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There IS a contingency plan in place. Any significant news regarding a new incarnation of this forum, if needed (and that is by no means certain) will appear at my web site -- [url=http://www.craiganderton.com.]www.craiganderton.com.[/url] Right now it's just an informal place where I post songs and freebies every few weeks, but people like Marvin Sanders and other forum members have made excellent suggestions on how to keep this going should that become necessary. I love this thing way too much to let it go. I made the mistake of not having contingency plans with AOL. I will try not to make that mistake again. And Rob has offered to help too, so I think we'll be okay on some level.
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Well, a lot of us are already on the prosoundweb forums ( http://www.prosoundweb.com ). And you are all more than welcome to take over the discussion forum on my band's web site. Go to http://www.what-the.com and select the Discussion Forum link. It can be a good meeting place and/or I would be happy to set up another forum (or more than one) on our site just for us. I've already got the forum software set up so it'd be easy. --Lee
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As I've said before - I'm a lurker much more than a poster. But if this behemoth goes down - Let's please get another thing going ASAP. If I had space, I'd offer it. I'm going on a little rant now... I read everyday, all over the internet, how BAD things sound. How 'joe whatshisname" recorded in PT instead of on 2"; "Oh, "They" used Appoflea conwherters, our stuff must be inferior;" "The bass response of the Meganinnie 9100 sucks! Real audio professionals only use brand Q.....". "I'm recording at 192 kHz, 24 bit, using blah blah blah). Wrong or right, it depends on where you are in the food chain. But to me it's WRONG. Mp3 may not sound awesome, but it beats the fucking hell out of my 1979 8 tracks. Digi 001 may not rival 2" thru a NEVE, but it absolutely destroys the alternatives we had when I started at this. "My TASCAM Porta-One sure sounded great compared to my Pentium IV and SONAR (Not a huge price difference, actually). ( To be read with extreme sarcasm, BTW)" But the REAL advance in the last few years has been THE FREE EXCHANGE OF IDEAS. I did work as a second in '92 where the engineers were so afraid of letting their "secrets" out, they wouldn't let the assistant do the recall notes; you had to leave the Control Room. I took a position in my early days where, out of fear of job security, the previous engineer had labeled NOTHING... all leads from patch bays: unmarked. No Master records of installs. No clue as to what was in the tie-line pipes or the troughs. But now, I can ask FANTASTIC people point blank questions about this black art, and recieve pretty damn great answers for the price of a monthly ISP connection. I can go hear songs, actual real songs that don't sound like demos, recorded on inexpensive equipment, with the touch of a button. And alot of them learned how to do it... here. And there. And over there. We have been provided with a knowledge base unlike any our profession (or hobby) has EVER been provided with. I got my latest copy of AES last week. I AM VERY PROUD to be a member, but, fuck, most of that has NOTHING to do with WHAT I DO. EVERYDAY. HERE IN THE REAL WORLD. What I read HERE does. And when this site goes away, there will be others that will fill it's void. But it will suck not to go here and learn and laugh and escape. Here's to Craig's vision. I'll follow you on to your next endeavor. Thank you, Craig Anderton. Frank Salazar
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I don`t know a lot of you folks as well as I`d like to-being so far away will do that-but I`d follow this group through a hostile biker bar anywhere. This site ROCKS. Gimme the coordinates, I`ll beam there... I`ll beam there? wait a minute, I need a pencil and paper.
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Hi All, I'll second Lee's offer to set up a forum, whether at Craig's place (if he hosts with a PHP/MySQL provider) or somewhere else. One way or another, we'll carve out a spot to keep this going. BTW, regards to Kudyba for making the best of the site under what I know have been far from ideal circumstances. Best of luck to you, Rob. Cheers, Marv
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Craig, a suggestion: On your sever craiganderton.com create a subdirectory named sss in this directory, make a single index.html file which contains a frameset with a single frame in it... in this frame, reffer to the HTML for the main page of the SSS forum. That way, we can all go to [url=http://www.craiganterton.com/sss]www.craiganterton.com/sss[/url] and there SSS will be. If/when this site goes kablooey, you can launch an ezboard, or anything else, and just change that index.html file, et viola.... Just a thought. /Z
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Boy, go ahead and work 20 hour days for a couple of days and see what happens! :( I have not read the thread yet, but I'm assuming Rob's leaving as webmaster. :( This was a mistake on [i]someone's[/i] part IMO. Well, as I've said before, I'd gladly kick down $50 (or whatever) annually to help offset your costs Craig... I'm sure there's enough others who would be willing to do so on a voluntary basis to completely offset the costs... but not really pay a staff. :( But I'm glad to hear that regardless of the future of musicplayer.com is, SSS will go on.
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Man just when you think you're onto a good thing. This forum is the best,damn it! I'll kick in 50 bucks. Sorry but I just realised that only works out to around 5 cents US...
I once had a quasi-religious experience..then I realised I'd turned up the volume.
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Thanks to Craig and Lee and the rest for working to keep this going. I'd kick $50 in as well... If this thing goes splat, I've got to figure out what to do with the bass forum !! There are some other forums I think we could step into, and I don't know if I'd start one independently (there are so many already). But ths is a wakeup call to start looking... Thanks again to all who make this the fun and informative place it is !! Tom


Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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It would be foolish to just shut this site down without at least trying a donations type thing... I am a regular at another site similar to this (with a different focal point) http://www.bigbendfishing.net . The lone moderator/site owner didn't feel like fronting the cost of the site so he simply set up a paypal account and asked for donations... so far they have been pouring in. In about three days I'd guess he has covered his costs and is now looking at a decent profit... Last I checked this site had at least 29,000 registered users and even if a small percentage of us were to donate a few bones, it could provide a nice salary for a site admin and some server space/bandwidth etc. Plain foolish IMHO. These sites can be pretty inexpensive to run these days. Ask Jules, he just set one up. :mad:


