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Strange critter


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Just sittin' here with a cup of coffee (the juice of life), recovering from the gig last nite, and ran across this bass. I've never seen anything like it. Or else I've led a sheltered life.


Click here.

Bassplayers aren't paid to play fast, they're paid to listen fast.
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Now there's a gee-whiz idea. I'd love to play one of those. I sure never thought I'd hear myself say the words "banjo technology" together.

"I had to have something, and it wasn't there. I couldn't go down the street and buy it, so I built it."


Les Paul

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I don't suppose there's really anything wrong with people trying out new bass concepts; especially if they can get someone like wooten to endorse it...


Just looking at it, however, a wave of nausea sweeps over my body...

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"Excuse me Mr. Horse, are you a professinoal actor?"


"No, I am a real horse"


"Mr. Horse, what are your feelings about that bass?"


"Hmmmmmm... no sir, I don't like it"


I've seen one of those before. I suppose if you were super-wanker solo boy all those extra notes way the hell up in the register might be "cool" to have. I certainly would never use such an instrument. I have no desire to play one, and quite frankly, if they just simply all dissapeared off the face of the planet I don't believe that would be a bad thing.

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Originally posted by Bumpcity:

"Excuse me Mr. Horse, are you a professinoal actor?"


"No, I am a real horse"


"Mr. Horse, what are your feelings about that bass?"


"Hmmmmmm... no sir, I don't like it"


I've seen one of those before. I suppose if you were super-wanker solo boy all those extra notes way the hell up in the register might be "cool" to have. I certainly would never use such an instrument. I have no desire to play one, and quite frankly, if they just simply all dissapeared off the face of the planet I don't believe that would be a bad thing.

Can we say ignorant? How conformist can you be? Geez, let these people that their CREATIVITY for Christ's sake. Next thing, someone's going to suggest an amp that has more gain stages than normal, and you'll go apeshit. Just let them experiment, and have the peace of mind that they aren't being bashed for it. You don't bash Picasso just because he was creative, do we? No, it was artistic license...same thing here.


By the way, I'd really like to try one.

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Originally posted by patrick_dont_fret:

Originally posted by Bumpcity:

"Excuse me Mr. Horse, are you a professinoal actor?"


"No, I am a real horse"


"Mr. Horse, what are your feelings about that bass?"


"Hmmmmmm... no sir, I don't like it"


I've seen one of those before. I suppose if you were super-wanker solo boy all those extra notes way the hell up in the register might be "cool" to have. I certainly would never use such an instrument. I have no desire to play one, and quite frankly, if they just simply all dissapeared off the face of the planet I don't believe that would be a bad thing.

Can we say ignorant? How conformist can you be? Geez, let these people that their CREATIVITY for Christ's sake. Next thing, someone's going to suggest an amp that has more gain stages than normal, and you'll go apeshit. Just let them experiment, and have the peace of mind that they aren't being bashed for it. You don't bash Picasso just because he was creative, do we? No, it was artistic license...same thing here.


By the way, I'd really like to try one.

Excuse me? I believe this is your order of "shut the f*** up". I was offering my opinion of this bass, and stating that _I_ would never have the desire to own or play one. I never said anything derogatory about anyone who plays one, wants to play one, or even owns one. You need to figure out when someone is slagging something for the sake of it being different and when someone is just stating that they don't care for something. I also don't like 6-string basses, I have no desire to own one. Does that mean I find them stupid or useless in general? No. I personally would never want one. Other people play them, some people that play them do very interesting things with them.
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Patrick, if Picasso was not alive and well, teaching water colours to menopausal women at my local art centre, he'd been turning in his grave!


That shock of a thing? Picasso? I can't even think of a connection. IMO, just jestin :)


CupMcMali...this monkey's gone to heaven :freak:

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I probably wouldn't play one either.


I can see how someone like Wooten would like one, though...more power to him if he enjoys it.


I'll stick w/ 4 and 5 strings only, but so what, that's my opinion.


Calm yourselves, people.

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Originally posted by Bumpcity:

Originally posted by patrick_dont_fret:

Originally posted by Bumpcity:

"Excuse me Mr. Horse, are you a professinoal actor?"


"No, I am a real horse"


"Mr. Horse, what are your feelings about that bass?"


"Hmmmmmm... no sir, I don't like it"


I've seen one of those before. I suppose if you were super-wanker solo boy all those extra notes way the hell up in the register might be "cool" to have. I certainly would never use such an instrument. I have no desire to play one, and quite frankly, if they just simply all dissapeared off the face of the planet I don't believe that would be a bad thing.

Can we say ignorant? How conformist can you be? Geez, let these people that their CREATIVITY for Christ's sake. Next thing, someone's going to suggest an amp that has more gain stages than normal, and you'll go apeshit. Just let them experiment, and have the peace of mind that they aren't being bashed for it. You don't bash Picasso just because he was creative, do we? No, it was artistic license...same thing here.


By the way, I'd really like to try one.

