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Gord -B

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Hi, I'm Jim.


I've been playing Bass since '73, and I'm closing in on 50.


Currently playing a '78 StingRay, a relatively new Schecter 5-string, and a newly purchased all black Jazz/Moses-fretless/Bartolini/OB3 FrankensteinVader Bass.


...I've learned a ton and found some great music here in my (relatively) short amount of time @ the Lowdown...thanks to the moderators and contributers/members of this site!




Confirmed RoscoeHead

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Hi nice to meet you all!


My name is Conor, I'm 27 and will hopefully avoid death for a long time yet. I play bass in a rock n roll band that gigs mainly in the Belfast area. My band is called the Cusp and we're currently finishing off our new e.p (called walk the dogma).


Musically...I have had no formal training and don't really want any. I have a bass (ric 4003) fingers, picks and an imagination.


Outside of music I work in a crumby job, I rarely have money, and when I do it never seems to be enough. I my 600 odd posts I've constantly seemed to piss people off. This is something I'm embarressed and proud of in equal measure. ;)


See ya all around! :D



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Hello all- I'm Tom Cummings, just turned 49; started music at the ripe old age of 40 with the banjo because I made some friends that were bluegrass players and they always had such a good time. Moved to the upright about 97 because there were plenty of good banjo players and few bass players. As soon as I got the upright there was a demand for my services (lots of part-timers in this area) and I wound up playing in a cajun band for 4 years, french vocals, chanky-chank and all. The band dissolved and a few days later a guy called me and asked if I wanted to learn to play the blues. It was a weird trip for about six months, then the piano player and I left to join what is my 4th and current band, Chickenfoot Gumbo. Thats my short musical history- I'm glad to see that there are other late bloomers out there. I've always loved listening to music but never got a chance to play; mostly due to being a good athlete, which in school uses the same block of time that music does. Pity. But better late than never. My gear is an Englehardt upright for bluegrass and a 87 MIJ Jazz bass with an Ampeg SVT-III head and Yorkville cabs, 2x10 and 1x15. My wife thinks that if this is my mid-life crisis she's getting off easy. We live in the southern tip of Illinois although I was born and raised in California, and we are 2 hrs. from St. Louis, 3hrs. from Memphis and 3.5 hrs. from Nashville; great place for a music lover.
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This is from a post after becoming a moderator for this forum. posted 11-01-2001 04:53 PM                      


As you already know by the changes on the forum that now show where were from, Im from California, although I was born in Pittsburgh, PA and went to high school in Harrisburg, PA. Started playing bass near the end of high school, was not a music student, learned tunes off the records, in particular the R&B hits of that time, songs by James Brown, Wilson Pickett, Otis Redding, Booker T. & the MGs, Aretha Franklin, the Impressions, etc. When I was 21 I went on the road with a R&B horn group based out of Harrisburg named Loren Peck and the Blues Scandal. Back then groups like this could work clubs for five to six nights a week and get booked for a week or two in each town. This group performed in PA, NY, the Midwest and in the New England states. Met my wife to be, a guitarist/vocalist when playing in New York City. Left the Blues Scandal, my wife and I went to work in Boston for about six months and did a house gig in a club called the Downtown Lounge. There we came in contact with a group from Louisiana called the Boogie Kings an eleven-piece horn band. We moved to Louisiana joined up with them and stayed for about six months touring throughout Louisiana and Texas. Knew a drummer in San Jose, CA, picked up and left Louisiana in late 1969 for San Jose and where for over the last 30 years the area I call home. My wife who came to be called Lady Bo, credited as the first female rock guitarist as she recorded and toured with Bo Diddley from 1956-1962. Late in 1969 went to see Bo at the Fillmore West and that was the start of her again playing with Bo along with myself as the bass player on many Diddley dates for the next 20 plus years. In 1987 we toured Europe with Bo Diddley, performing 30 dates in 35 days in nine countries. That tour included a documentary on Bo for Swedish television that was recorded at a club in Stockholm that was released in 1989 on A&E in the U.S. I still perform with my wife Lady Bo. We have two groups, Lady Bo & the B.C. Horns, a R&B/Rock/Blues group and The Mistress of Jazz, featuring her as a jazz vocalist. In addition Ive held the bass seat and leader of the band for the San Francisco production of Tony & Tinas Wedding for the last four years and this year my latest project is Bassed on Jazz consisting of three bassist and a drummer with a repertoire that includes unique arrangements of jazz standards and some original material.


