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Gord -B

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We got some new guys here...so bump for the new guys. Read all threads.

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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Hi! I've posted for a little while now but I guess I never noticed this thread before. A little about me...


The name's Jason Berscheid (pronounced Bur-shide) and I've been playing bass since '93. I guess

I'm an amateur/hobbyist with dreams of going pro, though I take music far more seriously than anything else in my life.


I'm into weird, subculture stuff a lot. I worship originality above everything else in life so the stuff I write on my own, as well as what I listen to, tends to put most people off. I dig bands like Voivod, Van der Graaf Generator, Fantomas and old hardcore stuff like DRI and Dead Kennedys, but listen to a pretty wide variety of genres. I'm really into b-movies (huge fan of horror movies) and pulp/trash culture and I have no problem with lo-fi.


Played in a few local alterna-rock bands (always originals, rarely done the cover thang) that never amounted to anything. Gigs at nearby watering holes and such. Took a three year break from music after my dad passed, did the college, drugs and art-thing and then stumbled onto an existing group that needed a sub bassist for a couple shows. Helped 'em out and wound up being the permanent bass-guy. As a group, PonderIsaac has been somewhat successful so far, if a little creatively-stagnant for me.


Career-wise, I'm a graphic designer who hates his dayjob. Billboards and posters for moronic government clients. Arrggg! I really want to design CDs and other merchandise for musicians, so if anyone needs a pro designer/illustrator PM me.

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Hi all, I haven't properly introduced myself so here goes...My name is Donnie Peterson,I'm 34, born and raised here in Chehalis, Washington. Married with two sweet little girls, 8 and 10. I work the nightshift at a sawmill where I'm a sawfiler. Started working there when I got married fifteen years ago.


Have only been playing with my bass for a few months, after years of wishing. I have no real musical training beyond a year in grade-school learning a song or two on the clarinet. So for now, I'm drawing from my deep love of music and daydreams of what my future bar-band would have as a setlist. My favorite music is classic rock, heavy metal and country. My garage is a varitable shrine to Kiss, just to show I refuse to grow up. I can be a bit of a smartass at times, in case ya have'nt noticed...just don't take it personal, its never meant to be! I enjoy seeing whats new here in the forum, you all have given me awsome advice as well as a good nudge here and there when I'm feeling a bit frustrated.

Donnie Peterson
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Originally posted by rockinredneck69:

My garage is a varitable shrine to Kiss, just to show I refuse to grow up

From Weezer's Blue album, the song is "In The Garage" - verse 2:


I've got posters on the wall

My favorite rock group Kiss

I've got Ace Frehley

I've got Peter Criss

Waiting there for me

Yes I do,I do


I always kinda liked that they didn't mention Simmons...not that I have anything against him or his playing - just that the other guys deserve some credit as well.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Hi everybody (Done with a Pee Wee Herman voice)

My name is John (duh) but I am not related to Rik (duh). First off I have to say Hi to Grandpa Bob, Grandpa Dave, and Grandpa Clay from Poppa John. {Grandpa Bob, I have a grandson (4yr) and a granddaughter (2yr) I hope that this doesn't make me a cross dressing grandpa}


I started learning bass in grade school in the orchestra and then started playing the electric bass while in college. I have been playing bass off and on for thirty five years. Being from Oklahoma I play both styles of music. Country, and Western. (just kidding) I have played with old country and progressive country bands and the last six years I have played with a classic rock and blues cover band. Playing bass and golf are my favorite hobbies

I work as a production machinist on the night shift. I have been lurking around the lowdown for several months and I have learned from both the older and younger players. I am glad to be part of this community.

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Originally posted by 4strings:

I'm Greg. I played Bass in High School for awhile. I recently turned 40 and decided it's time get back into live music. I have a Dean Edge 4 Improv, an Ampeg SVP Preamp and an Acme B2 cab. My equimpent now far outstrips my talent. I'm taking lessons and learning all I can on this forum in hopes of changing this inequity. My instructor doesn't quite know what to do with a 40 year old student! Thanks to all for the great info. :thu:

G'day Greg.

I only started playing bass 12 months ago and im already 44. Its a drug, I cant put it down and already playing with a few guys and doing small gigs. Just returned from the US, worked in NW Montana fire fighting out of Hungry Horse. First visit - loved it.

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Originally posted by Dr. Zarkov-Capasso:

I always kinda liked that they didn't mention Simmons...not that I have anything against him or his playing - just that the other guys deserve some credit as well.



Never hear that song, but funny you mention that as I have one corner with Ace and Peter solo posters for that reason.
Donnie Peterson
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Sup Y'all.. I'm Ayatollah..


I'm a bass n00b from Maryland (a rocks throw from DC literally)...I honestly don't think I'm that good because I juggle playing the bass, lead, piano, and drums (jack of all trades.. master of none)... I got a mexican fender jazz which I beat up daily in the efforts to become a better bass player.. it's hard to say who I'm influenced by because i've listen to so many folk growing up (I'm 24).. but most notably Larry Graham inspires me... tho I've been asked to play for a couple of local bands I've declined most (all) because I am FAARR to shy to play for anyone outside of my bassment...


my ultimate goal is to be a producer...

