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Introduce Yourself

Gord -B

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Name's Cone. I live in the SF Bay Area. Started playing when I was 13....too long ago. Grew up in NY area, moved to SF with my band in 1990. Band broke up in 1993, I got married....stopped playing for about 10 years. Started playing again about a year ago, and have been playing out a wee bit, when I can. Just for fun--I have no ambition!


Into fusion, Jazz, Brasilian, Prog, Funk......and North Indian Classical, as well as Western Classical music, too. Can't stand Gangsta Rap, but I love Hip Hop grooves. Don't do much punk, and even less country/western....though I like Bluegrass.


I play a Tune Six String, from the early 90's, that I've modified, also have a Basses Loaded Six String, that I yanked the frets out of, the neck is crap, need a new neck...and I have a Squier J Bass model that I love. Currently playing through a TC Electronics Para/Preamp, an early Demeter Tube Pre, into my old AMP 260 solid state head which I use as a power amp, and an Eden XLT 210 or whatever it's called.


I like long walks on the beach, and poking dead things with a stick.

Nice to meet you!


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Hi to my fellow bottom-dwellers!


Wait, that didn't sound right.


If I am going to submit posts now and then, I should introduce myself. My first name is Steve, and you may guess from my screen name, I started out as a singer. In elementary and middle school, I endured seven years of piano lessons, but never developed more than rudimentary skills. But I did discover a love of harmony singing, spending lot of time choral singing.


When I was 18, I was offered a job in a band, but the catch was I had to learn bass. All of a sudden I found value in those old piano lessons! I spent five years in a variety of cover bands; the last one was pretty unique, being a drummer, bass (me); and a miked 12-string Gibson--and four people singing. Best three-piece I was ever in! In those days I had an old Gibson EB-3, and a Kustom amp.

And then for 33 years I was in Bass Retirement Mode.

Two years ago, some of my wife's classmates started a oldies reunion band and needed a singer. And lo and behold, I am even playing bass on some of the songs! It's the best of both worlds. The Reunion is in 4 weeks, so wish me luck, folks!

Currently have a MIM Fender Jazz and a 1967 P-bass.

I'm retired from the Postal Service, now manage our Boy Scout council's Scout Shop, and occasionally volunteer on our local excursion railroad.


I'm looking forward to learning a lot here, even if I mostly lurk!


Steve Hanson

Austin TX



Steve Hanson


Building from the bottom up

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Welcome Steve!


Now, see, I've never told anyone on this list that I am an Eagle Scout.


Regarding the EB-3: Sorry to see the word "had" right before it. Oldie but a goodie.



Paul K

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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Howdy I'm Jay. 34 years old-South Dakota. Played guitar for 22 years and started bass a year ago to help out a friends band-got hooked-I play Fender Jazz Bass, GK head, and Ampeg cab (crazy, huh?), SansAmp DI, Boss EQ, Bassballs
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Hey, Im Max, Im 15, been playing for 3 years. I play all different kinds of music but im most interested in jazz and funk. I play a Fender American Precision and a Ibanez EDB600 i think its called. Run those through Ampeg SVT-3PRO and SVT-410 HLF. I also play a little bit of double bass.
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Might as well post hear and make myself known!


I first learned the guitar 7 years ago, but a short while after, I picked up Primus's Pork soda cassette from a 3 dollar bin at FYE. I saved up enough money and bought a cheap Pbass copy and learned off of that. I would slap and pop and try to be like Les. After 2 months of playing I took a flathead screwdriver and took the frets off. Surprisingly I had no trouble converting to fretless.

Years later I technically have that bass still (It has no original parts) but I still prefer fretless to fretted. (though I still keep a fretted around)


My rig Is pretty cool, Its pretty much my tone: The twins, scrippy and scrappy (two Pbasses modified all to hell)->modified dunlop jimi hendrix wah->modified MXR dyna comp->Digitech Whammy->EH english Muffn->modified vintage EH small stone->Line 6 Liqua Flange->Visual Sound H20 chorus and delay->ART FXR reverb and delay unit-> Trace elliot RAH350SMX->custom cab with 1 ashdown 10 inch and 1 EV 15.


BTW Phil W, I am so jealous. If i had the money I would love to have a wal fretless.

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Whats up everyone, I'm Chris from Northern Virginia. I'm currently in two bands, niether of which have come up with a name yet. One of the bands is alt rock and the other is more of a funk fusion band. I play a Marcus Miller signiture J-bass with flat wounds on it, and I just pick up the Fender fretless J-bass. I'm running both of them through an Ampeg B2-RE and a DBX 266 compressor, being fed into a 4x10.


New to the forum but wanted to say whats up.

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OK, so Chris....

A band name that i've yet to use: You know that old school thing that measures your foot size? It's called "The Brannock Device". Good name for a band.

http://www.brannock.com/ A little cut and paste, and you've got a hip poster.



Paul K

Things are just the way they are, and they're only going to get worse.

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okay...My name is Tomas and I'm from Finland(so my writing may not be 100% accurate=)).


