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Stop the smoking?


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Well, this has come up alot recently. The cigarette in Paul's hand on the Abbey Road poster is about to be removed in order to prevent more people from smoking. Read about it here


This came up in the Bassplayer issue when a front cover picture featured an upright legend with a cigarette. Someone sent in a little complaining that it supports smoking. Look at all the flames he gets now for sending in that letter.


This is so ridiculous. I don't think there's a good reason to do that. People should learn to do something better with their time.

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I suppose that it's a good thing they got rid of the smoke, who knows when the first lawsuit of "Paul McCartney gave me lung cancer" would show up. :mad:


Why are cigarettes the bane of western society?

Discipline is never an end in itself, only a means to an end.

--King Crimson

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Yeah, yeah, they tried to do away with Santa's pipe a number of years ago too. This anti-smoking hysteria has gotten completely out of control. I was wondering when somebody was going start complaing about second hand smoke from an album cover.
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I read a story that was talking about how several bar patrons were arrested for being drunk.... :confused: ....they're in a bar to get drunk, that's the whole point. Next thing they'll do is ban drinking in bars, after that stupid no smoking ban. If you're there to do what you're supposed to do, you'll be smoking too. Shut up, stupid people.
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Paul McCartney is really starting to get to me, first of all that changing the names around on the song titles business and now this air brushing the L.P cover....Are those 3 tabs of acid he took in the sixties starting to catch up on him?


CupMcMali...this monkey's gone to heaven :freak:

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Originally posted by patrick_dont_fret:

. . . look at Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Glass Onion, et al. . .

This just in from the nit-picking dept: Actually John wrote those two. ;)


Now if you pointed out how he wrote "When I'm Sixty-Four" and actually had the balls to play such a goofy song for his bandmates, I'd see your point. Of course . . . I gotta admit that's one damn catchy song . . .

Ah, nice marmot.
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Originally posted by patrick_dont_fret:

Next thing they'll do is ban drinking in bars, after that stupid no smoking ban. If you're there to do what you're supposed to do, you'll be smoking too. Shut up, stupid people.

Smoking Ban :thu::thu:


Actually I love the smoking ban. I live here in California where it is illegal to smoke in any indoor (and some outdoor) public places. I can't tell you how the quality of my life has improved. When you work in clubs and bars 4-6 nights a week, believe me you'll appreciate a smoke free environment.


...and I'm not stupid. ;)

I have no homepage.
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Are you freakin' kidding me!!!? People need to get a flippin life. Wanna know something? PEOPLE WILL SMOKE IF THEY WANT TO WHETHER OR NOT THEY SEE IT IN AN AD OR ON AN ALBUM COVER!!! I am a non-smoker. I grew up with parents that smoked. A good chunk of my friends smoke. And I see people smoking everywhere. I've never had the urge to smoke. "Second hand smoke kills blah blah blah..." So does the bus exhaust that you inhale everyday walking to work. You don't see mass transportation being banned now do you? I'm out, and needless to say, sick of people who need to quit worrying about senseless BS like a smoke on an album cover and take a good look at their own problems.
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Hmm ...


I find it hilarious that it's not some "PC" lobby that's forcing a change in the album cover, it's a for-profit marketing group. The issue is MONEY MONEY MONEY, not some ideological cause - a marketing corp is petrified that it will offend consumers by associating itself with smoking. But that's not a problem with the issue of smoking vs non-smoking; it's a problem with the fact that we're saturated with media images that are controlled by conglomerates that are petrified of doing anything that might hurt the profit margin (hey - that's a problem with the music industry too, right??)


If the article is trustworthy, it sounds as if the album cover remains the same; this is a change in posters of the album cover brought about by a poster company that's worried about its image in the U.S. - and it's an opportunity for the Sun to whip people up with the unholy confluence of hot-button issue + superstar quality + indignant political activists. Every thing has its place, and my view is that the Sun has a place too - namely, to wrap up fish and chips.

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Any anyone who doesn't 'get it'...has their head WAY up there ass, if you ask me.


You can't expect anything that you do, that causes poisonous gases to enter another person's body justifiable. Or a RIGHT, as some dickheads seem to think it should be.


If your stupid or weak enough to smoke that's your business entirely, but do it at home!!!

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You know, all the kids these days are just dying to be like Paul McCartney.


As much as I am personally against smoking and wouldn't mind if everyone stopped, this type of action will have no effect.