Excuse me? I believe this is your order of "shut the f*** up". I was offering my opinion of this bass, and stating that _I_ would never have the desire to own or play one. I never said anything derogatory about anyone who plays one, wants to play one, or even owns one. You need to figure out when someone is slagging something for the sake of it being different and when someone is just stating that they don't care for something. I also don't like 6-string basses, I have no desire to own one. Does that mean I find them stupid or useless in general? No. I personally would never want one. Other people play them, some people that play them do very interesting things with them.
"I suppose if you were super-wanker solo boy"


"I have no desire to play one, and quite frankly, if they just simply all dissapeared off the face of the planet I don't believe that would be a bad thing"


Those words are not derogatory? If I were called a super-wanker solo boy, I'd be pretty offended.

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Originally posted by Bumpcity:

...I suppose if you were super-wanker solo boy all those extra notes way the hell up in the register might be "cool" to have...


...I certainly would never use such an instrument...


...quite frankly, if they just simply all dissapeared off the face of the planet I don't believe that would be a bad thing.

Sure, you're not being derogatory! :rolleyes:


I know lots of players who like to be called, "super-wanker solo boys". Oh, wait a sec! I don't believe I've met anyone who'd appreciate that title.


The use of, "I certainly would never use such an instrument" is completely condesending to anyone who would. You sound like a stuffy old rich stereotype saying, "Well, I never!", like you're higher class for disregarding this unique instrument.


You don't care for one. Fine. Don't play it. Don't even try it. But stating their disappearance off the face of the Earth would be a good thing? Someone's feeling a bit overly self-important, wouldn't you say? ;)


Your opinion is welcome, as are everyone's here. Your arrogant and condesending statements are unappreciated.


But hey, I'm a guitar player and sound mixer, so I'm sure you can rationalize away any constructive criticism I've offered. ;)


Let's just tone it down, guys! :freak:


Personally, I think this is a wonderful invention that allows someone of a traditional, bass-as-foundation type of a band type of player to feel comfortable with a bass that allows for increased creativity and melodic contribution. I'm not a bass player, per se, but I can see why so many bassists are uncomfortable with a standard 6 string. Those necks are HUGE. They require quite a change in playing technique for the most basic tunes. But this seems to be a wonderful compromise that really isn't a compromise! Why all the hostility guys? Bumpcity? What gives?



It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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Originally posted by patrick_dont_fret:

Thanks, fantasticsound. It's probably just that time of the month. He's been a bitch towards me on a few other threads.

Ok that was low. Its one thing to say something evil TO the person the evil comment is focused on but totally different to say it to someone else.


Everyone needs to settle down. Take a look at the bass, give your comment, and dont attack people. TALK ABOUT THE BASS!! This is a BASS forum not an ATTACK-PEOPLE-BECAUSE-THEY-MADE-A-COMMENT-ABOUT-SOMETHING-AND-YOU-DONT-LIKE-HOW-THEY-SAID-IT forum


Lets just relax.

"Cliff Burton (the "Major rager of the 4-string mother f***er", from Metallica)" Direct quote from Wikipedia (censored out of respect for the forum)
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What Penguinsarebirds said: Let's deal with issues, particularly bass issues and not personalities. This escalation is not necessary and will just cause valuable contributors to this forum to vanish. On another note the moderators have come to a decision to start editing certain four letter words. You can all help us by not using them in the first place.



I have basses to play, places to be and good music to make!
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Can this be the same Cowbell Allen?

Bring back the Cowbell avatar, it was cool.


Some of us want to spend $1200 on a weird bass, we've already got a non-weird bass.


I like the idea of adding the extra strings only at the top end, that's where you need them anyway and then you don't have the big neck at the bottom end where you are doing most of your playing.


I want a double neck that has a bass on one neck and a keyboard on the other so that I can play basslines and chords simultaneously.


I also want about 6 basses in various tunings just for experiments.


I want luthiers to keep experimenting so that all basses will not look the same.


I want the kind words of our esteemed moderators to be heeded.


Just because.

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I remember in the 1960s when upright bass players put "them Fenders" down and swore they'd never play them.


I also recall when the first five- and six- stringed basses became available, and similar put-downs were prevalent.


Not to mention non-wood alternatives, roundwounds, midi, synthesizers... need I go on?


That's an interesting bass, although its features are not something I require or desire. However, I won't find it necessary to make derogatory remarks about it or others who may like its features just because it's not my cup of tea.

1000 Upright Bass Links, Luthier Directory, Teacher Directory - http://www.gollihurmusic.com/links.cfm


[highlight] - Life is too short for bad tone - [/highlight]

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Hey, how about that Saddam Hussien guy?


Bet he's got one o' them weird-looking basses. Bet he designed them just to destroy civilization as we know it.


Damn, people... calm down.


It's just a wacko bass. Big deal. It's cool that someone designed it and that someone can use it. More music and different thinking could be the result. YAY.


I'd have no clue what to do a bass like that, but, hey, if someone like Wooten can make it do something cool, great. I'll leave it to him.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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