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Introduce Yourself

Gord -B

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Originally posted by Warlock1016:

I'm Jason, 28, from Houston. I was formerly of a country act called Rolling Thunder, but now I'm on board with a rock band called Cobalt.


When not bassing away on Epi Les Pauls and Ibanez SRs, I'm a Software Production tech for a Market Research company. And when not doing either of those, I collect replica/real wrestling championships.

To update...


Now I'm 29, and 10 of those years have been spent on bass. I currently play for a funk/soul band called Collective Hallucination (blatant plug Collective Hallucination Website As you can see, I'm the token white boy. :D


I'm still banging away on an Ibanez SR500, too many other basses to mention, and an SWR4004 head into an Avatar 2x10.


Married, and a baby on the way...

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I've been lurking for a few weeks now and think this is a perfect time to introduce myself. My name is Grayson and I live in Maryland. I've been a bass player for 24 years, though only three of those years have I actually played the bass. Confusing? I'll explain.


Way back in the early 80's I let my HS band director in Irving, TX. talk me into taking up the bass for the jazz band. That worked out okay. I also played with some friends in a rock cover band just to get girls. We stunk it up pretty bad. After graduating from HS I gave my bass to my brother as he was a real musician and actually put it to good use.


Skip ahead 20 some odd years and skip the tour in the US Air Force, 13 years as a x-ray/MRI tech, a wedding, three births, career switch to IT, and two mortgages later. The worship pastor (and lead guitar player) lamented that he didn't have a bass player for the summer and was talking about hiring someone (like our church could afford a "pro"). I offered up my brief experience and was instantly accused of holding out. Three private lessons with him and he said I was ready to go live. Talk about sweating! Anyway, having a blast and trying to teach myself some theory (thanks JeremyC). I returned my brother's Ibanez 6 string when I bought my own SR800. Using a borrowed Crate amp of questionable age and lineage for practice purposes only.


davebrownbass - Do you know any of these folks? Nancy Pike - Band Director in Irving and Arlington back in the 90's. Brian Merrill - Aformentioned HS band director and friend. Earl Haberkamp, Marc Easley?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings...I'm Dave(37)..I've been playing(off and on) since I was about 11.

I am classically trained, played upright for 9 yrs(as a youth) and electric since 1981.My first bass was the Fender Jazz from the music Dept.@ school.Then pops came through with this beautiful Aria Pro II.Sweet axe.Played it into the ground.It lays in mothball waiting to be reassembled.Did the rock band thing for a while....jazz gigs....then a long break...My wife just recently bought me a Washburn XB100.Just what I needed to get my chops back up...Jazz,Rock,Soul,...I'm into everything except for country.

Have you hugged your bass today?
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I am Kahlil. I'm 25 years old and I live in Detroit. I have just moved to Detroit relatively recently. I am from Cleveland. My background is vocal soul/r&b, and then hip-hop. I still sing, just not soul/r&b and I don't rhyme anymore. All of that just was way too uninspiring. When my group would go into the studio I would always try to make the track in the background as complex and melodic as possible (unless I was going for minimalism). But making music on a synth and computer just wasn't satisfying, so I broke down and bought a cheap, probably crappy bass, I don't even know what it is supposed to be imitating. There is an OLP logo on it, "officially licensed product?" I bought it in a frenzy of needing to play bass without really knowing what I was looking for, so I looked at price (which worked because I couldn't afford anything more expensive anyway). I have a little Fender practice amp as well.


It was my original intention to get a bass, some books and start a band with some of my other friends that don't play instruments. We all had an agreement: Me and one other guy would be the singers, I would play bass, the other singer would play rhythm guitar, and I had 2 or 3 other friends that wanted to play guitar (of course). We didn't have a drummer, but I figured we would come accross one in the course of things. So I picked up a bass and started to learn how to play it... and nobody else did anything. Well, I guess that's not totally true, one of the guys took a quarter (as a pick) to the electric guitar (with an integrated speaker) that his mom got him when he was eleven and he broke the strings and then never touched a guitar again. So to hell with them, I wanted to play bass anyway, I don't need them to do what I enjoy. I am still a little irritated by their laziness though. They were so animated and energized in talking about it, but had no drive to actually do it.


