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Suggestions/Tips...singing and playing...


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After a few months lay-off, I've joined a new band.


I've no problem singing, just maybe not to this extent. In the past, if I felt the Bass part may suffer, I'd opt out of singing. Now, that option doesn't exist. I'll be singing on 75% (or better) of the tunes.


Some will be a piece of cake, some are a challenge, some are damn near impossible.


To this point, either the Bass part OR the vocal had to be a no-brainer. One or the other had to be done without any real effort (thru practice/repetition...), but this is different.


Anyone have any tips, etc. in re: singing and playing?




Confirmed RoscoeHead

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Lots of info on this under "search."


I posed basically the same question about 6 months ago (my very first post, I believe), and since then the topic's come up probably another 3 or 4 times. Tons of great tips that helped me (and are still helping me) a lot. I've still got a long way to go until I'm where I want to be in the singing-and-playing-at-the-same-time department, but I'm definitely seeing progress. I don't get nearly as frustrated as I used to.


The best tip I've come across is to just sit down and do it. Depending on the difficulty of the song, you might have to painstakingly go through it measure by measure, pounding out every little syncopation between voice and bass. It ain't easy. In all seriousness I'd say it's about 10 times as much work as learning just the vocal or just the bass, but it's soooooo cool/satisfying once you do get a previously impossible-seeming song down.


I don't know how Sting/Les/Geddy/Chris/Me'shell/Paul does it.

All your bass are belong to us!
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Oops try that again...

Thanks GrooveMouse -

I'll check ot the "search". ...New here, didn't realize the subject had been asked before.


"I don't know how Sting/Les/Geddy/Chris/Me'shell/Paul do it"...Me either, combination of skill/training/out-of necessity", maybe?

Thanks again,



Originally posted by GrooveMouse:

Lots of info on this under "search."


I don't know how Sting/Les/Geddy/Chris/Me'shell/Paul does it.


Confirmed RoscoeHead

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