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Introduce Yourself

Gord -B

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I noticed that there were several new members here, so I thought that I should bump the introduction thread in hopes that they will come out from the shadows and present themselves. :D


:D Bump!!!

Let your speech be better than silence, or be silent.


For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, none will suffice.



"Rendirme? Que se rinda su abuela, *#@!^$"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow! I go away for a few days and we get a whole flood 'o newbies!


So come on ya'll, Introduce yourselves. Tell us a little bit about your music and your gear too.


Welcome to the Lowdown! :wave:

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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Hello Everyone,

My name is Jon Maghini and I own and operate M Basses in CT... First off I have to thanks to Tom, DR.SweetWilly, Skelly and all the other great guys I met at Bass Player Live last month,thanks for the support and all the gret comments and pictures you posted following the show and also for inviting me to join in here...

M Basses.com

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Hi! My name is Glenn and I live in Toronto, Canada. I'm a guitar and bass teacher, giving an average of about 60 to 65 half-hour lessons a week. Right now I'm using a Geddy Lee Fender signature series bass through a Roland Cube 40 guitar amp. I gotta do something about my amp situation


I'm currently in a band called Shy As You Like. Check out www.shyasyoulike.com to see a picture of me photoshopped in. I think it looks a little fake, but you can't tell unless you look closely.



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Hey everybody, I'm Roy. I am a truck driver living in the Tacoma WA area. Been playing for about 20-something years. Currently the bassist for our church. Kind of looking for a side gig on the weekends for a little extra cash. Keep on thumpin!
Is that a real song or did you make that up?
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Originally posted by Jon M:

Hello Everyone,

My name is Jon Maghini and I own and operate M Basses in CT... First off I have to thanks to Tom, DR.SweetWilly, Skelly and all the other great guys I met at Bass Player Live last month,thanks for the support and all the gret comments and pictures you posted following the show and also for inviting me to join in here...

M Basses.com

Those are some truly beautiful instruments you have made.
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Hi Jon!


Good to see you here! We look forward to hearing your take not only on your craft and issues related to the care and construction of our instruments, but also what you have to say about playing bass, music, being in a band, and everything else that we throw around this forum.


Thanks for taking us up on our invitation to come and hang out.


Again, ladies and gents, a few of us met Jon at the Bass Player Live event and were very, very impressed with his craftsmanship.


Perhaps we need to bump that thread of Jeremy's back to the top about building basses and see if we can get our forum builders to comment -- new members Cliff and Jon, as well as occasional passerby Carey Nordstrand. Didn't Larry Mollerup used to stop in here every once in a while back in the day?






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Hey to all the new people!!


(And a special Wazzup to Jon M. of M basses! Really sweet stuff, J.)


Chris of Doom- they play as nice as they look, too...


Willie- that's a great idea about bumping Jeremy's builder thread... :D






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Originally posted by greenboy:

Ah, man - and I just did a Swedish knock in another thread with my Finny friend. But it was just a joke - welcome!

If you'd really want to given em a knock, you would ask them how last sunday's hockey game ended... But that wouldn't be playing nice now would it so better not do that ;):P .


Anyway, welcome to all the new guys, and especially to Miguelito - It's really nice to get more Scandinavian flavor to these boards!

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Hi. I'm Dave. I've been playing bass for almost 30 years - high-school rock bands, late-70's disco/funk bands, early 80's dance bands. Haven't played live for nearly 20 years, but I've been doing home-recording for the past 5.

I play a '74 Rickenbacker 4001, and record direct.

When not recording, I manage a bookstore in West Virginia, read a lot, write a bit (lyrics, articles and essays) and try to keep 2 teenage kids from driving me nuts! (The wife tries to help, but who's she helpin' - them or me?)

Hope to find some interesting folks to chat with and share tips and advise with.

Nice to be here.


Soundclick Homepage

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Hi folks, some of you may remember me. I used to visit this board under the name of CupMcMali! Yeah, I left on bad terms, but hopefully that can all be left behind.


Since last dropping in last I've been quite busy musically. Though I no longer play in my indie rock band, I'm currently taking lessons (something I swore I'd never do) and while I think I'm getting no better I hope that is just my pessimistic side coming through. I've also purchased a MIM fretless jazz to go with my Ric 4003. The Ric hardly gets played now, even though I'm struggling with the f/less.


Listening wise I'm getting into some jazz as well as my usual garagey (sp) rock n roll. Charles Mingus or Milres Davis are the two that've really grabbed my attention so far, though some of the early (30's - 40's) big band jazz really gets me going too. I think I like the idea of hammering on the root note in a big set up, punky jazz if you like!


Nice to see so many new people here! I look forward to hanging out with you all.





Grizzly Bears Don't Fear Anyone.


Angry Cheetahs Emerge Growling.


I reserve the right to change my opinion at any time!

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My mind trips over it's self sometimes Wraub and I'd prefer not to dig old crap up! Nevermind, thanks for the welcome!


I've been living without the net for a few months, but I'm back and hoping to learn loads, how's the bass building going?





Grizzly Bears Don't Fear Anyone.


Angry Cheetahs Emerge Growling.


I reserve the right to change my opinion at any time!

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Slowly. But thanks for asking. :)


We have some really good ideas, and a couple of working prototypes. I am redesigning the body shape, and we are planning on a new prototype soon.

So much to do...






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Of course! I don't know how I'd get rid of him anyway... :)


He goes by the name Ace Cracker around these parts now. He just played a show last week, went really well.


My band is not ready yet, maybe late Dec. at this point.


Congrats on the fretless acquisition...






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Hi GB, glad to see you've made it back too. I've been browsing for a bit...glad to see you're at your caustic and informative best :thu:

Grizzly Bears Don't Fear Anyone.


Angry Cheetahs Emerge Growling.


I reserve the right to change my opinion at any time!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi, my name is Tony and Im from Long Island NY and Im picking up Bass again after being away for about 12 years. When I was in High School in the late 70s I played drums in a cover rock band. When I left high school I hooked up with a club cover metal band. While playing with the band before practice and during breaks I would pick up the bassists axe and he would jump on my drums and we would jam. So, I learned how to play bass and he learned drums. So after the band broke up I sold my drums and bought a Fender Precision bass. After playing in a couple of bands I answered an ad for a bassist for an originals band, an lo and behold, the drummer was the old bassist I played in the metal band with. It was pretty cool, we would take a song or two and I would jump on drums and he would take the bass and we would swap. Anyway after that band I ended up with a couple of pretty bad experiences with bands, and with college and getting married I faded away from playing altogether. About a year ago my wife picked up a used Ovation Acoustic for me to play around with and it brought back the fire to play Bass. So for Christmas shes getting me a Yamaha BB405, 5 string Bass. I plan on beginning lessons the summer of 2005 (Im finishing my MBA this spring, so I cant start right away), since I didnt have any formal instruction when I first played. This seems like a great site and theres a lot of information here. Hopefully in the future I can contribute in some way.
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Welcome to the Lowdown Bender69! Great to have you here!Congratulations on "coming home" to the bass. I did the same thing a few years ago and even though I regret ever leaving it in the first place I revel in "being back" every time I pick it up!


You are definitely in the right place. Welcome aboard.




(P.S. - I finally finish my BBA in fall '05 :D )

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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