Oh, I would just do originals if I'm ever good enough to actually make some music ;) , and I do some songwriting, I have some music theory experience. Okay, that's it.

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:wave: Hi everyone........ my name is Tommy,and I play bass........ DUH ....born and raised in Miami, I've been playing bass since I was 10. All through Jr Hi, High shcool and college, I played URB, tuba, sousaphone and of course bass guitar. I play keyboards too, but by my own standards, not that well. I got my degree in Music Ed. from Florida State with a minor in computer science in 1971. I did graduate work at University of Miami in music engineering technology, but got married and never got the MA. :( I taught Jr. High band for several years, while gigging at nite, got divorced, quit my teaching job, married my lead singer, :eek: had 2 kids, quit touring and settled down in Kendall and worked locally (if you consider the state of Florida local..... ) Wound up divorced again in 1988 :rolleyes: ... and somehow wound up in Jacksonville. Remarried, and I 'm lovin' it. I play in the praise band at Middleburg Vineyard, teach bass, gig some, manage the logistics dept at a company that builds power generation control systems for utility companies and spend my free time with my 3 granddaughters, my daughter and wife at our home in the forest. Life is great... and so is this forum and the people here.... :D:D:D


Rock on.......


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  • 3 weeks later...

Well it looks like there are some new folks hangin' around so I though I'd bump this back up and say


"Howdy, welcome to the Lowdown!" :wave:


Moderators -I think you should consider making this a "sticky" thread.Not that I mind bringing it back up from time to time, but it would be nice.I noticed the "stickies" on the "For the Band" forum that sit above the page and I think something similar would be pretty cool.


Just a suggestion. Cheers

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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  • 1 month later...

My name is Chris and I am a mediorce bassist. I play in one functional band without a name or a singer or any recordings or any actual gigs. I am also in a non-functional band in which I am the most talented member(scary).


I own a squire MB4 crossbones bass, a hondo II I learned to play on, and a SWR workingmans 15 combo amp.


Um, thats all...

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Hello, mi llamo es Wes, I'm a Texan residing in Ft. Worth. I am 29 years old, started playing bass when I was 26. It's never to late.


I have posted a few times. At best, I'm a average player. I have learned alot in the last few years. My only gig is a church praise band. The muscians in the praise band are very talented. I'm very fortunate to get to play with these guys.


Personal information:

Married for 8+ years, have 2 children, both boys.

Hobbies include playing bass(duh), playing golf

fantasy football, playing video games with my kids.

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Okay, I give... I don't think I ever posted this one...


I'm Maury.


I'm a yuppie who happens to be a decent player (I provide the rock). I started on piano, moved to drums, and then decided it was time for bass after a band I was playing with had a bass player quit.


I played with several bands in college, mostly original rock. I also played briefly with a disco cover band.


After college, I stopped playing regularly due to my work schedule. I missed playing too much. I'm still working 60 to 80 hour weeks, but I am now playing with 2 bands, jamming with a set of friends weekly, jamming with our own Tom Capasso occasionally, and I'm trying to get another disco cover band together.


How do I fit it all in? I gave up sleep. It's over-rated.


I've had the pleasure of meeting several folks on the forum, including Jeremy, Phil, Dr. Sweaty Willie, Tom, Music-man, 57pbass, Benloy, wraub, Nicklab, Fredthefunkybassplayer, Taz, Taz's dad and... who am I missing? Dan? I think that's it. Very nice folks indeed.


Equipment wise, I spend most of my time on my Warwick Thumb 5. I dig it. I have several rigs, and while I prefer either my Demeter/Stewart/Acme or Eden/Bergantino rig, I play whatever is provided at a venue without complaint. It's in the hands, baby!


Other info; full-fleged yuppie, late 20's, engaged, living in sin in a doorman building right outside of Manhattan, no kids, etc...

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I guess I'll do this even though I've been here a while.


I'm DONOT and DONUTHOLE (@home).


