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Introduce Yourself

Gord -B

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Well I should probably update this as I have not really been on here for a while.


My name is Gordon, i'm 21 and have been playing bass for about 8 years now. My current two weapons of choice are a purple 4 string Musicman Stingray 3 band eq with maple fretboard and a 4 string Parker Bass. Some pretty terrible recordings of the parker are available on www.myspace.com/gordonbache if your interested.


I recently finished my law degree at the University of Sheffield and I have decided that at the minute I am not interested in pursuing a career as a solicitor or barrister. I have set my sites on pursuing more academic interests in the emerging area of Biotechnological Law which I am doing a Masters in next year hopefully to be followed by more research here at the university.


A wonderful new girlfriend and a research assistant job over the summer (www.geneticdiscrimination.net if your interested he he) have meant that i have not been particularly active on the music front but I am still plugging away in my room for fun.


Thats my life really!

Derek Smalls: It's like fire and ice, basically. I feel my role in the band is to be somewhere in the middle of that, kind of like lukewarm water. http://www.myspace.com/gordonbache
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I keep seeing this thread bumped back to the top yet I've never added to it myself.


I'm Joe, I'm 41, and I'm an Okie. I've been playing about a year-and-a-half now and I really enjoy it as a hobby. I wish I could do more with it, but for now with work and family and summer activities, it fits in well.


I play a blue OLP MM2 through a Fender Rumble 25. I'm learning theory along with my playing technique. Hopefully it will help keep my brain sharp and my fingers agile!


I've been a metalhead since I was 4. I grew up on Hendrix, Zeppelin, Purple, Sabbath, and Pink Floyd. I own almost everything Iron Maiden, Motorhead, and Judas Priest have recorded (except the Blaze and Ripper years). The last several years I've been into lots of extreme metal along with the old-guard.


I don't limit my playing to metal, I'll play anything. Especially if I can learn more from it! :wave:

-- Joe --


"If you think you're too old, then you are." --Lemmy Kilmister

"I have not seen a man who is not god already." --Austin Osman Spare

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  • 1 month later...

Hellllo Everybody!! Phil suggested I introduced myself..


My names Lee im 23 work in IT Support and although im not an alcoholic i probably drink too much, I play guitar mainly... Basically I think because thats what I got into first. I do enjoy playing Bass although I do play it like a guitarist (i.e. badly).


I tend to hang around forums bugging people for information (kinda like the gestapo I guess).


I mainly play acoustic lapslide, 12 string and 6 string acoustic guitars.... Sometimes attempt to play my other halfs (Karen's) Westone Thunder 1-A Fretless Bass... Have had to learn quite a bit about the ol bass as im teaching her a few bits and bobs to get her started.


I dig music.... All kinds of music... I can normally find something good to say about any peice of music, but I think thats the diplomat in me rather than an actual appreciation LOL :) On the other hand I can always find something bad to say about a peice of music too :D


My guitar gear: (please skip if guitarists bore you)


Cheapy battered 6 string acoustic

Samick LW17 Acoustic 6 string

Tanglewood 12 String Acoustic TW28-12STRCE DLX (haha i made the model number up but its something like that)

1944 Harmony Acoustic Lapslide

Tanglewood TBS-800 Resolectric

Jackson DK2 (black)


And part ownership of the Westone


Amp: Line 6 Flextone II XL 100Watt 2x12 Combo


Pedals: Homemade Arbiter Fuzz Face Clone

Boss ME-50


Bass Amp: Non existant, on the shopping list.


Anyyyyyyyywayyyyyy Hello!

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Line 6 - cool! ;)


Thanks Lee, I didn't know you were so young!


I usd to have a fretless Westone Thunder too, a black one. I gave it to a friend when I bought the Wal, very good bass for the money!


The guys here selected my entire rig for me based on my price range and requirements. All I had to do was try the stuff out and order it. Cheers Alex for most of the legwork!

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lol Yep im a youngen... I even still get ID'd in tesco's sometimes :)


The westone we have is black but its been through the wars a bit (well looks more like it was used to demolish a small brick BBQ) So its getting a re-finish in Matt Black and Karen also wants the H/W swapped out from brass to black.. of course I have to do all the work but hey.. Its all good fun.

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From what I remember, you might need to replace the nut for a better one at some point. Graphite wiould probably match your colour scheme. I was doing a recording once with some guy who produced or engineered Primal Scream. He insisted I lay down some choruses on an old Westone fretted for a particular sound he was going for, I guess. He did end up using those in the final mix.
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Hi everybody!


My name is Ken. I work for the ONLY big 10 college in Michigan! I'm an HVAC Controls programmer/technician by day and a father/husband/band member by night. I have 6 kids and 3 step kids (not Catholic, just horny).