Pain teaches what pride won't let you learn...
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My name is John and I am 42 years young. I have been playing bass for almost one year now. I played some guitar back in high school with some good friends who were nice enough to let me hang out and play with them. So this is my first real attempt at learning how to play music. Which is a very relaxing and gratifying hobby for me. I have also been taking private lessons since February '02.




I am currently playing an active ash-bodied Warwick Corvette Standard through an Ampeg B2R head and a BSE 4x10 cab. But I am currently suffering GAS pains for a good fretless bass (maybe a Warwick Thumb?) and a Ric 4003.




In my real life I am an IT Specialist who is employed by the Government. My specialty is web-based application development. I am also happily married to a wonderful woman who is currently learning how to play drums, so I have life-partner and a musical-partner all in one beautiful package. We also have 2 dogs who suprisingly like to hang out in the room with us while we are playing. And no, they aren't howling while we play. All in all I am a very lucky and blessed person. :)

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Hi, my name is Fabrizio and live in Rome, Italy.

I turned 37 last saturday and I've been playing bass for 12 years now.

I play in a couple of rock cover bands and at the moment I'm writing my own stuff with my main band.

I own a custom-made acoustic bass, a custom-made J bass, and a Yamaha BBN5, though I'm considering to sell it and buy me a StingRay 5.

My amp is a Peavey DataBass 450W, simply powerful!

No effects, no pedals, just hands and heart.

They call me Ninja because I'm bald, with no eyebrows or eyelashes at all and in my first years of playing I used to go onstage with a bandanna on my head, preventing sweat to pour on my eyes and face, but making me look like a ninja turtle!! :D:D:D:D


Pictures of me in my website www.mod107.com






Who are we? People.

Where do we come from? Home.

Where are we going to? Home.

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Hi im mike, and im along time reader of this forum, just not an often poster.

Ive been playing bass for around 2 years but lately i have no time for it.

Im 26 married with 2 children and a few girlfriends :)

I work as a manager in an industrial business during the day, stock shelves at night and work odd jobs on the weekends, such as pressure washing equipment and things of that nature.

I have all of the people in my life convinced i have things under control, but they are not... Im falling apart and cant get it into anyone's head. I dont see a way out. I know happiness springs from within though, possibly a part of me will take over that can make my frown turn upside down.

Double what we got o mr. roboto




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'Sup all, I'm Wendell,


I sang and played piano, guitar and trombone as a child. I always loved music but stopped at 12 and didn't touch another instrument seriously till i was near 30. Music was the therapy I needed and kept me off the streets where I had developed a knack for attracting gunfire and undesired municipal attention.


I've played bass in a half dozen bands in the 15 years since, strickly as a hobby. Recently, I took up keys and guitar again. Most of my life I've been a professional artist/designer, I now run my own business (such as it is) and have more time than ever to do something positive with music. It took 3 years to write my first song. I can write three of them in a day now. I've got some stuff on soundclick if anyone is interested.


I'm building a DAW and trying to write more errrr, 'commercial material'. Having fun taking it day by day. All my gear (Roland xp-80, Peavy Souze, Cort & Steinberger basses, Vantage and Takamine ac. guitar, Road Runner amp, Digitech studio quad, peavy minx, PA, speakers) came from pawnshops and 'street vendors'.


I don't know why playing muic disappeared from my life, I just know that I'm blessed it came back when it did. And there must be a reason I'm so motivated to do it now. I've really been lucky to meet some really great musicians that had a lot of patience. OK. Enough rambling. Great forum.

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Wazzup. My name is Mark, I'm 17, my nickname is The Guy because in grade 9, some stoner dudes thought I looked like the guy on the couch from the movie, 'Half Baked'; I never saw the resemblance.


I play a Washburn xb-500, wish I had three, and a junkie Yorkville bassmaster 100. I need a new amp.


I started in music when I was like 6 or 7, taking piano lessons from my mom, but we were both to stubborn for eachother, so I quite, and swore I hated music. So untill I was like 13, I never played an instrument, because I felt I couldn't. Then, I heard the song, 'Where the Streets have no Name', by U2, and that all changed.


Now I play bass, piano, drums, guitar, organ, keys, sing backing vocals, and am a decent sound tech. I played bass for a christian rock band for about three years, then things like collage education(yuk!) and other such things caused us to call it quits. I also play for my church worship team, and have subbed for several local bands, as well as worship leader Trevor Donhartough(I think that's how you spell it) in Toronto. I am working on some solo work, and desperately want to be a musician professionally, this what I love to do; there is no greater thing in the world than music.


Besides that, I have nothing else to say, other than I'm single(a recent renovation in my sad life) and can't wait to get out of high school. Then come's collage(crap!).


Keep on rockin in the free world.


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Welcome to the Lowdown, The Guy!


I would recommend that if you want to go to college....you learn how to spell it.