I'm 29,a resident of Duluth,MN, and have been playing for around 17 years,live for 14. Iplay in a local band that plays "not the usual classic rock covers" like Steely Dan,ELP,Alan Parsons,Floyd,etc. I also pick up small tours once or twice a year with Becky Barksdale who is an L.A based blues/rock artist and play some gigs with Hot Toddy which is kind of a Chris Isaak/alt country/Roy Orbison type deal. I'll gig with as many people as time allows so there are a few other one off recordingsand recurring stuff too. My style consists of all kinds of influences but mostly players like John Paul Jones,Jamerson,Rainey,Dunn when left to my own devices. For the covers I try to mimick the player mostly but can't help to shine through a bit. I'm not one of these guys who plays a slap bass part on an oldies gig. I have fun lifting a style and trying to make it feel right.


My main gear is exactly what I need and love. I use two Mike Lull P5's. An ash/rosewood for the OLD school and an Alder/maple for everything else. I also use a Danelectro Longhorn and a locally built fretless 5 from time to time. I NEED a Pedulla Bzz 5,when money permits.


My main rig is an Alembic F1X hooked into a QSC PLX1602 hooked into either an Ampeg classic 810e,4x10 hlf,410,or Bergantino ht212. I also own and ocasionally use a GK800rb, an old Ampeg SVT 200T,Sansamp,and a '67 Silvertone Twin 12.



I tend to ramble. Glad to be here. :wave:

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My name is Matt.


I'm 43 and have been playing stringed instruments since 7. I say stringed because I was air guitaring at 4 or 5. Settled on bass in high school when I joined a band with 3 guitars and realized how rare good bass players are.


Currently happy as a clam living in the middle of nowhere fishing, raising my 7 year old son, worshipping my talented, tolerant wife and playing in 2 bands with the same name.


Consider myself a mediocre slacker when it comes to bass and musicianship in general but still love to play.

"He is to music what Stevie Wonder is to photography." getz76


I have nothing nice to say so . . .


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My name's Les and I live north of Sacramento in the valley (for another week). I'm moving to the Space Coast in Florida. I'm 46. Not in a band at the moment.


I used to play in a Classic Rock/Blues band In Portland, OR called the Rockhounds. Then I was in an original bluesy rock band here in CA called Irony. Then a country band by the name of Gardner Harris Band. And then a Santana tribute band called Sacred Fire (www.sacredfire.biz).


I'd love to play in a classic hard rock style band (sounding like mix of Aerosmith, Stone Temple Pilots, ACDC and John Lee Hooker).


I play an Ibanez SRX505 and a Carvin LB75F (built from a kit) through a Carvin stack (R1000, 4x10, 1x18).


I want to sell the Carvin stack and get a Tech 21 Landmark 600 with a couple of 4x10s (the Mesa Big Block 750 looks like it could hurt someone, though).


I can't wait to get settled so I can start playing (in a band) again.

Will play bass for food.
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Hello everybody. My name is Kenny & I'm a 43 year old IT professional from central New Jersey.

Married with 3 kids.

Back in the 70's & early 80's I did the garage band thing. I gave up playing for several years for

various stupid reasons. Upon moving into our current home 3 years ago, I came across my old

Peavey T-40 in storage. With my wife's encouragement, my love for the bass was rekindled.

I have since acquired 5 more basses. (6 basses is at least 3 or 4 more basses than my limited

talent could possibly justify, but what the heck)

I found this forum a few months ago and have been lurking ever since. I was struck by the feeling

of community here, as well as the remarkable level of civility given to all members, regardless of

skill level.

I hope to be a worthy contributor to this forum and I hereby swear to always use the search

function before posting any questions.

Push the button Frank.
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My name is Wil, and I am a bass player.


I'm a Tattoo Artist from Greeley, Colorado, (where all the bad beef and lamb comes from!)

I'm 23, and I have been playing bass for 14 years, as well as guitar for about 10 (though I am a really crappy guitarist) and drums for like 8. I played upright in school, until I was fired from the orchestra in high school, because I played certain notes with my third finger, instead of fourth (seriously).

