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Introduce Yourself

Gord -B

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Hi, Chris whiteley from the UK, 44 and playing bass for about 26 of those years. I use a computer in my daily work, but I'm still new to this forum business, so please bear with me if I make some dreadful mistake somewhere.


I never had very much money for good gear, so I got into the habit of buying cheap gear and trying to make it sound good. Now I'm much more comfortable in financial terms, but the cheap and cheerful thing has become a habit, so much so that I am now a self-confessed inverted snob. I certainly don't want to imply any criticism of the opposite approach, but I do get a buzz out of buying something inexpensive off ebay and working on it until it plays well and sounds good.


My main instrument is a 5-string headless fretless that used to be a Hohner BIIV, but it looks more like a Hohner Jack these days. It looks, plays and sounds great. I've got a few more fretlesses, and a neck that's waiting for a semi body which I'm going to make out of an old oak table.


Most recently, inspired by John Paul Jones' 10-string playing on "Zooma" and "The Thunderthief", I decided to assemble my own 10-string. I bought a few bits and pieces from ebay, cannibalised other parts from other instruments and did a few modifications. The results can be seen on http://usera.imagecave.com/mrwhiteley/10_string_bass/ It is surprisingly playable, with a good, low action, though it still needs a bit of a fret stone.


I'm looking forward to taking part on this forum, though I suspect I'll be learning more than contributing.

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Welcome to The Lowdown everyone! It is great to have so many new folks around here. I'm looking forward to hangin' out and discusin'with ya'll!



Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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Hi guys!

I'm new here. I've posted a few replies but nobody knows really who I am.


My name is Marie-Josee Allard, I live in Montreal, Quebec province. I speak mostly french like 80% of the people here in town...


I've made studies in jazz trombone and arranging, but since a year I've switched to the bass. I'm living on gigs of both instrument---I'm very lucky. I've done charts for my main two bands, a top 40 all-girls sextet (yes, we all hate girls band but THAT gig pays the rent. Anyway at this point, I've no more a guilty conscience---only a stomach.) and a cocktail trio with a singner.


I'm playing mostly with a fender Roscoe Beck five strings and an old old old older-than-me Seymour-duncan 400 head with a Hartke 4x10. But my long-time boyfriend is also a bassplayer ( a great one in town!) and I can sometimes use his basses... What a nice feeling to play on an Alembic!!!!


This forum is always very interesting, I spend too much time reading all the stuff (and sometimes not able to understand...)


So see you guys! :wave:

I've no more a guilty conscience, only a stomach.
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  • 2 months later...

Hi Gang,

I've been around for a few weeks but I just discovered this thread thru one of Dave Brown's posts.

My name is Rocky, I have lived in San Antonio, Texas most my life but have traveled quite a bit. I did live in Germany for a few years. I'm retired from the Automotive business (Porsche & BMW Restoration) I have been happily married for 46 years, I have two sons and 5 Granddaughters.

I started playing Steel Guitar in the 6th grade (1949) and began playing in a Western band in 1953. In 1960 I had a serious hand injury and lost the feeling in several fingers of the right hand which ended my Steel playing. In 1962 I started playing Bass for therapy and loved it.

My main interest is in Jazz, Blues and Western Swing. I presently play in a band of old guys like myself but all they want to play 60's Rock & Roll. I just hate it, but it's great to play with a good group.

To supplement my retirement income, I buy, sell, repair and restore Fender Basses. I have probably owned 40-50 Fenders, played them all but don't really have a favorite. Why Fender? Not because they are the best by any means but they just represent the World of Bass to me.

Please overlook my opinionated views from time to time, but at my age, it is allowed.

Cheers, Rocky


PS. Both of my son's wives play good bass and 2 of my Grandaughters

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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Hey people, I'm new here, my name's Ellis and I'm from England. I've only been playing bass since Christmas, but I'm slowly learning!

My bass isn't anything special, I don't really know anything about it exept it's sunburst in colour! So thats me!

And if you wanna go down in history then I'm your friend...
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Hey, I'm Doug. I have been playing for one and a bit years now and I have two basses:

Yamaha RBX270J (My first bass)

Hohner B2aDB (Recently bought)

I have been on these forums for a while now, but I was only viewing because I couldn't get my account to activate ; )

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My name is Vince and I'm 42 and I've been playing bass since about 1982. I normally hang out in the guitar forum. Musically, I like most stuff, but I'm not very big on Prog or BeBop.


I'm one of those guys that plays bass guitar like a guitar which I know one is not supposed to do, but it's so much fun. I've always used a pick but I'm now learning to do slaps and fingerpops and all that too.


I've had different basses over the years but my first bass is still my favourite. It seems to be some sort of weird and heavily modified lawsuit era EB3 copy. I bought it almost at random from a pawnshop when my band couldn't find a bass player.


I was born in Argentina but grew up in Sydney, moving out when I was 26. I've been living here and there since, but mostly in Milan. We'll be moving to Wellington, NZ in a few weeks.




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  • 2 weeks later...

It seems about time I updated this, seeing as my first introduction was almost 3 years ago. So, what's changed?


On the music front, I tried to get a band together a while back and that crashed and burned due to a lack of direction and vocalists, so I decided to take up that challenge myself. Since then I've had a few singing lessons and more importantly spent a lot of time writing and recording songs with my own vocals.