I'm in a band now for about 1 year and still dealing with tempo problems. May be looking to move on but I dunno yet. I'm 43 and have been playing bass since I was 18. Before that I played the accordian for 15 years.


I've been on here for about a month and the knowledge and comeraderie is a wonderful thing. I especially like how you senior guys will "slap someone's pee pee" when they get out of line and start the childish name calling and other bull that really has no place here. This forum, in my not so humble opinion, is a place to go where no matter what we all are going through in life, we share something we all love.


Peace out my brothers and sisters and thank you for making me feel so welcome here. God and Tom Capasso willing, I'll be around for awhile!

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Thanks Phil!


I'm not really a gear horse (Like my ex wife was a clothes horse). I play an older Peavey 4 string Foundation Bass with active EMG's. It's not an expensive Bass but it feels good in my hands and we sort of have an agreement. She don't embarass me and I won't embarass her.

I also play a Jackson Bass (Very inexpensive but man, that baby stays in tune like you can't believe) that I drop tuned the E string on. I was just given an old Fender Musicmaster short scale but it just don't feel right. I lost probably my best bass in a nasty divorce, a Schecter Custom Elite 4 (Black Cherry) but I've been looking at the 5 string model. I'm currently playing through a Behringer 200w head with 2 carvin 15" speaker cabinets. No effects, although I'm interested in checking some out.


Our band plays mostly cover tunes, classic rock from the 60's to current. I sing lead on about 40% of the tunes and backup on the rest. We have 6 people who all sing, 2 guitars, keys, harmonica, bass, drums, violin.


Thanks alot for asking Phil, at the risk of sounding anal I didn't want to come right out and tell everyone what kind of rig I play. You guys probably have more invested in your cases than I do in my whole rig!


When I get technical enough, I'll set up a "Myspace" account for the band so you all can check us out.



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Yeah, I have expensive gear - but I only have 1 bass, 1 amp, 1 cab and no effects (actually a lie as I have an old battered GK com that I keep at work for practising/playing).


The cover band with all the singers sounds good. Post your set some time on the setlist thread. I play a lot of gigs in a covers band that plays covers from 1950s-1970s so it'd be interesting to compare.



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Just a short update. My name is Rocky. I'm only 67 years old. I've been playing bass for about 45 years. I play with my old high school trio occasionally for fun. I play with a 6 piece "Jam Band" each Wednesday night. I am currently putting together a dance band for professional purposes. I love this Forum and spend too much time here. I hope I can add some experienced advise to the new members.


Rocky :wave:

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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I've been posting a bit here and there, but I've been too shy to just come right out and introduce myself...


I've wanted to play bass since I was 12 or 13 and madly in love with John Taylor. But I thought the instrument was too big for me, so I tried guitar, which didn't stick. And for... almost 20 years (give or take), I didn't play anything. I started dancing just over two years ago, and started playing finger cymbals (yes, I'm a belly dancer), and while I wouldn't say I play well, it made me realize that yes, I could play an instrument. And then a few months ago (after reintroducing myself to DD, actually), I realized that the reason I didn't stick with guitar is that I wanted to play bass. So I took a long lunch one day, went to Sam Ash "just to look," and came home with a used Stingray-style Austin. Of course, since then, I've been so busy I haven't had much chance to get much more than started, so I'm not yet willing to say I play bass, but just holding it makes me happy.


And I'm also very happy to have found yet another online community in which to hide from my day job.

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  • 1 month later...



I'm John. Just picked up the bass last year. Have tinkered with keys, sax, flute, etc. since being a kid...many moons ago. I own Fender basses and a Peavey amp. Just a stay at home player for now. But, it feels good returning to music again, esp the bass which I've always

'thought' ... about playing...just never did.

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Ok so during that London meeting I've said to Phil that I would introduce myself. So now is the time.


My name is David as you can easily guess. I'm 24, and I'm Portuguese.

I've start on the bass when I was 16, you know that time when was cool to have a band, there was like 10 guys to play the guitar and no one wanted the big fish, so I got the place on a Ibanez Tr left handed, and playing through a guitar marshal, later an 70's laney.


So tired to hurt myself on the knobs, I've decided to buy some decent gear, I bought this Jackson (awful) and a Trace Elliot combo, (great, I regret the day that I sold it).

Start to play went to studios played some gigs, only with friends, no one would pay to see us, we were bad really bad.

I've started to search more, 10 of that 10 guys decided quit playing and give more attention to their girlfriends or mistress, and decided that gym was way cooler that playing. So I had to find other bands, played in the garage a half build Vila, studio 50 miles from home. oh well the lot.

