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Okay, so I need a new bag......


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'cause the Warwick's gig bag is dying after 12 years.


So I see the advert for the new "incase" bag. $199....what'dya think?


Incase website.


Seems like overkill to me...it comes with a t-shirt and cap.

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Hi Dave! :wave:


That one looks real cool! I showed it to my wife.. :D I have also been inquiring into the Reunion Blues stuff. It is top dollar but it would probably last forever.I have a whole list of Links to bag and case manufactuers at home I'll post the link tonight or tomorrow for you.



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Hmmmm... 200 bucks for a gig bag eh? Well its a tad pricy but it seems to be quite an interesting concept. Hard case durability, gig bag portability and oh so much storage space. Still, you can get an alright bag for 20 bucks, might not be bulletproof but it serves its purpose.
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Let's see..... If I call Jack Read and get the top Gator bag, dig a tshirt and cap out of my collection, I could make at least $50 !!!


Actually, there are quite a few interesting gig bags out today. Use the same discretion that you'd use for all equipment (if such a thing exists). Get what meets your need at a reasonable price, because you may not need the top of the line.


Of course, following Bob G's idea, get somebody to give it to you for Christmas !!!



(now I'm going to have to check out gig bags...)


Acoustic Color


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Originally posted by davebrownbass:

So I see the advert for the new "incase" bag. $199....what'dya think?


Ya' know, DBB, I would think that maybe it's overkill, but of all people, I would think you would benefit from such a bag. Considering that you're active gigging and teaching, it's got lots of storage for a variety of stuff -- from teaching needs (music notebooks, exercise books/xeroxes, etc.) to gigging needs (cords and so forth) -- if you have multiple engagements day-eve-night.


It's pricy (but at least you could write it off! ;) ), but it sure as $#!% looks cool. :thu:



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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When Reunion Blues went overseas, the gentleman who owned al the sewing machines started making his own. The are not inexpensive, but truly wonderful. One of my students has one and I bought one from Mike Tobias (although I have not picked it up yet). Realy quality, all double stitched. Only drawback is that the shoulder straps are not padded. This is like the old renuion blues stuff. I'll see if I can find out the company name, if anyone is interested
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There is a company in Colorado that makes great bags. Under Cover. I have a single and a double bag. The single I have had since 1990 and still going strong. The double is 3 years old. You will generally see it as a private label bag. The single from the old Bass Center and the double from LA BASS EXCHANGE. They hold up better than the typical hard case you get with a new bass.
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My only advice would be...don't buy the new Warwick Rockbags. They are dreadful. I have had one for little over a year and both of the backpack straps have broken, with the same fault on both of them. The metal slidey things to lengthen the strap and attach the strap to the bag at the bottom have been replace with plastic. They are rubbish do not buy these bags.
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Originally posted by davebrownbass:

'cause the Warwick's gig bag is dying after 12 years.

Funnily enough I've just retired my original Warwick gigbag after 16 years (mainly because I've taken to cycling to one of my gigs and needed shoulder straps). I bought one of these

Ritter RG-9000 bags. Cost £50 which ain't bad, considering you pay half that for the worst of the worst. Well padded, loads of useful pockets, only downside is that the shoulder straps aren't as comfy as they could be.


If I had the money I'd have bought one of those Incase bags - they have a proper shoulder strap/hip belt setup like on a frame rucksack - but they are rather pricey.



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I didn't know Reunion Blues had moved their production overseas...but their current bags are great. I have both a double and a single bag, and they're wonderful. They're quite rugged...maybe not as rugged as the US made models used to be...but I'm not sure because I don't have anything to compare them to. They're still really well made.


But those Estrella Cases look very familiar, Mike. :D If the prices are competitive with RB, I'd definately look into his cases, Dave. They look almost identical in design with a bit more attention to detail.


Levy's makes good bags as well...


I'm impressed with InCase. Their bags look really, really interesting...and you can buy them direct from the site.


Then there's Summit Guitar Pack. They're also really interesting. You can also buy their bags from their website.


$200 is about the average price you're gonna pay for a really nice bag. It's worth it, because it'll last, and you can use it with any instrument that isn't some ultra-huge custom job with like a 40" scale or something...

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hard cases are too heavy and impractical for day-to-day use for me...especially in the New York. I can't carry a hard case for mor than three or four blocks without having to switch hands.


I have a couple hard cases for flying and road trips.

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I just received that $19 gig bag last week from Musicians Friend, though mine was more like $29, musta just missed the sale. Nice bag, very well padded inside w/foam, the outer shell is cordura, large wide pocket with 2 old school style belts w/buckles, small zippered pocket at head side. Two back-pac style straps & handle. It stands up pretty firm too for now, ;) . I feel safe shoving my EB/MM-5 in there, strap & cable fit too. Just no room for my hardshell case at area stages. Also once back home, a quick polish and stored in hardshell case. I'm pleased with it so far. :thu:
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  • 4 months later...
Originally posted by C.Alexander Claber:

Funnily enough I've just retired my original Warwick gigbag after 16 years (mainly because I've taken to cycling to one of my gigs and needed shoulder straps). I bought one of these

Ritter RG-9000 bags.