In addition to playing music I got involved in the Musicians Union Local 153 in San Jose and was elected to the board in 1987 and served two terms and then was elected Secretary/Treasurer in 1993. During that term I was involved in the mergers of three other locals, Santa Cruz, San Leandro, and Monterey. With these mergers a full-time Presidents position was created in 1996. I was elected to that position and will begin serving my third three-year term as President of the Local in 2002. In addition for a number of years now I have been the President of our state conference, the Professional Musicians of California representing 20,000 AFM members. The main purpose of the state conference is to deal with legislation affecting musicians in our state.


August 24, 2003: In addition to playing with Lady Bo and Bassed on Jazz I also play with Rumours - a Fleetwood Mac Tribute Band, RSVP a wedding/corporate band with the couple who have the Rumours group and I play in a duo with guitarist Jeff Mayer where we play jazz standards, smooth jazz and pop tunes all instrumentally.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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Hey Prophetgtree, The best band I was in was called "2B Announced" great name isn't it!We played all original music, sort of new wave ,rock,punkish...stuff. This was back in '83-84. The guitarist had a decent home studio where we practiced and I learned a bit about recording.


After the band dissolved, the drummer and I ran a live sound business for about a year.


I got together with the drummer and guitarist last year for the first time since '85. The guitarist was telling us that a compilation tape we where on ( local bands all contributed an original song) had somehow made it to Germany where our song became a minor hit but none of us knew!...."I coulda been somebody!..I coulda been a contender!< Brando filter off> oh well! :D


Sorry about the totally self-absorbed post everyone. Prophet's post just brought back some memories :)

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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I'm Dan a SWM looking for that special someone.


I played around with the Bass back in my early twenties, and just recently picked it back up at 42.


I quit my job of 13 years (as a Nuclear Security Supervisor) to go back to school and move to Colorado to be closer to an aging parent. Well, schools over now and I've received my Associates degree and a Cisco certification (I'm working on a second one also). I'm currently desperately hoping a job in my field turns up soon. This is NOT the time to be looking for a job. Hopefully I didnt spend my life savings on an education for nothing.


Dang, that was pretty bleak.


It was sunny and warm here today. The birds were chirping and the dogs barking, and the smell of summer cookouts filled the air.


There, now I dont feel so bad. ;)

Beware the lollipop of mediocrity; one lick and you suck forever.
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I'm Tim, I live in the rich section of West Virginia ( anybody that makes more then 6 bucks an hour can get in ) and I try to play bass. I was a alto sax player for years in school, sight read anything, and had a bright future. Except this was the early 70's and nobody used a sax player. I stayed with it unti 76 when the first Boston record came out and Fran Sheehans bass blew me away. I traded the sax in on a no name bass and a Ampeg B-100. When I got back to school for my senior year the band director just looked at me and said under no circumstances would he teach any "rock and roll instruments in HIS program" quote unquote. So I was screwed.


I dropped the bass and have made fitful attempts to learn to play ever since. If I was a reader I would say I my bass playing is at 4th or 5th grade level, but sometimes I can just play anything I hear for a few minutes and astound my self. Then I lose it and start being mr. know nothing again. I dig the old school funk, soul, and rock. I hate "solo bass" type music. I post in several bass forums and always fine incredible knowledge and fun in all of them. Except maybe the Dudepit. Most of the poeple there seem to be professional assholes.


I'm 40 and I have worked in electronics manufactoring most of my life. I have extensive knowledge of vacuum tube theory and applications, and most anything electronics in nature. I used to be a full time treasure hunter when I got out of high school and I found enough loot ( real loot, like gold coins and diamond rings ) to buy my second car with it.


