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Gord -B

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Hi all! My name is Kevin, I'm almost 40, and I've been playing bass on and off for 30 years.


My introduction to the music world started in 4th grade. We were doing math or something when the teacher led us to an assembly in the auditorium. Lo and behold, some members of the Richmond Symphony Orchestra (VA)had a violin, viola, cello and bass for us to view and hear. Everyone took an aptitude test (high, low, octave or same note) and indicated their preference in instruments if they could play one (I liked the BIG one). Two weeks later the teacher reads a list of names - "follow me"....what do I find, but a string bass and a soapbox. Thank you Richmond Public Schools!!!


In 7th grade, my band instructor couldn't hear the URB and convinced my dad to buy me an electric. I got a '73 Fender Tele w/ a Fender Concert amp (head chopped off)and a homemade cabinet w/a 15". Now I could be louder than the whole orchestra!! :D


In high school I revisited the URB in the strings ensemble for 4 years and played electric in garage bands. Reading was never my forte, but if I had heard it, I could usually play it (or something close).


During college, I bought a PA system because you couldn't have a band if there wasn't a PA to sing through. I got my next bass: a Modulus Quantum 6 w/ 3 bartolini's and a thru body neck that was the demo piece for the 1985 NAMM show and a 70's Ampeg SVT w/ 8-10 cab. I had that bass for 2 months and someone broke into our apartment and stole it! :cry: Fortunately insurance covered it and Geoff Gould was nice enough to build me another one (although the first was sweeter). I made my living as a sound engineer for 10 years until my daughter was born and I had to get a "real" job.


I still have the Q6, a G&L L2000 fretless, the Tele, and an Opus 5 string w/ BQC and whatever is left over from the old PA days.


I was a computer wholesale distributor for 9 years until the bottom fell out. Now I'm 5 months into a Federal sales gig where I sell anything IT or commodities related to the government.


I came upon this forum recently as a result of chasing down info on the new Bose PAS.


Glad I found you! :D Feels kinda homey...Good Vibrations...Good People...Good Food.........Good God I'm rambling!! ;) I'm a ramblin' rumblin' man... sing along now....



'73 Fender Telecaster Bass

'85 Modulus Quantum 6 Thruneck Custom Pre-Serial

'86 G&L L2000 Fretless

Opus 5 String "Frankenwood" Fretless


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Hello. My name is Lullguy. I post here instead of working at my job. I work at a small music store and have been playing bass for 15 years and have played in many different bands and situations. I'm in a pretty busy band that just lost its drummer. Sometimes I have usefull things to say.
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I'm Brad I've been playing about 12 years about 9 of those in bands.I'm 26 soon to be 27 the 24th of this month.I rarely post but I lurk here alot.I leave the answers the really knowlegable folks.Lots of great advice here especially for newbies.
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Thanks John! Nice place...lots of elbow room...looks smaller from the outside if you know what I mean... ;)


Hey a couple of dingle balls, some fuzzy dice, and a bobble head dog and it could be the Low Rider's place lol..



'73 Fender Telecaster Bass

'85 Modulus Quantum 6 Thruneck Custom Pre-Serial

'86 G&L L2000 Fretless

Opus 5 String "Frankenwood" Fretless


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This is Tom Rivett...um with the bass!


it only looks like I'm looking at my hand, realy I'm helping out the other guitarist (out of shot)with his amp and pedal settings :)

A man is not usually called upon to have an opinion of his own talents at all; he can very well go on improving them to the best of his ability without deciding on his own precise niche in the temple of Fame. -- C.S.Lewis
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Welcome to all !!!


Originally posted by TanMan:

...Trace-Elliot Boxer 65w amp....

Hey TanMan - what do you get when you have electrical trouble with that Trace-Elliot???



boxer shorts !!




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally posted by Tom Capasso (Zarkov):

Welcome to all !!!


Originally posted by TanMan:

...Trace-Elliot Boxer 65w amp....

Hey TanMan - what do you get when you have electrical trouble with that Trace-Elliot???



boxer shorts !!



Ouch! :eek:


Keep runnin'! Don't look back! Trust me, it's a lot of folks w/ torches, pitchforks, and the like...oh yeah, there are also a couple of buckets of tar and some feather pillows! They're hot on your tail...



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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The funny thig was that I posted that before I reached the underwear preference thread. When I got there it was really eerie..


Set an example? I am setting an example. If every thread was that funny, I'd spend the day on the floor laughing (and be the only poster on this board...).