But I know that you are too busy practicing your bass to worry about things like that! ;)


I know where Sudbury is, I can understand why there isn't much of a music scene.


Try to go to college in Toronto....you'll find much more opportunity.


I've got relatives in Barrie, Petoskey, Detroit.


Over and out.


Welcome once again.

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Originally posted by Pernax:

I guess it's time to bring some international color to this thread...


My name is Ville, 23, and I'm from Finland, :) .

Dude, my ex-girlfriend's finnish. Her parents immigrated here thirty years ago or so. You guy's got awsome food. If I knew how to spell it, I'd sit here and rave about how good it all is for like an hour. Unfortunately, I have issues iwth teh englsh languige as it is, so lets not and say we didn't.


Man, how sad is this, talking about my ex on a bass player forum. I need to move on. Oh well, time to go play some bass to ease the pain. Just kidding.


(hey guy's, let's make like a baby and head out!)

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Originally posted by Gogrick:


I Well, schools over now and I've received my Associates degree and a Cisco certification (I'm working on a second one also). ;)

rock on for Cisco - did I mention that I base all my hopes and plans for post secondary education, equipment and my ever evolving search for musical knowledge on my completion of my CCNA course in highschool? Good to see another slave to Cisco on board.




P.S. I HATE subnetting!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by jeremyc:

Welcome to the Lowdown, The Guy!


I would recommend that if you want to go to college....you learn how to spell it.


But I know that you are too busy practicing your bass to worry about things like that! ;)


I know where Sudbury is, I can understand why there isn't much of a music scene.


Try to go to college in Toronto....you'll find much more opportunity.


I've got relatives in Barrie, Petoskey, Detroit.


Over and out.


Welcome once again.

First of all, in response to your comment on my spelling, see my subsequent post concerning my academic failures. Actually, I maintain a 90 average in english, but am too lazy to either proof read my posts or spell check them, and type way too fast for my demented brain.


Secondly, I must look like a bum, with like 3 posts in a row. Meh! I'm over it


Thirdly, two of the members of my former band were from Barrie, let me know if you have ever heard of the Quinn clan.


Fourthly, yea, I'll probably be in the big TO in the next few years, depending on if I can learn to save money. Amp, then collage.


By the way, have you ever heard of a band called Beumont (I think that's how you spell it - pronounce bo-mont)? I played with their guitarist for a week at this Christian JR. High camp outside of Paris Ontario.


Keep on rockin in the free world, and do-do-da-loop-doo-do-do.



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I think there've been many of these threads on all the instrument forums. As new people come they show up periodically. After a while it gets a bit like too many cocktail parties... ;)

Whatever happened to getting to "know" people through their posts?


That said, Hi, I'm George, the cranky guy!

I'm an old-time bassist/guitarist/etcetera-ist who's gear bundle has shrunk down to a Precision, a Strat & a cable (since I now only do occasional jingle & demo work) but I still have an old Bassman amp & a Dietz paramatric for performances.

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Hi I'm Andrew, I live in Sydney Australia, I have been playing bass for about 4 years


I have a day job in IT, at night I play with two bands

1) a 3 piece covers band (funding our original ambitions)

2) an 8 piece blues/acid jazz band with enough ego's to fill 100 music stores


I am currently using


1972 Fender P bass

Epi Explorer

Epi Les Paul Standard

no beer until July 1
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the name's Sean Hurt. im a 15 year old punk rocker. favorite color is ice blue. just started my freshman year in high school this augest. i play a 4 string bass. favorite band is alkaline trio. i go to saint mary's high school in westfield, massachusetts(its in Western Mass)

"I'm thinkin' we should let bump answer this one...

Prepare to don Nomex!"

-social critic

"When I install my cannons, I'm totally going to blast their asses back to the 16th century; Black Beard style"


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Hey, 18 bassist here, been playing upright since my 6th grade year, and start on electric in the 9th, and so far am loving it. Not in a band yet, i do some gigs here and there. And right now hoping to get into Ball State Music Program and rock the joint.


Gear: A P-Bass kit with friends signatures and hopefully someday w/ my own custom logo and bass

Essex 5-string(main) Sunburst color.


Truce-Elliot Boxer 65w amp.


Hopefully someday to get an G&L 2000 Premium

and a Gallien-Kruger 400RB and a 2x10 avatar cab

and some other handy dandy accesories and effects

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Originally posted by BigKahuna855:

i go to saint mary's high school in westfield, massachusetts(its in Western Mass)

Gee i never would've guessed... ;)
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Hi guys, I'm Liz, I've been playing a year and a half or so, started at age ...oh let's just say I'm in my 30's but I am DEFINITELY Beach Park's finest Female Lefty bass player (ok so there is NO competition). Anyway, I can't imagine playing anything else... I love it :)

I had my first unpaid gig (who am I kidding they are all unpaid) after playing just 6 weeks, and that was it for me...I'm hooked. I play some for a local church, where else do you get a crowd of 400-600 people who will at least SAY they like you (even if they are praying you'd just finish playing)

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