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Strings or no strings?


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That's what I was saying before. Just hit your pick-ups with a spoon. Sounds SO much better than those cliched "strings."



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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We need an innovative bass builder to build a bass which has four ribbon controllers, 34" long, on a neck.

No strings. No "action" to speak of. Just put your fingers on the neck and there are your notes.


You can send prototypes over to my house.


OK, for some of your we can build it with 5 or 6 in a different scale length.

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Originally posted by BenLoy:

I personally think a bass sounds better with strings. How about you guys?

Depends on who's playing it.

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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Originally posted by jeremyc:

We need an innovative bass builder to build a bass which has four ribbon controllers, 34" long, on a neck.

No strings. No "action" to speak of. Just put your fingers on the neck and there are your notes.


You can send prototypes over to my house.


OK, for some of your we can build it with 5 or 6 in a different scale length.

I propose a massive 88-string bass that has a cast iron frame, an ingenious mechanical tapping mechanism that is controlled by keys, and a smart, polished wooden case with a resonance board.


Remember, though, I thought of it first.

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Originally posted by Graham56:



I'm left-handed so I'd have to pay more for my spoons - AND wait longer to get them delivered. Just another example of how unfairly treated we lefties are...



Amen to that! The only problem with the spoon idea is you might anger those old men who play the spoons. You know, they guys who tap the pair of spoons all over themselves? They look benign, but give even the APPEARANCE of stepping on their toes, and boy do they get mad.


-Idnarb the left handed pirate.


p.s. Ive surpassed my 12 bar blues and c scale! Ie got a few songs (god bless Money, by P. F.) 3 pentatonic riffs, another 12 bar blues and minor scales. Whoo hoo! Next meeting Ill be playing like a man woman. :thu:

Your Friendly Neighborhood Pirate- Idnarb
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We're always told the Americans (yeah we don't even differentiate between North and South) lack sarcasm......Well I now know it's so untrue....of course you can do sarcasm......just extremely badly !! ;):D


CupMcMali...this monkey's gone to heaven :freak:

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We don't understand sarcasm? Yeah, right. Of course we do. We even dedicated a whole national holiday to it. Psssht. Like anyone cares. Oh wait... that's apathy day. Hmmm, you're right, we don't do sarcasm well.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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Taken from our good friends Merrian-Webster:


Main Entry: pau·ci·ty

Pronunciation: 'po-s&-tE

Function: noun

Etymology: Middle English paucite, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French paucité, from Latin paucitat-, paucitas, from paucus little more at FEW

Date: 15th century

1 : smallness of number : FEWNESS

2 : smallness of quantity : DEARTH

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Hey Greenboy (or anyone else who knows),


I have noticed that people with a large number of posts, instead of "Member", "Senior Member", "Gold Member", etc., people have random stuff. Once you get to "Platinum" status, do you make up your own member "type"? Or is there some conspiracy.


I'm all for strings, by the way. Especially when there are 6 of them. PLEASE, PLEASE, I WANT TO ARGUE THE "4 vs. 5 vs. 6 STRINGS" ISSUE AGAIN! WE HAVEN'T DONE IT ENOUGH RECENTLY! :thu:


I am rambling since this was a joke thread anyway. But I do want to know about the "member type" thing. I aspire to hit that level someday...for now, I'm still working towards Gold.

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Anyone else got a custom fretless, headless, stringless bass on order? At least I won't have to worry about tracking down those hard to find groundwound, double-ball strings!


Do you think I'll still need to take it in for a pro set-up every once in a while?


BTW, Louisville Slugger is making mine from a nice piece of ash.



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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I'm just waiting the day the bass will play the note I'm thinking....


Vulcan mind-meld with your bass.



Famous Musical Quotes: "I would rather play Chiquita Banana and have my swimming pool than play Bach and starve" - Xavier Cugat

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well, they do have a midi port which can be installed at the bass of your skull.


but I hear that the upgrade to version 2.2, (the one that really works with no stuck notes or other bugs) is extraordinarily painful.


If there was an instrument that could play what I was thinking, I'm afraid I would get something like this:


Am7, D7, check out that babe in the third row, GMa7,CMa7, F#m7b5, B7b9, man this sax player sucks, Em, this would be a good place to put an E7 with a G# in the bass, Am7, D7,GMa7, wow, her friend is even better looking, she's walking to the bar now, good, now I can get a rear view, CMa7, not that riff again, when is he going to learn something new, F#m7b5, this would be easier if the keyboard player would stop playing roots,

B7b9, Em, I think I'll play that Jaco harmonic thing right here, that'll show the other musicians who is really hip, Em, Oh no, he's going to play another chorus, etc, etc.


I think I'll wait for version 3.0.

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gb, jeremyc, CMDN y'all make this place a WHOLE LOTTA FUN.. or should that be PHUN!?



Famous Musical Quotes: "I would rather play Chiquita Banana and have my swimming pool than play Bach and starve" - Xavier Cugat

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Originally posted by jeremyc:

If there was an instrument that could play what I was thinking, I'm afraid I would get something like this:


Am7, D7, check out that babe in the third row, GMa7,CMa7, F#m7b5, B7b9, man this sax player sucks, Em, this would be a good place to put an E7 with a G# in the bass, Am7, D7,GMa7, wow, her friend is even better looking, she's walking to the bar now, good, now I can get a rear view, CMa7, not that riff again, when is he going to learn something new, F#m7b5, this would be easier if the keyboard player would stop playing roots,

B7b9, Em, I think I'll play that Jaco harmonic thing right here, that'll show the other musicians who is really hip, Em, Oh no, he's going to play another chorus, etc, etc.


I think I'll wait for version 3.0.

Post of the day to jeremyc for the random Dan South reference.


Great job.

"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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This probably won't suprise Tom (in light of one of my recent tales), but I once cracked a guy in the head with a bass because he said something obnoxious to my wife. Well... to be perfectly frank... I hit the side of his truck door and kinda dinged him on the side of the noggin in the process.


The bass was a trashed old Cort Jazz copy that our old singer liked to set on fire at shows. My wife (who was then my girlfriend) was walking next to me, and this guy in a truck cruised alongside of us and started talking shit to her -- you know, typical drunk guy bullshit, "Hey.. you're hot. Ditch that loser and come home with me," etc. We tried to laugh it off, but he was actually following us as we walked down the street. He started throwing ice cubes at her and calling her a c**t because she was ignoring him... It was too much for me. I got pissed and rushed him with the bass. I brought it over my head neck-first (just like the cover of that live Clash record) and nailed the side of his truck with the body. He had his head out the window, so I got him on the forehead a little. He drove away screaming, with a bloody forehead, and my wife yelled at me for being a macho shithead. Then we ran away because we thought I'd probably end up in jail for attacking this guy with a bass. For the record, there was only one string on it before I hit the truck (the "G"). I believe it was a roundwound with lighter fluid and ashes caked into the windings. It broke when the bass hit the truck. The rest of the bass survived unscathed, and lived long enough to be totally destroyed at our next show.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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We could erase everyones minds and when we "flashed" them or whatever we would do we could just close our eyes. Problem solved.
"Cliff Burton (the "Major rager of the 4-string mother f***er", from Metallica)" Direct quote from Wikipedia (censored out of respect for the forum)
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