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Hello all - I'm new here on the forum, and having a great time reading about everybody here. My name's Allen, from Ontario, Canada. Been playing electric since 1980, and picked up the upright in 88, after finishing university. The doghouse is still kickin' my butt on a daily bassis. I've been playing professionally on cruise ships since '89, which has been great both for tons of experience, and from a "travel the world and get a steady paycheque" point of view. The cons are not having a place to call home and stash all those souvenirs, books, CD's and (yes, I admit it..) vinyl. So my life is in storage, but I still love the travel.


My electric is a Fodera Emperor 5, the upright is a Chinese plywood with solid top that actually sounds pretty good (but not like that $16,000 hand made job I played in Ohio once!) I've been using Eden heads and Epifani cabs, which kick serious butt.


The Dream - that the pressures of life would leave me alone for a few years so that I could do nothing but practice.


Peace to all....jbb

Smile - it's contagious!
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Hi All. This is actually my very first posting, though I have spent quite a bit of time being one of the silent lurkers freeloading from all your great experience and knowledge.


My name is Mike, last name should be obvious, and I'm a expat Canuck living in the Jewel of the Orient, Hong Kong! Driving airplanes pays the bills, and playing the bass makes sure I don't waste any of the leftovers on wine or women! (Actually, I'm pretty sure my wife is mostly responsible for that :) )


I'm back in a cover band that plays in the bar circuit here in HKG after a few years away from live playing. My current rig is an Alembic Spoiler bought new back in 1985 after 2 summers of moving other peoples furniture, and a Yamaha TRB-5P. Being on the road alot I'm also in the market for a Steinberger, so if anyone has one for sale let me know.


Glad to be here, and I hope I can start making a contribution soon!

Reality continues to ruin my Life!
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Hello all. I am a Canuck, eh, and proud of it! I know the difference between "canadien" and "canadienne". I know when to use "er" and when to use "re" at the end of words. I still don't get the metric thing, but that has to do with age more than nationality.


I have been playing various instruments for over 20 years, all of the stringed variety. I have played guitar for most of those 2+ decades, electric and acoustic, 6 and 12 strings, as well as mandolin and even an attempt at banjo. For the last few years I have been playing bass exclusively, after offered an opportunity to fill a void in a local band here. I played my first gig as a bassist 4 weeks after picking up my first bass, and haven't looked back since.


Although I started with 4 strings, I have moved to exclusively 5 string basses, both fretted and fretless. (I found this forum from the link on the BassPlayer webpage leading to the thread where the merits of 4 strings versus 5 strings have been discussed.) I have read through many of the postings here with great interest, and always look forward to the newest bits of news or information every time I press the refresh button on my browser. I have millions of questions to ask (and I promise to use the search feature first, just so you don't all start to flog an already dead horse), and I may even have a few hints or suggestions to provide to others.


Great work, guys and gals!!

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Howdy! I am Patrick and a dutchie! I play bass since 1988 and almost 30 years of age. My main axe (and only axe!) is a Lakland 5 string. For amplification I ordered an Avalon U5 this week. I play in a 5 piece funk/rock band called El Nino.


Keep thumbs up!

"God looooovessss bassguitar"
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Hi, my name's Marty and I'm returning to the bass after a 10-year layoff ... or something like that.


Grew up in front of the mirror with a tennis racket, pretending I was in KISS and Aerosmith, graduated to real strings during high school, then gave up music completely in my mid-20s because of drugs, death and the LA scene.


Enough said there I think.


Now in my mid-30s, after just moving to Florida from Cali, I met a cool guy from Detroit who writes his ass off and plays great rhythm ... a few weeks later we meet another guy from NYC that plays beautiful leads. At that point I decided it was high time to re-enter the world of music -- this time for all the RIGHT reasons.


Since they both played acoustics, I went out and bought a JBP acoustic/electric (even though now I realize I should have just saved a little more cash for a sweet electric ... sigh) from the local music shop and have been re-acquainting myself with the instrument for the past couple of months while also learning about 20 originals.


We've played a few gigs so far and the reaction has been great even though we don't have a drummer yet. Can't wait for that day to come though.


Well, that's my story. Thanks for reading and I'm glad to be back where I think I belong ... straddling a plank and gettin' my boogie on!

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I have played bass 15 years by pick. My style is very guitarish including also palm muting. I have a band called Cause For Effect, we play technical fusion grindcore by bass and drums. My bass is Fender Jazz bass 4 strings and amp is Hartke 200w and cabinet is Peavey 4x10 (not good)




Cause For Effect


fusion gridcore/jazzcore

bass/drums duo

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As you can probably tell, my name is Mike Dimin. Some of you might know me from my days as a lesson columnist/writer/editor for Bass Frontiers Magazine, Ask The Pro at Talkbass or lesson guy at both Basssessions.com and Bassically.net.