I don't understand why some politicians also demand that smoking be taken out of movies, but don't seem to mind the rampant sex and foul language. (They at least take some sort of stand on violence, in certain instances.) Eh, nevermind. Thinking about politics, I'm just depressed now.

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Originally posted by Edendude:



Any anyone who doesn't 'get it'...has their head WAY up there ass, if you ask me.


You can't expect anything that you do, that causes poisonous gases to enter another person's body justifiable. Or a RIGHT, as some dickheads seem to think it should be.


Do you drive a car, Edendude? Or fly? Or for that matter, do you use paper? Or mop your floor?

I'll shut up now.


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I'd probably kick your ass...

I'm not condoning smoking in public places, or smoking in general... I quit smoking years ago, and have no tolerance at all for even the smell of cigarette smoke these days, public place or not.

My point is, as was hinted at by Hoagie in an earlier post... there are a million things in our society that create as much or more pollution and harmful toxic residue, such as the internal combustion engine, the production of everyday taken for granted materials such as paper and plastic, even the use of common household cleaning solutions, but you don't see those same lobbyist telling the superbowl people they can't run any Ford commercials...

And yes, Ednedude, if you drive your car downtown, or anywhere where people may be near the road (ie: a sidewalk,) you might as well be driving in a mall.

'Course it might be kinda fun to take a spin down through the food court and the arcade...


Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

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Yes a spin through the food-court at the mall in my Jeep after a bad day would be nice!




And my point is not to condone any kind of behavior which affects the health of others. My point is that only a smoker would try to counter-argue the idea that banning smoking in, at least, all buildings open to the public is a bad idea. It's just so obvious! Smoking next to someone in a bar or restaurant is analogous to farting in that person's face. So if people are too dumb not to realize that, there is no alternative to legislation of the problem.


I think the obtuse use of political correctness is just as ridiculaous as you do, however, including the Paul McCartney cigarette crap, as I said above.


It's the lame brains who don't get the fart in your face analogy that really piss me off.

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Now that we got that cleared up...

Edendude, are there any good rocky hills out there for the Jeep of yours, or are you stuck (no pun) with mud and snow? As far east as I've been up there is Toronto.


Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

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Rubicon... cool. I used to live about 10 miles from the Rubicon Trailhead.

Don't get out much anymore, but I used to go rock crawlin every chance I got.


Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

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Yep I love my Rubicon, and would love to do the Rubicon Trail sometime, especially after I get six inches of lift and a set of 33s or 35s on her.


Funny how many musicians I meet whom are into the off-road scene. And funny how many musicians I meet on the trail, while off-road in the Jeep. Seems to be a correlation there.


I guess Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull, and Ted Nugent are the most famous musicians whom are also off-road enthusiasts.


What kind of a rig did you run, back when you did?




Tread lightly!



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'81 Toyota p/u w/ 4" lift, sold during my last move... one of those 'I wish I'd never done that' moments!

'76 Jeep CJ-5, basically stock w/ 6" lift and the everpresent Warn winch... the rig is still alive today up in Alaska, but it has been lowered back to stock and the Warn has been replaced by a snowplow... it's now my Dad's utility rig. I miss it but he needs it more than me these days.


Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

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Did people smoke before TV? Commercials? Radio? Indeed they did my friends. Guess only the cool kids down on the farm smoked back when.


Nothing bugs me more than the complete and utter failure in our society to take personal responsability for anything.


Oy! This is why I'm heading out to sea. Pirates never blamed shit on other people. If they got a rapier in the side, they sucked it up and said.. man...I suck, I sure deserved that. Oh yea..and they smokd tobaccy too. :)


Next thing you know they'll audio brush all the drug referances out of beatles songs.


La La La La....with Diamonds. La La La La with Diamonds. Catchy huh?

Your Friendly Neighborhood Pirate- Idnarb
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Originally posted by Idnarb:



Oy! This is why I'm heading out to sea. Pirates never blamed shit on other people. If they got a rapier in the side, they sucked it up and said.. man...I suck, I sure deserved that. Oh yea..and they smokd tobaccy too. :)


Ahhrrrg, do ye be needin' a crew, Cap'n Idnarb? I've just polished me cutlass and varnished me pegleg, and I be ready to taste the salt sea air again and hoist the Jolly Roger and plunder and pillage on the Main! Ahhrrg!


"Rawwk, Rawwk, peices of eight! Peices of eight!"


Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

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Genz Benz GBE250-C 2x10

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