I am a hardocre Ibanez guy, I have 4 basses, two 6 strings, one fretted one fretless, and two 4 strings, one fretted, one fretless with a hipshot tremelo bridge. I use and Ampeg SVTIII Pro head and and Ampeg cabinet, and Ernie Ball strings. I have a crap load of effects that I don't use as much anymore. I play with my fingers, thumb and picks, depending, so I don't limit myself.

"F--k Damnation, F--k Redemption." Tyler Durden-FIGHT CLUB
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A sincere "WAZZUP!" to y'all for joining our little family of bottom enders!


What I hope you'll get out of the forum is a greater respect of who you are and the role you play in music, no matter if you are appearing next at a soccer stadium in Rio or in your rehearsal space in your mom's basement. No matter what your talent or skill level, IQ or skin complexion, age or level of enlightenment, your contribution will be welcome recognized by a few seasoned veterans here, and if you happen to be "flamed" in the process, consider it a "friar's roast" of sorts, because underneath the teasing and the gutter humor lies our collective need to be recognized for the often-overlooked role we play in virtually all forms of music.


Y'all come back now, y'heah?

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Originally posted by kenfxj:

Hello everybody. My name is Kenny & I'm a 43 year old IT professional from central New Jersey.

I spent Oct-Apr working in Lawrenceville and walking the campus whenever I had time. It was tough to find much going on musically... I'm working just a bit north of you now. Keep your eyes peeled to the board - we'll probably be going to jams from time to time.


Welcome to all the new folks !!




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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  • 1 month later...

Looks like it's time to bump this thread back up and say HOWDY! to all the new folks. :wave:


Welcome to the Lowdown!


Please take a moment to tell us a little bit about yourselves!

Nothing is as it seems but everything is exactly what it is - B. Banzai


Life is what happens while you are busy playing in bands.

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Hi every1.


I'm 24. Live in Russia. Have been playing bass since 16. Now i'm playing for funk/psycholdelic band called MOGU. I adore bass playing. I use 4-strings Arai Pro 2 Magna series and Ampeq VST amp.

Dream about MMan or Ibanez.

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Hi, my name is Luis, I am 43 years young, and was borned in Mexico still during the 50's. I lived in several places of the world before marrying and settling 8 years ago in Switzerland. I am a veterinarian but have actually had several day jobs thru my life. The only constant all along has been music, and I am into bass since I was 22. I have two kids, Eric is 10 and Valérie is 2 1/2. I am in the process of leaving my day job (as a medical researcher) for another as a slaughter-house vet, because the first one leaves me no free time nor energy for music. Not a nice job but times here are hard... :rolleyes: I play a Rick 4001CS thru a Gallien Krueger Head. Also in process of switching my band (an originals rock quintet) for a originals latin-jazz-swiss folk band. :D

"If you don't live it, it won't come out of your horn"

Charlie Parker

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Hello, I am Jesse. I love this website, I am so happy that I happened upon it. I really have learned a lot on here and I get a good laugh almost every time I come on.

I am part of a rock band called the Resistors, and we are in Connecticut. We used to play in Tucson, Arizona but we started up again in February here when the singer/songwriter moved here (we moved here about 4 years ago). We are just about to record a 4-song demo that we are excited about. I play bass and sing back-up vocals. Occasionally I play flute. I am married to the drummer; we have been happily married for 6.5 years. :)

I love bass because it cheers me up when I am sad, it makes me feel like I have some power, and I get so excited when I learn new things or find I am able to play something I couldn't before.

I am a part-time bookkeeper and also an independent beauty consulant with mary kay cosmetics. Don't know what else to say without telling my entire life story!! :) As always, you guys are great! :)

"Every act of love is a work of peace, no matter how small." -Mother Teresa
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Welcome all!


I figured it was about time for me to reintroduce myself...


Take the W and I and the L

Then they add L-I and the freaky E

Add a funky beat, and then what do you see

It's Sweet Willie, yeah, baby, that's me

I've got the beat that's, oh-so sweet

Without me rockin' it's incomplete

So rock this, y'all, rock that, y'all

Rock on and don't you dare stop

You rock this, rock that, and that's a fact

Cause Sweet Willie C will rock your body right back

Rock a steam locomo ride off the track

And give the whole wide world a funk attack




Peace. :cool:




Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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