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Which is you?


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The "I look like a bass player" post got me thinking about why we change ourselves if at all.


Do you seek to work towards fitting into someone else's conception of a musician? How far are you willing to change yourself to fit someone else's image?


Or are you interested more in keeping yourself the way you are, in presenting your music as yourself without the external crutches that infect the corporate pop music, crutches like a kind of appearance, a kind of gear or a kind of attitude?


In other words, on a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being most insecure, 10 being profoundly arrogant and proud) what's your own personal comfort and confidence level with who you are when you play, and how you do it?


For me, I'd have to put it arount a 6 or 7.

Beware the lollipop of mediocrity; one lick and you suck forever.
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5 I guess...sometimes lower, who knows.


In a way though, for me, anyway, being a musician should be "being comfortable with who you are", sadly, for many, it's not. Just as you wouldn't see "music types" on wall street, you don't see many "suits and business haircuts" onstage. I dunno...just a thought...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Regardless of the band I play with, I play what I think feels right for the songs. I don't compromise that unless someone else can show me something that I think is better. To me, it's all about the songs, and I wouldn't be involved in something that doesn't let me express myself. It's not worth my time otherwise. I dress the way I always dress -- I don't think you can go wrong with black. My gear is my gear -- it's pro, so nobody ever has a problem with it.


So... I'm probably higher than a 10... I even make the other people I play with dress like me (you saw the picture).



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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On a scale of 1 to 10... I'd have to say yes.


Anywhere between 0 and 11 on any given day, depending on... well, everything...



Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

Pod X3 Live

Roland Bolt-60 (modified)

Genz Benz GBE250-C 2x10

Acoustic 2x12 cab


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Definitely somewhere around 9 or 10. I like just about everything, and there are unwritten standards for most, but who really cares? I'm an arrogant SOB too, so? I will switch off instruments for whatever better suits the song, however, depending on what I think. We're pretty much to platform for music, so we get to decide, I think.


My clothing is more of what I think looks good on me...green pants/shorts, a white tshirt (sometimes with the aforementioned hawaiian), and shoes/sandals. I don't really wear hats, unless I have to for work. So that's me. I wear what I want, and if what I wear comes into style, that's just grrreat. I'll do whatever it takes to be me.

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I'll be totally non-conformist and place my self at 1(instead of a nice, middle of the road 5). Yeah I really am that shallow! Can it be measured how much of an image is based upon your love of music? I've loved Rock N Roll from the year 1382 A.D (this is my 35th life, 4th as a human) My formative years were spent watching music vids and such, in secondary school everyone dressed the same, as I got older and fell into a smaller sub culture my dress/look changed, probably when I'm older I'll wear tweed jackets with arm patches.


Read some Camus (the outsider) All is conformity, even to our tears at emotional occassions. In life in general people do as others do, respect and cherish the values of a society. My chosen society is based around making nice noises with other people who I like and who also like making nice noises. Sometimes they wear cool clothes, loads of times they don't... :)


I'll stop talking now...And I am a material girl..


CupMcMali...this monkey's gone to heaven :freak:

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Originally posted by ibescotty:



I am what I am and that's all that I am....

Yeah Scotty - Popeye was my first thought as well.


In many areas of my life I conform and compromise. In music, I can be flexible and open minded. But mostly, I go with who I am. Some of that's good, some of it not. All of it has to fit into the "larger" me (like being a father and husband and needing to be a wise guy at times).


Sorry Cup, but Camus wasn't something I could see (or completely get thru) when I last looked at him. I'm not that philosophical/system oriented I guess...




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I think any musician has to be a balance of both worlds... sure you need to be yourself and be proud of who you are, and do the things that set you apart... but every (good?) musician should be able to conform to his situation...

I love to play the blues on a guitar (one of my mostest favoritest things to do,) and do it well, I'm told, but since the band I play bass in is a cover band, there isn't too much room for 'freestyle?' blues at any given gig... sure we can go off on a tangent once in a while, but thats not what we are there for, and thats not what the audience is there to see/hear... same goes with church on Sunday... got to curb the old enthusasm a bit there, too...

But I'm proud to be a musician, and a bass player, and a guitar player, and I'm not afraid to let anyone know it... Hawaiian shirt and all.


Incidently, today I'm wearing plaid, not Aloha.

Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

Pod X3 Live

Roland Bolt-60 (modified)

Genz Benz GBE250-C 2x10

Acoustic 2x12 cab


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Ouch! My last post was packed with vitorol. My cab/amp worries are back.


I can't remember who's credited with the quote, but some one once said "be ordinary in your life, but extra-ordinary in your art" Kinda pretentious I know, but it carries a lot of weight I think. Stereotypes and such really raise my blood pressure (hey I'm 26, I shouldn't know about BP).


Tom, I find some of Camus a bit down and sorry for himself, but some of it just cuts through so much crap. I'll admit it's not everyone's cuppa tho....I'm in a mood, so I'll leave it be tonight :D


CupMcMali...this monkey's gone to heaven :freak:

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Heck yeah its free, why would Roger give away a multi-thousand dollar bass but be stingy with a shirt? Hell, if I was getting the free bass, I wouldn't think twice about boning up the 12.95 for the shirt...


Hey Mr. S, want to make $12.95... ;)

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Arrogance is not the opposite of insecurity. It is the product of insecurity.


The opposite of insecurity is self-acceptance, feeling comfortable about who you are.


Personally, I'm probably about an 8, but musically, I'm a 10. I compromise musically for no one. :D

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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I'm not sure why, but I find that I'm pretty insecure in many areas of my life. Most people who really know me would agree, and I can't imagine anyone accusing me of being arrogant. Dan, I realize that you're not saying insecurity is the *same* as arrogance, but I don't really see a close connection there at all. They seem to be on pretty opposite ends of the spectrum. I do agree that self-acceptance is a more true opposite of insecurity than arrogance, though.


So on the one hand I'm insecure (always worried about what people think of me), but on the other hand I dress the way I want to and actually go out of my way to be unique. I *hate* the idea of being like anyone else. Not that I'm better than anyone else (in fact, I consider pretty much everyone to be above me) -- I just thrive on being an individual. I have to be me. So where does that put me on the "security scale"? Am I insecure? Self-confident? Arrogant? All of the above?


I think it goes in the "typical musician" category. Weird ones, ain't we?

All your bass are belong to us!
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