At age 5 I was reading the Birmingham News newspaper cover to cover. I was on local TV and radio as a "reading prodigy" where they tried to fake me out by putting tricks in and they studied me like a lab rat for a short time, trying to figure out how I was so advanced at reading and spelling for my age. I remember being on the noon news live reading in front of the BIG camera ( this was Birmingham ALA. circa 1968 or so, not much happening!)Alas, it all wore off as I gained in age and by the time I was 18 I was just like everyone else.


I'm divorced now for 3 years and just terminated a relationship with a gal who I loved dearly but was in debt to the IRS to the tune of 35 grand and everyone else too. She couldnt change her tune and couldnt or didnt want to get herself out of debt so I let her go. I stayed 6 months after I should have and in the end I broke her heart.


I am a Deist. I dont believe in any of the worlds major religions and believe that far from being a credit to the human race they are the cause of most of the worlds pain and suffering and we would be better off living the life we have now instead of living a life preparing for death based on faith. I think that is a wasted life.


I am also long winded. :D

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Hi Everyone,


I'm Miles (no relation). I play a Modulus Quantum 5 and Fender Jazz with Bartolini's. I also have been know to attempt acoustic (big honkin' German thing). I play jazz and rock styles mostly.


I also do some composition (Check out my web site). I was a music minor in college (Univ of Northern Colorado). My day gig is computer programming.


Some very interesting folks out there! Cool idea for a thread!




Dm7#11. It's a sad chord in "...the saddest of all keys, really."

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I'm that norwegian called Helge! :wave:

I am 47 years old and have been played bass since I was 13. The first years of my career there was only rock'roll that ruled. With hair down the half of the back and the bass hanging on the knees! Then at 18, I turned around completely, and joined my dad's band playing swingjazz, foxtrot, tango and waltz in weddings etc. This gave me a very solid platform wich I am very happy for today! After passing 20, I played in various bands. All from country, blues, clubs, weddings, shows, theater, to the present blues-soul-funk band that I'm in now. I play a Status 4 Energy bass. I got an Eden 210 cab and I'm waiting to receive my new Ashdown amp. I'm very glad to be a member of this forum! :D

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I've been lurking here for a while, and post extensively over at Talkbass...


I've been a professional bass player for almost 20 years. For 14 of them, I was in the US Army band program (In Arizona, Hawaii, and in Atlanta, Ga), but now I'm in the US Air Force Band of the West. I double, but in the last two years I've fallen totally in love with the upright, and am trying to concentrate on that.


I'm in San Antonio, so Dave Brown, next time your in town for TMEA, you should come to our show (our big band always plays) and say Hi!



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To produce things and to rear them,

To produce, but not to take possession of them,

To act, but not to rely on one's own ability,

To lead them, but not to master them -

This is called profound and secret virtue.

- Lao-tzu

my name is bob einung. :wave: i'm a creative director who attempts to run something called "schmee".


we're a production company that is also trying to fund an art collective that integrates education with commerce by producing free materials in any digital based audio/visual format we can get our little mits on. we try to make each production involve a new and unique collection of people, ultimately we hope to start sub-groups that do the same thing in their own unique spheres. the idea is the product of the creativity becomes free material for the commerce side of things propping the artistic organisation up, and ultimately cheaper for all involved - except the Ad salesman.


played horn for almost 12 years as a kid, sometimes quite seriously, starting with trombone and finishing on contra bass.


i've been addicted to phat rythm sections for as long as i can remember, but only really got serious about constructing them as platforms for schmee to have fun with when the business side of things gave me the time and purpose for doing so.


played drums for about 6 years before i picked up a bass a couple years ago - when the clouds parted, and the planets lined up and the light hit me square on the forehead. hehe.


very new to it all still and do not work performance chops at all since we have no intention of performing, but i find myself able to answer many basic questions on my own - no doubt due to an amazing education as a kid on horn.