End up playing acoustic in a pub every Thursday, were replaced by a hard rock band, Till find some guys that wanted to do something from the music, and we had our on studio well equipped with our material.

By this time I had sell the trace elliot bought an hartke combo, sell that one, play direct to the Pa, and bought and ampeg B2r and Svt210he. Two or three years before had bought the Ibanez SR 1005

Had some lessons during two years more or less.

Run out of money quit lessons, went to the army, (compulsory) came out and still playing, had arguments with girlfriend about spending money on gear, changed girlfriend.

September 2005 went to the UK, couldn't play until July my gear was in Portugal. Bought some books (arpegios, latin and african bass lines)

Bought a small warwick blue cab 30 to practice, and now a Spector euro lx 5.

Went for two auditions, didn't made the first one (glad was too far away), went to another and got the place. www.myspace.com/room3

Meanwhile found out this forum and had Korean food while talking about bass and music in general with Tim R Phill W and Davo-London.


Here it is.




"And then the magical unicorn will come prancing down the rainbow and we'll all join hands for a rousing chorus of Kumbaya." - by davio



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well, back on page 13 or something I introduced myself and said I'd post a link to my website if I ever got it finished... well I haven't done that, but I figured since I have a myspace account, and off of a recommendation of someone here (don't remember who) I'm also on purevolume. The band I'm currently in, is a Punk/Ska/Metal band called SARS/Bird Flu (band's myspace page is in my sig as well). I currently only have 1.5 songs available online where I play bass. One can be heard and downloaded on my purevolume account, titled Ginger Beer. The other, I played most of the bass minus a "solo" section (2:05 thru 2:43) on the band's myspace page, titled Bird Flu "Innocent... (Like a Nazi)". Also, on the band's myspace page, the tune Bird Flu "Happy Being Sad" I do play bass on, but it was recorded live at the bar we frequent and I don't think you can even hear me. Also on the recordings, since the band isn't too keen on fretless bass, they EQ'd it to hell (well, in my opinion) which made it sound too muddy to me.


Also, I'm currently writing material with a guy I've been in and out of bands with since high school which is more rock/metal. I get to slap/pop on one tune so far!


Lastly, if any of you myspace users want to add/etc, you might have to PM or message me beforehand as I don't accept friend requests/invites from people I don't know (or like LOL). So if I don't accept, don't be offended. Just give me a head's up and I'd be more than happy to.



[Carvin] XB76WF - All Walnut 6-string fretless

[schecter] Stiletto Studio 5 Fretless | Stiletto Elite 5

[Ampeg] SVT3-Pro | SVT-410HLF


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  • 1 month later...

What's shakin' my name is BJ aka Hostile Apostle. I am 27 and live in Kansas City, Mo. I play in a alternetive/metal, band called

Drug Store Prophet. We are actually recording a demo on January 1, 2007. You can actually check Drug Store Prophet or myself, Hostile Apostle out on myspace or you tube, we have a couple of videos up. If anyone checks them out please let me know what you think.

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Heya, my names Rui.


Im 21 and Portuguese currently living in Cardiff in Wales. Im at uni atm and studying Physics and Music (majoring in Physics). Been playing bass since I was 14 or so. Self taught, although I did pop down to see Steve Lawson earlier in the year and he showed me quite a few things which I could work on.


Been in a couple of originals bands. Firstly during high school, nothing special and I was playing piano for that. It fell apart and I decided that I would buy the bassists guitar (a squire P-Bass) and amp as he didnt want it anymore. It kinda took off for me after that. A year or so after picking it up I did a gig in my home in Madeira playing mostly latin music, merengue, salsa etc... When I got back to the UK I couldnt put the bass down.


Was given a fantastic xmas present of a 1970s reissue Fender Jazz. Since then ive played mostly in covers bands. Pub stuff, 60-80s rock. More recently I played bass in a few musical productions in Baker Street (London). Currently I just left an originals band here in Cardiff and am playing once again in a covers band in South Wales.


Current gear: Fender Jazz bass

Warwick Corvette

An old Aria SB900 (incredible action on that)

and a cheap Yamaha Fretless for the odd song here and there.


Ashdown gear 4x8 and 1x15, altho I want to get a littlemark bass head when the student loan comes through ;)

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Originally posted by DavidMPires:

...had arguments with girlfriend about spending money on gear, changed girlfriend...

Now THAT's having your priorities in order. You are a REAL bass player, brah. Proud to have you here. :thu:

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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QUOTE]Originally posted by DavidMPires:

...had arguments with girlfriend about spending money on gear, changed girlfriend...[/qb]


It is wise to get these differences straighted out before you have a joint checking account.



"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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