And it's fallen apart...


A rip appeared in the outer fabric by one of the side seams just before Christmas. I finally got around to sending it back to the manufacturer and was thrilled to get a replacement back within days (which was the less bulky new model with much comfier shoulder straps and a hip belt). It arrived at work today and for the journey home I put my little rucksack inside it, started zipping it up and the zip broke! (the horseshoe shaped bit on the metal runner that the bit you grab is attached to, just snapped under hardly any load). I was annoyed but thought to myself "oh well, it's a double-ended zip, I only need one slider to be in working order."


So I then zipped the bag up using the upper slider, and as soon as I got to the the point that things got a bit snug and there was some load on the bag (but no more than typical dynamic loading when you've got a bass in there) the fabric came apart just like before.


Absolutely useless. Shoddy workmanship. I am no longer happy to put my trust (and a £2k+ instrument) in one of Ritter's gigbags. I'll be getting a refund tomorrow and bring the 17 year old Warwick gigbag out of retirement.


Later this year I may coax my brother into bringing an Incase SlimBag across the pond for me.



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I bought a 2 instrument gig bag within the past year or two. I think it's a Reunion Blues bag, and it ran me about $180. I'm sorry I can't cite specifics. It's a great, durable bag though.


I've also had a great Tobias gig bag since about 1995 or so. That thing is nearly indestructible. It's got about 2 inches of padding on either side of the bag, a nice tuner sized pouch near the headstock, and a big enough main pouch that I can carry my sheet music, A-stand and at least a couple of instrument cables. I wish they were still making bags like this, because I'd buy another in a heartbeat.

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'cause the Warwick's gig bag is dying after 12 years.


So I see the advert for the new "incase" bag. $199....what'dya think?

Are you sure that's a gig bag? :confused:

It looks like a space shuttle design, or some futuristic concept car :rolleyes:

I guess that's why it's $200 :D

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I 2 Protec gig bags that are the same basic idea. A semi-hard case, has a strap for slinging it over the shoulder, an exterior pouch for holding stuff, interior storage as well. I believe they are ~$150 and well worth it. I wish I could find a link to one, but alas I cannot.


I can easily fit three fake books, cables, a tuner, and one of those bass guitar thingies in the Protec case. I've gate checked a my bass in this case and it survived the flight. I was hoping to take it on the plane, but the flight was full and they were being Nazis about carry-on.


That Incase one looks quite bitchin as well, just a bit more scratch.

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Ive read that the incase bag is about 10 pounds for the double.so weight may be an issue but please get one and give review.i was thinking of getting one.
Rock-n-roll junkie
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Originally posted by C.Alexander Claber:

Absolutely useless. Shoddy workmanship. I am no longer happy to put my trust (and a £2k+ instrument) in one of Ritter's gigbags. I'll be getting a refund tomorrow and bring the 17 year old Warwick gigbag out of retirement.

Spoke to the distributor earlier today, their comment "we were doing you a favour sending a replacement as it was an old model"! Whatever... an end of line model but still well within its warranty period. Anyway, they were equally unhelpful first time around but relented after the shop had a go at them so I wasn't going to argue at that point.


Then realised the manufacturer is based in the UK (why they have a separate distributor is beyond me) so gave them a call. A very helpful chap with a German accent (Mr Ritter himself?) said not to worry, he'll send me the model above (that's the Super-Pak which has a surfeit of pockets) and they'll thoroughly check that it has no quality issues before despatch.


And I don't need to return the faulty bag I can chuck it away (or fix it and sell it on). Seems fair, though the sceptic in me isn't going to count his gigbags until they're hatched...



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I have a Ritter bag, not sure if it's the same one C. Alex has, but I am pleased with mine. If anything, it holds too much stuff.


And those InCase bags look sweet but pricy.






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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I did not see your follow up post, but I hope the replacement works out for you.

I have the Super-Pak, and I have had it over 2 years now I think. As stated, it has quite a bit of room-and I have been known to use all of it.

I tend to overpack anyway, but this case makes it easy to bring too much stuff. i.e. Multiple cables (bass-to-amp and effects patches) effects (2 stompbox type), charts, tools (I have a small homemade kit with essentials), tuner, notepad/pen, cleaning cloth, strings, beverage and newspaper for the train ride. More if I want. Oh, and a bass.

The bag keeps going. I got mine in the blue color because it was that or red at that store, but I'd have gotten the green if I had the option.

It always gets attention-often people think it's a snowboard.

Best of luck with the new(est) bag.






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Those InCase jammies look sweet. I've been thinking it would be nice to have a double. Cuts back on the amount of space needed for gear and increases the amount of space that can be used for groupies.



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