indeed, "schmee" comes from the world Drum Corps, most of it's members are old Drum Corps vets who've gone on to anything from educators to producers to performing artists.


as a group, we're trying to bring the old Drum Corps sense of awareness and purpose - for both the individual and the group - to the public consciousness via things like jam and funk music. we hope to popularize concepts of motivation and education and free thought, by appealing to youth in talking to them as adults, or peers. we'd like to shatter some of the barriers to motivation so many kids seem to incur.


but we're just getting started ;) once we get all the real musicians integrated we're going to have an extremely diverse arsenal of musical talent available from master hand drummers to steel drum artists to amazing female voices to some serious hippy guitars. we are international in perspective and composition and politically active.


gawd how boring =p

--_ ______________ _

"Self-awareness is the key to your upheaval from mediocrity."

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I live in Scotland. Musically I was a late starter, starting to teach myself blues/rock guitar in my late teens and early twenties. I played in some local bands in my twenties, doing both covers and original material. As my taste in music changed and became less guitar-orientated I lost interest in the technical side of being a guitarist and became more preoccupied with the songwriting and arranging side.


In my late twenties a very promising band I was in split after a disastrous recording session. My day-time career was making increasing demands on my time, and I completely quit music-making for a number of years - although I could never see a live band without a twinge of regret that I wasn't one of the guys on stage.


In my late 30's I started to toy with the idea of getting involved in music but the idea of doing it as a guitarist somehow didn't appeal. I even borrowed a sax for a while, but the thought of the amount of time it would take to get up to speed from scratch was daunting, and it never even came out of the case. I was into my 40s before, on impulse, I bought a bass. I was very careful to buy one I thought I could resell without much of a loss, because frankly I thought it 90% probable it would gather dust for 6 months and then get sold. But about 2 months after I bought it a couple of horn players I knew asked if I would be interested in being part of a jump-jive band and I've been playing bass ever since.


Most of my bass-playing experience was in a 9-10 piece Disco/Soul/Funk band which folded recently after 5 years. I'm currently rehearsing with a band whose style I call "electronica", although that term could be misleading; broadly we are playing music in the style of bands like Portishead, Massive Attack, Bjork etc, with a line up of 2 keyboard players, guitar synth, electronic drums, bass and vocal. I'm very excited about the level of talent in this band and if we stay together long enough to fulfil our potential it could be my best band ever. The idea is to start as a cover band and gradually switch to original material.


When I practice at home I'm mainly working on jazz stuff. I have tried to be more methodical with bass than guitar, and have taught myself to read music to a reasonable standard. I don't have the raw talent (plus I started too late) to ever be anything better than a just-about-competent jazzer, but it's still one of my ambitions to get involved in the local jazz scene.

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Hey, I'm Will, I have only been playing bass for a couple of years. I am currently playing/recording with a blues/rock band and loving every minute of it.


I also want to thank everyone who participates in this forum for all of the knowledge and insights, however, now I'm addicted to it and I can't get any work done.

Music has no boundaries. It is yours to discover, to enjoy, to draw from and to pass on to others.
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JonPackard, I seem to remember you from time I spent at the Dudepit. And (I'm asking in the most polite way possible) aren't you ugly as well? (no no no - not like that - you see there's a website called www.uglybassplayer.com that puts up pictures of bassists. DaveBrownBass and I are there, and I thought Jon (and a few other Dudepit folks) were there, so that's what I'm asking).


schmee - my daughter was a bassoon player in high school but played cymbals in the marching bad. The drum line was taught by a guy that does drum shows and motivational stuff as well. check out their site at www.hippickles.com


We now return you to our bios - thanks to all for sharing - keep 'em coming...




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally posted by Tom Capasso:

JonPackard, I seem to remember you from time I spent at the Dudepit. And (I'm asking in the most polite way possible) aren't you ugly as well? (no no no - not like that - you see there's a website called www.uglybassplayer.com that puts up pictures of bassists. DaveBrownBass and I are there, and I thought Jon (and a few other Dudepit folks) were there, so that's what I'm asking).