I have no reason or excuse for not joining this forum sooner. I am very lucky to say that I actually make a living playing, teaching, writing in the music business. Mostly I do this solo bass thing in the neighborhood of a 100-150 gigs a year. I am also a clinician for MTD, EA and TI (great work if you can get it).


I live in upstate NY (a Steroidal stones throw from Boston or NY). I am maried to a wonderful women (who has family health insurance and retirement benefits) I have an 8 year old son who is smarter than his teachers (and cares nothing for learning a musical instrument) and a 3 year old daughter who is going to be a blues singer (as she leaves NO thought unexpressed). She is already bugging me for a bass of her own. I keep telling her to play the piaino, that way she can hire me for side gigs. She is also very content to load my gear into the car (at least that which she can carry).


I have a very successful book out, "The Chordal Approach" as a way cool CD , "Big Droppins" featuring some cool solo bass (check out Volume 30 of Bassics Magazine) and some beautiful sax playing by Paul McCandless (Oregon, Flecktones).


I just had the honor of presenting a workshop/masterclass at Bassquake 2003 at the Fox Thr in Redwood City, CA (check out Page 10 of the December issue of BP) and was treated to a wonderful dinner the previous night at the home of Whappo (aka Mark Wright)- who by the way makes wonderful homemade ice cream and pretty darn nice Bass cabinets.


OK, enough about me .... on to the next in line



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Welcome, Mike! It's nice to have you here. I know that I look forward to whatever insights you are able to share with us, and have already gotten something from your comments on the "improvising" thread -- thanks!


Thanks also for spilling the beans about Whappo. I've been to his home and got to sample those fine bass cabinets, but he managed to keep the homemade ice cream under lock and key! (Whassup w/ that, Mr. AccuG?! :mad: Consider yourself warned, Mark, before my next visit! ;):D )






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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  • 2 weeks later...
My name is Glenn, and I'm a BassPlayer....God it felt good to get that off of my chest. Been playing for 20 some years now and I'm still trying to find a black Peavey T-40 bass to replace the one I Van Halenized years ago. It was a sad way to kill a guitar but hey, it looked cool, sounded like crap though. Nice to meet all you folks!
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Hey guys (and girls)


I'm 13. My name is Malcolm. I've been playing for about 2 years now. I live in a small town called Knowlton in Quebec (Canada). I'm currently playing with my friends in sort of a punky grunge type band, we have no singer and we can never really practice with our drummer so for now its pretty much just me and my guitarist friend jamming together.


All I have for gear so far is an Ibanez SR300DX 4 string (low price, but lovely none the less) and a little Crate BX15 15watt practice amp. I'm going to buy a distortion pedal after Xmas (see "Distortion Pedal Conflict" post for more info) and if i get a well paying job this summer my gear should expand sooner or later. Probably going to start with the amp. But that's for another post...



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Hi there. I'm in LOs Angeles. I am a pro. I have made some records, and produced some too. (I'm old as dirt... at least for Rock and Roll anyway.) You wouldn't know me by my real name. My stage name is another story though. I sing, play Bass, guitar, and keyboards. 'm actaully pretty good at one or two of them ;-) I write, and maybe dabble in engineering now and them. I'm hear to share my experience, and learn about yours. I figure we're all better off working together.


P.S. Moses Avalon sent me.

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Hi all, I'm Ian. I live in way out in the woods in alaska. Just got my first computer(that's why I joined so late). I've been playing bass for six or so years. I have been in love with the bass ever since I heard a friend play his. Nothing makes me feel as good as creating a groove(that hasn't changed since the first one I created). My ultimate goal is to be where I can pick up my bass and speak through it for hours on end with or without other musicians.
"A is A"-the people of tunagialand
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Hello...I've been hanging around this place for about a week now and finally coughed up enough courage to actually speak up. I've been playing the bass for about 8 years now on a crap-tastic mid-90's P-bass. Don't get me wrong, she's my baby and I still love her, but it's getting close to retirement time, though I will miss the old "war wounds" that I've come to know and love...(I'm talking about using wooden match sticks to replace the broken nut, the chunk of the neck that's missing right at the 12th fret on the G-string, etc)


Anyway, one of the other lurkers around here told me about this place and I've been checking up on it ever since. I have a feeling that there's a lot of knowledge (and camaraderie) to be gained from hanging around here...or in the very least, it's always fun to watch somebody get flamed! (unless you're the flame-ee of course)

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