of a.) the amazing people that participate in it and b.) the lack of absolutely stupid "this guy is better than that guy" threads that seem to plague other music forums. I love this place. There is a great feeling of community and friendship amongst the regulars here that is just great.


btw- "Dead End Job" by the Police is blaring out of my 7.1 computer speakers right now and life is extremely fine. The Police ruled, even if Stewart and Stink wanted to kill each other 90% of the time.

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Originally posted by Mr. Phil:

Some very nice gear that you have listed there JanJ. I also am partial to Ibanez, that 3005 is definetly the cream of the crop of the Soundgears.


Well, i've actually been trying to get rid of the amp & cab for a while now (no, this is not an advertisement) but again, this country is so small that there is noone here to buy it...


I'm actually in this group called MenTón (ó is pronounced ou), and our objective is to better the circumstances for musicians around the country. This because of the lack of practice space (there are actually officially only 7 training rooms in the country), trying to get a, how do you call it... Playing house, or concert house, if you will (there isn't one dedicated house for music in the country), and we're also working on getting a proper website up and running...


Well, just thought I'd share with you how primitive it really is for musicians here... But we're getting there...


Anyway, do any of you know Teitur? his full name is Teitur Lassen, a singer/songwriter, toured with John Mayer and the likes? I'm saying this because he is from the Faroes, the first Faroese guy to get real recognition out in the world...


Ahh... Okay...

My gear:

Ibanez SR3005ESOL

Korg DTR-2000

Mesa/Boogie Basis M-2000 (For sale)

Mesa/Boogie Powerhouse 1000 (For sale)

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Bump, I aspire to be half the asshole you are! :thu::D


Jan, just take the gear you are wanting to unload and pop it on your signature in your profile. Best of both worlds, you get to post the gear you want to unload without the hassle of someone flaming you for spam!


Wonder what they want for shipping across the pond?


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn


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Welcome. I have found this forum to be helpful and a better use of my time than scratching my butt and wondering why pigs don't fly. Beats a kick in the head.

Let your speech be better than silence, or be silent.


For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, none will suffice.



"Rendirme? Que se rinda su abuela, *#@!^$"

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Welcome, JanJ. This is certainly a jammin' joint and a great place to hang. I've learned a great deal in my time here.


Remember, it's all about spreadin' the luv!


Originally posted by Bumpcity:

Originally posted by Social Critic:

everyone ('cept Bump, he's the only literate member) commits an aggregious (sic) spelling error.

Hardly... I've just got the incredible checking skillz of one Dr. Willie to correct me when I do something stupid; and then I use the 'edit' feature to correct it.
Dig it. :o


BTW, that "stupid" should probably be "stoopid"... ;)


Originally posted by Bumpdawg:

I'm a complete jackass, and I'd be the first to admit it.

Can I get an "amen"?! :D


Originally posted by Bumpdiggity:

I think the real lesson to be learned here is that this forum is great because of a.) the amazing people that participate in it and b.) the lack of absolutely stupid "this guy is better than that guy" threads that seem to plague other music forums.

Another "amen", if you please.


Originally posted by Thelonious Bump:

The Police ruled, even if Stewart and Stink wanted to kill each other 90% of the time.

Word. :thu:


Make yourself at home, JanJ!





Bass=fish, fish=bass -- live it, love it.



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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