Yep Tom.....Jon is a Pitter....and he's Ugly.




PJR here..... :)

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I used to play bass in one of the local garage bands when I was in high school (1971-1973). Mostly we played in the garage but we did do a couple of gigs. But then I moved away and joined the USAF.


Thirty years later I made friends with some guys that played piano and guitar and I thought it would be fun to get back into bass.


I have:

A Squire 4 string bass (jazz/precision combination)

A Ibanez 5 string acoustic bass

A Fender 5 string Jazz Active Deluxe (my favorite)

A couple of acoustic guitars and Fender guitar amp (tweed)

A SWR practice amp (I usually just plug straight into my friends PA system 500 watts when I play with the guys)


Im a professional hypnotherapist, writer, trainer, who just enjoys playing a little blues and rock and roll in my time off.


I like having my Ibanez because I travel a lot doing training, and I can practice in my hotel room so I dont lose any ground while I am away from my band mates.



The deeper you go the better you feel! (True for bass and hypnosis.)

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Hi everybody ! I'm Tod, been here in the shadows

for a few years - I do more lurking than posting,

mostly because I only post when I feel I can add something relevant,I probably have the lowest post count per member # in this forum !

There's a whole lot of experience & knowledge to be gained here ! I've been playing Bass since 1978 (I'm 41 and a Rock dinosaur) orig. from Minnesota but now in AZ, currently play in a Classic rock hobby band (Ratbastard), We just lost our Drummer so it's time for a shakeup !!

I'm married w/children & have had a Elect. technician job for the last 16 yrs.

I play a pretty simple setup :

Fender Jazz 5 string Deluxe active MIM

GK 400RB w/ 2 -15" cab's

DBX compressor, Zoom FX

Customized EBM-5 converted to 4 string for back up

I grew up playing the whole 70's prog. rock thing

Rush, Yes, Kansas, Tull, etc... now I'm pretty much a groove player, give me those 4 notes & if it's in the pocket I'm a happy camper!


Rock On !


I'm Todbass62 on MySpace
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I guess I should step out of the shadows and let my lurking presence be know.


I bought my first bass in my early twenties, and while I was eager to excel, my drive to actually learn was obscured by self-defeating fantasies of rock-god stardom. Needless to say, my first venture was short-lived.


I'm thirty-one now, and about eleven months ago I thought I would give it another try, albeit with my feet firmly planted this time. I take lessons regularly from an incredible teacher who's instruction has been invaluable and inspirational.

As well, I have been jamming with my guitarist friend, and hoping to recruit another friend who is a proficient drummer in the not-too-distant future.


In the past, I have been in a handful of bands, some noteworthy, some not. I started playing drums in my teens, but then opted to take on the roll of a "vocalist" later on, which proved to be more rewarding. At any rate, I have had many experiences playing live, some short tour stints, and have been in the studio a handful of times.


My gear consists of a G&L L2000, an Ampeg 210 combo, and a Tube Works Blue Tube overdrive.


During the day I supervise a unique medical facility that provides service to children with disabilities and complex medical needs.

It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.
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Hi I'm Jim. I'm 48. Been playing bass since 1974,with a long time in between bands. Currently in a fun rock/punk type band that plays once a week for fun.We play some punk versions of old classic tunes. It's fun.My nephew is in the band ,he's the lead guitarist, he is also in a metal band called Meliah Rage. On a more personal note I am a production eng. in the RF/ microwave field, married, two great daughters who take up most of my time with no regrets.That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
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Hmmm... where to start?


Hi, I'm Alex and I'm a bassoholic. First started fiddling around with basses when I should have been revising for my Further Maths A-level back when I was 17 - my group of friends at boarding school were in a band and I'd spent the preceding 2 years insisting that I'd never get any work done if I took up an instrument (how remarkably perceptive of me!)