My Band: http://www.fullblackout.com UPDATED!!! Fairly regularly these days...


http://www.logcabinmusic.com updated 11/9/04

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[quote]Originally posted by Lee Flier: [b]Yeah, I agree Kris. For UEM to shut this place down would really make them look like idiots.[/b][/quote]Understatement of the year. It's funny that only yesterday when I got my new issue of EQ that I was thinking that UEM had a good thing going. Not only do they have great magazines, they have this interactive place where music types like us can come, share and generally hang out. How cool was it to see Nawledge, Phil and EVEN The Wewus with comments in the new issue :thu: ? There COULD be and even greater dynamic between the two if the bean counters would recognize they have something much more valuable than what is on paper (they should take a lesson from the record industry). The opportunity to further market to and capture an already eager audience is incredible using places like this. I hope that Rob's sudden departure isn't a sign of things to come with UEM.

Yamaha (Motif XS7, Motif 6, TX81Z), Korg (R3, Triton-R), Roland (XP-30, D-50, Juno 6, P-330). Novation A Station, Arturia Analog Experience Factory 32


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Frank "Spigots" Salazar: you're right, you're more a lurker than a poster, but you need to change that! Your post was great, and after losing our guitarist Monday, then hearing about Rob, Chip, and Chip's Mom, I really needed, heck I think we ALL needed, a blast of positiveness!! Thank you for the post! :thu: :thu: :thu:


"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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[quote]Originally posted by popmusic: [b]My gosh -- I just realized my post count is now the same number as a year.[/b][/quote]Isn't everyone's post count the same as [i]some[/i] year??? ;) :D (but you [i]are[/i] closing in on Hall of Fame status.) :thu:
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<> Well thanks, but let's be realistic: If I get smashed by a car tomorrow, this exchange of ideas would continue. People found the original SSS, people found this one, and people will find the next one, wherever it is. SSS has been a convenient place to hold the party, but there are plenty of abandoned warehouses around where we can set up a sound system and party. And let's not jump the gun. The site's still here. UEM's magazines are doing as well as can be expected in today's print business climate. "Always in motion, the future..."
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[quote]Originally posted by steadyb: [b] [quote]Originally posted by popmusic: [b]My gosh -- I just realized my post count is now the same number as a year.[/b][/quote]Isn't everyone's post count the same as [i]some[/i] year??? ;) :D [/b][/quote]Yes, but some people like Ted, alpha and Phil O' are from the future. [b][i]In the Year 6565....[/i][/b] :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
So Many Drummers. So Little Time...
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Put me down as another who'd kick $50 to cover costs. I've learned too much here in the last year or year and a half to let it go now. It would be like watching your best friend die and not being able to do a darn thing about it !!!! RobT



Famous Musical Quotes: "I would rather play Chiquita Banana and have my swimming pool than play Bach and starve" - Xavier Cugat

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[quote]Originally posted by KHAN: [b]Yes, but some people like Ted, alpha and Phil O' are from the future. [b][i]In the Year 6565....[/i][/b] :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: [/b][/quote][img]http://www.bttfmovie.com/images/photos/bttf1_02.jpg[/img] MARTY! PUT KHAN IN THE DELOREAN AND LET'S GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE...
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Hey, I'm not keeping up with things like I once did (given situation), but it seems like maybe it'd be a smart thing if we started a thread with everyone's email address, or someone could keep a master list (if we don't wanted it posted for spam fodder), ... I dunno, really tired... UHm.. forgetting something... Anyone know of a way of automatically archiving posts from a web page list? I'd hate to see however many thousand posts I've stuck in here just go "poof" into nothing.. If I'm not making sense please excuse me... and if the board disappears someone let me know, I don't really have free time anymore

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

Eccentric blog: https://chipmcdonaldblog.blogspot.com/


/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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<> If this forum goes away, I think it's a lot simpler to just check craiganderton.com for news. Right now it has a link to here. That link could change if needed. And in case something happens to my site, check Lee's. Or for those in love with Lee, by all means, check her site first .
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Man, these are some serious cutbacks! Now I read that [url=http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=18;t=004128]Jim Aikin was laid off from Keyboard Magazine today[/url] ?!? I just can't believe that! IMHO, [b]Jim Aikin[/b] is one of the few folks who deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as our fearless moderator. Would you care to comment [b]Craig[/b]? (I already took the liberty of quoting you in the thread I linked to above. I hope that was okay.) Best, Geoff

Enthusiasm powers the world.


Craig Anderton's Archiving Article

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Jim was the guy who edited by articles for Keyboard, and caught any little weirdnesses that needed fixes. He asked hard questions where info needed to be added, and when he had to cut for space, always managed to do so without gutting the article. A more knowledgeable guy would be hard to find. I am involved with Keyboard as a writer, as opposed to EQ, where I am Executive Editor and am more involved in the decision-making process. So I would have to leave any comments to the folks from Keyboard. All I can say is that these are VERY tough times for magazines in general. At least Keyboard is still around; a lot of magazines are not. There's one other lesson to be learned from this: if you like someone's work, WRITE TO THE MAGAZINE and let them know. Had the sentiments in David Bryce's thread been made clear to Keyboard over the years, the situation today might be different. It's easy to write a letter complaining about something. But I have made a conscious attempt over the past decade to write letters when I have compliments. Like the time someone at the Delta ticket counter saved my butt when a flight was canceled, and got me to Europe in time to make a gig. Damn straight I wrote to Delta! I ran into her about a year later and she had been promoted to supervisor. Did my letter have anything to do with it? Probably not, but I'm sure it didn't hurt.
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