I'm 22 years old and I'm working at a furniture-store.

I first started playing at 15-16 years age. First I thought about playing the bass, but a friend of mine played guitar and I wanted to play that too.

I played it for some time, but the bass was always haunting me.


Then I became frustrated with the guitarplaying and decided to give bass a try...and then I was like, yeah this is me.


About a year ago now I got an urge to play guitar again, only to get the same result as before...


Nowadays I play in a band, and I'm really happy with my job in the band.


I play a sunburst Rockbass Corvette with active MEC pickups and blue DR strings.

My current amp is a Roland Cube 100.

Then I also use a Boss BF3 flanger-pedal, which I think is really cool=).


That's about it.


Keep on rockin'

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You know what I love about this place? We've got a membership whose age spans 5 decades of difference, and everyone treats everyone else with respect.


That's a beautiful thing.


Welcome aboard, all you new friends. Phil, thanks for keeping this thread going.


peace, all.

Tim from Jersey

Play. Just play.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Hey everyone. Nmae is Frankie G. Started playing cello at the age of 10. By 12 I was taking lessons from Prof. Janet Winnsenburger at Baldwin Wallace College. At 15 I gravitated to the upright. Shortly there after moved to electric bass. Currently in, "Heartland", a country band doing covers and originals. We have an interview and studio time coming from Clear Channel Radio so stay tuned on that one. Have worked with "Armstrong Bearcat", a hard drivin' blues band, "Torn", modern rock covers and originals, and am currently doing some studio work with Rich Spina formerly of "Love Affair" and "Gary Lewis and the Playboys" and currently with Peter Noone. Glad to be a part of this forum and can't wait to share the low end with everyone here.
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Hi All,


I'm Anthony. I've been playing bass for about 4 years, I started out with a Affinity p-bass my parents bought me but have moved on to a Fender Aerodyne that I play through a Bassman 100.


I'll listen to and play anything that has a groove that you can at least tap a finger on a table to!


I've done the usual cover band stuff for the last few years, looking to start working on some originals soon. Also have plans to try an "experiment band" with 2 friends from college, one who plays drums and the other is a DJ, that won't be until exams are out of the way!

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Greetings Anthony, Frankie, Tomas, and Chris, we are forming a bass army with all these new members!


Check back often, you never know when your expertise might be needed, or when a little nugget of knowledge can help out the furtherance of your own playing. This forum is a great way not only a great place to meet your fellow bass players, but make a few friends, attend some shows you might not hear about, or just drool over each others rigs :D

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Ive been lurking here for a while, reading the posts and learning from all of you.


My background: Id been a professional and semi-professional guitar player most of my adult life, but stopped performing several years ago. Earlier this year two of my sons decided to start a band and I agreed help by being their advisor and sound man. Id dabbled with the bass and had always enjoyed it, so when the boys had trouble finding a bass player, Dad came out of retirement.


After a few months of fumbling around on a no-name P-style 4-string, I got crazy and bought an inexpensive 6-string. Now, in addition to playing unfamiliar songs on an unfamiliar instrument, Im trying to do so on an instrument with a fingerboard a mile wide.


Why a 6-string bass? My ego and the relative uniqueness of the instrument probably influenced my decision to some degree. But it was mainly the added range and my preference for playing across the stings rather than up and down the neck. The extra strings allow me to move in and out of the guitar register for fills and turnarounds without a wide position shiftat least when my uncoordinated right hand fingers can find the right string.


I look forward to exchanging thoughts and experiences with other people whove made the jump from guitar to bass.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to all new members is good to see a new wave of newbies most of them have played for sometime now and have been sharing their knowledge with us thank you.






"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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Hello guys,


I'm a newbie here from the Macon, Georgia area. Been playing acoustic and electric guitars for the past 3 years and just recently added bass guitar and am loving it. I play an Aria GB 35 4-stringer thru a Marshall MB30 practice amp. I'm not the usual guitar student in that I am hearing-impaired and grew up in a school for the deaf. I wear digital hearing aids and have performed in several guitar recitals with my instructor's band. It's a dream come true and I'm having the time of my life!!Enjoyed reading all the posts here and the lessons, tips, etc in this forum are a big help. Keep on rocking guys.


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Thanks Rocky, it's been a lot of fun so far. There's still much to learn and enjoy as music is a journey, not a destination. I think being hearing impaired makes me appreciate music more as I celebrate the small accomplishments.


Phil, I don't sing so I'm afraid I won't be much help to you on that. But feel free to PM me with any questions about hearing aids and I will answer the best I can.

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Jez man


I'll bet a tenner as you are Portuguese, or at least your parents are.






"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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South Florida Bass Dude here.

Playing gigs and getting down in the Deep South.

Funk, Jazz, Hep Hop, Latin grooves, we got it all.

Just thought i would introduce myself.

I love to talk gear and have amps bass guitars for any need.

Peace to all practitioners of bass.


Mongo Play Bass - It have more than 1 Strings


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