Went to (Bristol) University (to study Mechanical Engineering, eeeww - hard) and the second person I met there was a bass player. He leant me his Squier Precision and a practice amp and that was it, all my free time (and 'study' time, a concept which became more and more alien to me as my degree progressed) vanished. (Meanwhile my charitable bass playing friend spent that first term trying to learn guitar and then gave in a brought his good bass to University, which was a very pretty Stingray - not my bag soundwise though).


Learnt lots of Metallica, GnR, Nirvana etc and then discovered the Chili Peppers - so much more fun. What seems really weird now is that I remember having so much trouble with all the syncopation - nowadays I thrive on polyrhythms, 16th note syncopations, triplets etc and my sense of time and groove is my greatest strength as a bassist (one day I'll learn to solo well...)


Bought my first bass that Christmas, a headless black shiny Hohner Jack with passive P/J pickups and a Traynor Bassmate 1x15" 30W valve combo. Started a band (well I say 'a band' I should probably say found some guitarists and spent a year trying to find a drummer) and tried to play lots of different covers and everytime we go hold of a drummer I realised that my amp was far too quiet. (Doesn't this happen to every bassist? It's so not fair!)


Bought a new amp that summer,a Peavey Sessionbass 200W head mounted in a 1x12" wizzer cone tiltback cab (well, look who pre-empted the 12" resurgence!) ah, the novelty of being heard... Found a drummer shortly afterwards who turned out to play guitar as well and wrote songs. Spent ages searching for a vocalist and then this drummer got hold of his flatmate to come along and sing and that was it - my first band!


We called ourselves Agent Orange (not a bad name, shame that Californian punk band beat us to it by 20 years!) Did about 30 gigs around Bristol (and a few further afield), recorded two EPs, and only ever played one cover (hurrah!) The band's website is still up at www.spiderplant.net/agentorange - there's some photos, lyrics and mp3s up there if anyone wants to hear quite how many notes I managed to squeeze into the songs (I discovered restraint a bit too late for that band).


In the second year of Agent Orange's life (and my third year of bass playing) I got my first 'serious' bass - a 1987 Warwick Streamer - which is still my main instrument and (I suspect) will be until I die or become unable to play bass due to the ravages of old age. I defretted the Hohner on the day my Streamer came home and it's now become a true Frankenbass - was all black, fretted, P/J passive pickups and electronics, sounded a bit crap (distinct lack of those resonant low mids that cut through); is now waxed natural finish (surprise! it's made of decent wood!) fretless with 'expoxied' fingerboard, has a Bartolini J-pickup in the bridge position and an MEC 2 band EQ from the Warwick. It sounds like a totally different instrument!


The downside of getting the Streamer was that it exposed my amp's limitations - the big rig soon arrived to solve this problem and I became a satisfied SWR Grand Prix, Macke M1400 and (two) Acme Low-B2 user. Awesome rig - shame the Mackie was so damn heavy (it's getting replaced by a QSC PLX once I've got the cash together). I also started to develop an effect pedal addiction which has sired a pretty huge pedalboard and some very cool sounds - YMMV...


The great thing about that band is that in the 3 years that we were together we all learnt how to play. I still prefer playing with that drummer to most others despite his 'poor' technique and lack of speed/stamina because he's damn funky and knows how to groove (what is it about most drummers that have been brought up on rock that drives me nuts?!) Also, after the first few gigs the lineup changed to the good old guitar, bass, drums, vocals lineup (the other guitarist went to France for a year) and I quickly learnt how much more fun it was having the extra sonic space and room to stretch (and the challenge of filling up the sound underneath the guitar solos).


After University we actually started an internet company which flopped spectacularly but gave me some good stuff to write on my CV. The band itself failed to survive the collapse and consequently I put together a new band when I moved to London. Having been relatively involved in the songwriting in Agent Orange, I had hoped that my new band would start to write songs together and we'd end up a cool, funky originals band. That wasn't to be - all the other musicians had played in cover bands before and the non-writing thang snowballed and I lost control. It was fun playing a few covers gigs but for me it felt transient and the practices felt like purgatory. I left, they acquired a more generic funky bass player and are still gigging around London. The only thing I miss is that name: Kung Fu Chihuahu.


