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SWR Mo' Bass et al...

DanYmaL X

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Anyone have any input on the SWR Mo' Bass Amp? After all of my posts and questions about adding to my Acoustic head and setup, the d*** P.O.S. took a dump on me last night, and I have decided it is time to start over. My decision right now lies between the SWR Mo' Bass, the Ampeg SVT-4 (or -5) and the EA iAmp-800 (when it ships).

I'd like to hear input from guys out there that own or have used these babies...


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Peter Romano has used a Mo'Bass for quite a while and likes it very much. I've heard it, and it sounded good to me. There was a review in Bass Player some time back (let me know if you need it). Peter used the effects to color the sound (rather than completely wack it), and it was cool. I'm sure he'll stop by and put his own opinion in. Some of the NYC guys played one during our visit to Sadowsky's in November. I don't remember any complaints!!


Sorry I have no experience with Ampeg.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Well, I'm pretty much split. It's super powerful, more than I'll need. It has tons of effects, all of which I will never use, because I think it makes my sound absolutely awful. But, when totally clean and the right volume, it's got a pretty enjoyable sound to it. I just have no use for so many features. Give me a compressor,a Fender, and an SWR and I'm happy.
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If you have a link to that article, I'd like to read it. I have a bad habit of reading every scrap of lit. on anything before I buy it! I also like to look at the pictures... ;)



Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

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Roland Bolt-60 (modified)

Genz Benz GBE250-C 2x10

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SWR Mo' Bass is very, very cool. If I were to purchase a new amp, that would definately be it. Lot's of power/overhead and the onboard effects all sound very good. The overdrive is to die for, I absolutely love it. Bryan Beller (uber bassist and SWR employee)and I had a very lengthy discussion about the overdrive section when he was up in Seattle for the New Year's Eve gig. It's a totally new circuit for SWR, not an extention of the Intersteller Overdrive (which is what I thought it was). It's big and huge and wonderful.


I highly suggest checking one out. The optional footswitch deal shouldn't be "optional", if you buy it, you're going to want that too.

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Score: SWR Mo' Bass- 3, Ampeg & EA- zeerooo!

So far theres not much contest... I know Bob G. is an EA dealer, but he's probably at NAMM with the rest...

Right now at Music123 the foot board is included with purchase... for the same price as the amp alone at Musicians Friend.

Score 1 more for SWR.


Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

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Genz Benz GBE250-C 2x10

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I know theres gotta be more of you out there in forumland with opinions on:

EA iAmp

Ampeg SVT4 (5)

SWR Mo' Bass



bring it on!


Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

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Roland Bolt-60 (modified)

Genz Benz GBE250-C 2x10

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I remember that Bass Player article wasn't exactly glowing. If I recall correctly they thought the tone was great but had some issues with the amount of volume it was producing. Maybe they've fixed that problem. Anyone know?
I have no homepage.
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The MO-Bass + Goliath Sr. have been my main Gigging rig for the past 3 yrs.(that 'other' rig is my practice rig- Alembic fx1 > Digitech dsp256> Crown MA1200> Eden xlt2-12)




Always had more than enough power to keep up with my guitarist's 100w marshall/4-12 , and I just love the tone I'm able to get from the combo.I run the Mo in bridged mode.....which pushes the 6-10's real nicely!!


I've recently scored an Ampeg svt pro5 (for backup) ....so I'll be sure to compare the 2 when I get it.



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Do you use the foot controller with your Mo' Bass?

I'll be interested to hear your take on the SVT-5 when you get it... that is currently my second choice.


Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

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Roland Bolt-60 (modified)

Genz Benz GBE250-C 2x10

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Yea......picked up the foot controller about 6 months ago.


It's cool....but I don't really change the effects much at gigs.....so it's not always worth giving up the foot space on stage .


I should have the Pro 5 by the end of the week.



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Hey BenLoy,


Let me know when the preamps are on sale. That Demeter has appeal (even if I haven't heard it yet). :D


Now all I have to do is come up with a suggestion to replace the Stewart :P


Poor BL - we'll drive you nuts !!




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally posted by Wally Malone:

And now there is the Mini Mo, a preamp and foot controller retailing, if I'm remembering correctly, for about $1400. Saw and heard it at the NAMM show, sounded pretty good.



Am I correct in assumng this is basically the same piece of gear as the Mo' Bass amp without the power amp? Or did they come up with a new animal altogether?


Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

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Originally posted by danymal_x:

Originally posted by Wally Malone:

And now there is the Mini Mo, a preamp and foot controller retailing, if I'm remembering correctly, for about $1400. Saw and heard it at the NAMM show, sounded pretty good.



Am I correct in assumng this is basically the same piece of gear as the Mo' Bass amp without the power amp? Or did they come up with a new animal altogether?


That is a correct assumption. It appears as though the kids at SWR have tweeked a few of the effects that are built in, but all-in-all it's just the Mo' Bass unit as a preamp.


I need to call Chad at Bass NW and see if they have one yet...

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Originally posted by Bumpcity:


I need to call Chad at Bass NW and see if they have one yet...

Let us know... might mean some sales for Chad!


Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

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Roland Bolt-60 (modified)

Genz Benz GBE250-C 2x10

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I am so confused. I thought I wanted a 2 space rack (Preamp and power amp) but the Mini Mo' looks damn cool. I've always loved SWR amps. I've had one model or another for years. I don't use effects that much though. Maybe I would if I had them right there.....



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Just received the SVT Pro5 today......


I've only spent a few minutes with it....but have some intitial 1st impressions about how it compares to the Mo-Bass.


1st- Built like a tank !! Solid construction, all the knobs, buttons and switches are 1st rate. The chassis is solid and the front plate is a cool 'milled' steel.


I hooked it up to the SWR Goliath sr (6-10's) and powered up.


Uhhh.....it's noisy , as compared to the Mo....a steady 'hiss' eminates primarily from the SWR horn....even with the Master Vol at 0. No biggie. Just different from the much quieter Mo.


Now I still have much 'tweakin' to do...but initial 1st impression are this :


-the notes...especially the 'E' ...seem a bit 'fuzzy' as compared to the SWR Mo. It doesn't seem as 'clean' sounding as the Mo. Again....this isn't entirely a bad thing (yet)...but definately helps clarify all those who claim that SWR was generally 'Hi-Fi' as compared to Ampeg. Understand....this is my 1st foray into the ampeg world since I owned a 4vb back 20 yrs ago....


...and I've only spent 20 minutes with it so far, so take my comments into context b4 flaming me ! :)


I'm going to use it tonite at my gig...and see how it fits in for me....I'll have a much better sense of what it sounds like then.


I'll report back.



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Thanks, Peter, I'll look the results of your field test. So far it looks like th Mo' or the Mini Mo' is the one for me.



Aerodyne Jazz Deluxe

Pod X3 Live

Roland Bolt-60 (modified)

Genz Benz GBE250-C 2x10

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