Once I had a fair wodge of songs in order I started trying to put a new band together, and the results of that is doing its first gig in a fortnight. Wish me luck - my first ever gig as a frontman and vocalist! (And bassist obviously, but I'm used to that).


I've joined the world of MySpace this week and that seems to be bringing dividends on the networking front - if you're on there and want to add me, go here: C. Alexander @ MySpace Or just go and check out the music, the lyrics, the singing (on second thoughts, focus on the bass playing, not the singing!).


On the gear front I've found that at the moment singing and bass playing is incompatible with managing effects, and in fact I'm rather enjoying the restrictions (and clarity) of running straight from bass to amp. Also tending to use just the one 2x10" for practices and really keeping the volume down. And the '87 Warwick Streamer is sounding more awesome than ever, with 18V power, EMGs and OBP-3, and 45-105 Bootzillas.


And on the life front I'm no longer commuting to London every day, having jumped ship to a better job in a bigger corporation, which allows me to work from home most of the time. I'm doing a lot of horse-riding (which is fun) and starting to get into photography (hard to do at the same time but I'm determined to manage it!) And, last but not least, I'm getting married three months today!


I've learnt so much from the very wise online bass collective - not just here but also The Bottom Line (which was remarkably kind to me when I asked how to get my 30W bass combo heard in a metal band...) and Talkbass. Finally getting to the point where I have a fair bit of expertise in certain (usually amplification or groove-related) areas and can give something back to the people. Still SO much to learn though! This place rocks.



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Originally posted by Rowbee:

Congratulations on the getting married, are you booking a live band? :)

Well, yes and no. We're having a dixieland jazz band in the afternoon, then a ceilidh band for a barn dance (!), and then a DJ for the evening (though if I'd checked Phil W's band's setlist before, we may have done things differently).


Unlike nature, I don't abhor a vacuum, I adhor cheese. Especially cheese that doesn't groove, and listening to a few 'wedding' bands got me really worried!



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Holy crap! :eek:


I just read this whole thread and realized I never introduced myself! What was I thinking?


Name's Tim, from northern NJ. I started out playing piano in 1964 (I was just a sprat) then took up drums in the early 70s. I started playing bass when we got a REAL drummer, and fell in love with the feel and the tone.


Played with lots of people around the tri-state area, but am still 'home-based' with the same band that we started in High School in the mid-70s.


I have lots of basses, and always want more. Depending on the gig or the sound I'm going for, different instruments come in handy. Not much on effects, occasionally a chorus pedal (the AWB-worship in me).


Would you believe it took me 3 1/2 years to finish this intro? You'd think it would be better, but Mediocrity is my middle name.



Tim from Jersey

Play. Just play.
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My name is Ed, 34 years old, and have been playing bass for about 16 years now and still have a lot to learn. My main thing is country, but I'm open to whatever music catches my ear. Did the band thing for a few years and hope to do it again.

My main basses are Carvins: a B5, LB20F, and a fretless kit that I put together a few years ago.

I've lurked here for a few years, y'all seem like nice folks. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by Edro:

I've lurked here for a few years, y'all seem like nice folks. :D




"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb, voting on what to eat for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb, contesting the vote."

Benjamin Franklin

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I have no idea if I posted here, but might as well.


Name's Joel, and I've got about a year's experience on the bass. Recently moved up to a 5 string and absolutely love it. I posted a bit back about the pocket and such and got great feedback. Looks like I'll be learning allot while I'm here. :D

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Hey, i'm Trevor Million and i'm 19. I'm from Springfield, KY and I started playing bass when I was 12. I play an Ibanez SR305DX 5-String and will play any kind of music. I'm the bassist for Obsession X and we play Heavy Metal and Rock. My band members our Lead Singer Erika Christensin, Lead Guitarist/vocals Tyler Downey, Back-up Guitarist/vocals Caylee Jameson, Keyboards/Sampler Courtney Jameson, and Drummer Devon Million.
My Axe: Ibanez SR305DX 5-String
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Hi everyone. My name is Bret and I've been playing bass since 1989/90. Originally from Chicago, but now live in AZ. I sing and play bass in a band called AUDRA: www.audramusic.com


My favorite bass players are Eric Avery (Jane's Addiction) and Peter Hook (Joy Division).

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Hi, my name is Daria or just Dasha. I am from Siberia/Russia. I am not good in English so do not mind if anything is wrong. So about yourself: I am 18 and I REALLY want to play bass guitar. But unfortunately i am russian student girl, so i dont have money to buy it. So I want ask if anyone out there has an old used bass that you dont need, please send it to me as a gift or sell for a little amount of money. I will be appreciate of you. If you need to view my face before communication with me, you may email me corporationyo@rambler.ru. I will send you my photos)). I want to play music! Need bass help!
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  • 1 month later...

I've been lurking for a while, and tried to register at different times, but all the names I tried were taken. I finally used the initials of my new blues name "Eczema Eucalyptus Eisenhower". :)


I've been playing electric bass since junior high back in the early '70's, and upright for about a year. I play in two country/cajun bands. My main bass is a Carvin kit 4-string, and I recently started using an Acoustic Image Contra amp. My upright is one of those inexpensive Chinese jobs, but I like it.



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