I (well we actually, the girl and I) moved out of London back in April (freedom!!!) and I've spent my lengthy daily commute, from the seaside to the big smoke, writing music (on a QY70 sequencer) and lyrics (on that white bendy stuff). I've got about a dozen songs sorted now, so I want to record a (kind of demo) CD and then get a band together down in Brighton. There's no rush though - as long as I can find some jam nights to indulge my bass playing I'm quite happy working on the originals side of thing on my own until I find the right people.


Do I get the prize for the most spectacularly lengthy rambling? Yes? Thought so...


Who am I though? I don't think I answered that! I'm a (just) 25 year old, 5'10" tall, 175lbs blond haired white male. I live with my (fantastic) girlfriend of 3 1/2 years in Brighton. I work for a foreign exchange company in new business development (i.e. financial services sales) and have never really used my engineering degree job-wise (though my engineer side is fairly obvious in any gear discussions...) I am somewhat verbose and have a penchant for 'flowery language' but you already knew that if you got this far. One last thing - every weekday I run the gauntlet across London on my (very cunning) folding bike - if I suddenly disappear, rest assured a bus probably got me.



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My name is Brad, and I'm a former pro musician and heavy rocker. I live in Beckley, WV and have been married almost 20 years to a lovely girl. We have two children, ages 8 & 6. I own a sign business and play P&W in church. I started on drums in the late '60s and have picked up many instruments over the years, bass (28 years) being my favorite. A longtime user of Ric basses & Ampeg amps, I also play Zons now. I hope to form another original band sometime in the near future, as I've not had a serious band since the early '90s.
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My name is Jim. I started off as a music major and pro bass player but got sidetracked into accounting and now own my own CPA firm. I still play both the upright and my Fender Jazz in our church praise band and am in a classic rock band too. We are made up of professionals in other fields and are able to not have to make a living at playing. We do a lot of benefit gigs and freebies to raise money for organizations like the American Cancer Society. I am also going to be playing professionally in a local orchestra this fall for the first time in over 20 years.


My wife and I have three children, all in college. Monday night my wife began her Masters work so I now have four (4) in college at the same time!!! :rolleyes: I am a Florida native and beach bum and love the heat. Can not abide with cold weather of any kind.

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Hi! I'm Willie and I play bass.


I like all kinds of music. I jam with about 3 different groups and gig with none. Hopefully some gigging will emerge, but I'm a simple guy who just likes to play bass.


I'm a NYC kid and still love everything about the Knicks (except maybe Scott Layden), but I haven't lived in NYC for a while. I've lived in Providence RI, Charlotte NC, Chicago IL, and now Skokie IL.


I enjoy meeting other forumites, and had the chance to catch up with wraub and Bastid E in NYC in Dec. 2002 and also to hang w/ JeremyC, Wally, and Whappo this past July. All are righteous individuals. :thu:


I've learned a ton from the forum. Thanks for having me. ;)





Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Originally posted by Will-Bass:

Hey, I'm Will, I have only been playing bass for a couple of years. I am currently playing/recording with a blues/rock band and loving every minute of it.


I also want to thank everyone who participates in this forum for all of the knowledge and insights, however, now I'm addicted to it and I can't get any work done.

Sounds like we have alot in common, Will.

PM/email me and let's do some networkin', howbout it?


I'm Mike Anthony.... just like that other bass player.

I'm in Louisville, KY... been playing bass for around 3(?) years now, after about 4 years of playing bass lines on geeetar (wish I'd known that then.)


I'm a big fan of used gear, specifically G&L basses and Ampeg cabinets. In fact, I'd say about 90% of my current setup was bought used and beat to hell. But I like it.

I play in a Rock/Blues band here in Louisville (name's in sig) and experiement with putting together another project, but nothing's come from that yet.


Oh, and I plan to play bass until I physically can't do it anymore. Then I'll hum.


...simply stating.
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