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My Taxman addiction


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Ah...The dreaded 'riff addiction curse'!


There is only one true known cure...


You must learn to play the riff just as proficiently 'backwards', and then play the backwards riff live, in a song, just once. This will forever cure you of this curse.


World-class fingerstyle guitarist 'Leo Kottke' swears by this method. He once had Woody Wood Pecker's famous "ha ha ha har har" line stuck in his head. John Hammond told him about the 'backwards riff cure', which has apparently been passed down through the ages, directly from Robert Johnson himself.



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Sounds like another problem people have. That "song stuck in my head" thing. Most people solve that by getting another (more agreeable) song in their head.


Look for another great riff, and start sticking that in instead. Then another. Eventually you go back ot your style, or your style becomes a combination of what you've been doing. Hopefully.


Keep doing McCartney riffs, and you'll be able to play one song that has every Beatles bass lick in it :eek::confused::eek:


I remember wayyyyy back, when I used to put the "Born To Be Wild" lick into places it didn't belong. Fun to play, horrible to hear.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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So all you have to do is add Ticket To Ride, Helter Skelter, a walk like All My Loving, Come Together, some schmaltz from Maxwell's Silver Hammer, and end it with a nice legato passage from Something. That will get you about half way there.


Hey Jeremy - I remember that sheet !!! We had that chat about a year ago !!




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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ahhh taxman, which i consider to be one of the greatest work in sir pauls folio. i occasionally throw it in, though it's actually a crappy warm up.


so it could be worse, you cold have some korn in your head. keep korn where it belongs, undigested and floating in the bowl.

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Or music from the soundtracks "Corn Free" and "Corn With the Wind"?

Or what about those funky groovy lines I've heard are in those Cornographic movies? Like "Behind the Green Corn"?


Just wondering...






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Dude, wraub, you gonna take that from Adamixoye? I'd take him to court, man. You ever read the copyright warning on a CD? Same goes for here, man. You stole intellectual property from wraub, now you must pay the price!


But if wraub doesn't care, then it's all good in da hood.


And might I add that piece of music is the ugliest thing I've ever seen written down before. Who transcribed that to paper? If McCartney did it, I hope he's learned how to make the notes by now, cause even I can do it better than that, and I can't even read that well.

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Whoa !!!


Real musicians can read notes from wet bar napkins !!!!


Jeremy was kind enough to send me that a year ago when we were talking about that riff (I don't remember for sure, but I think he had written it out at the time for his own fun just before I asked about it). He did me the favor of sending it along.


Don't forget that one of the problems this forum has is that there is no easy way to pass transcriptions along. If Jeremy had the best most beautiful software, we have no way to sohw the printed results here.


Besides, if he gets that holster he was after, he'll show up at your ranch and vibrate your house into the dust !!! He's quite an accomplished teacher and bass-slinger...




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Shucks, Patrick, it's all good. Some would say my intellectual property is not all that intellectual, and there's probably a kernel of truth in that. I'm in the Lessig camp on this one.

And Adamixoye, I could stalk around and field bad corn humor all day, and not even chip the surface my sense of ...humor? Do your worst, agronimically speaking. In the words of the great Willy Maize, "The corn is immutable, while the Korn is not." And so it goes, pop...






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Well, we're growing this thread by plowing thru the bad puns...


Such a great gang are we - each post fertilizes someone's imagination for the next one !!


(hey wraub - "stalk around" was pretty good !!)




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Thanks Tom, praise from Caesar. (Now we can start the salad puns.) :)


Hey Tom, I know it's OT, but could you possibly PM me with info as to using avatars? I'm doing what the ubb code says, but to no avail...








I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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Originally posted by bassbloke:

For variety , you could always try to learn the bass line from The Jam's "Start".


No, wait a minute, sorry, I'm afraid that's still the Taxman riff. Bruce Foxton obviously had the same problem as you do.

The Jam were a big, big deal for me when I was in high school and starting to discover good music for myself. Bigger than the Beatles. Foxton was a badass. I should steal bits of Absolute Beginners. And as a matter of fact, I knew Start before I'd even heard Taxman. Weller and Foxton were the ones that taught me that liberal stealing from the Beatles was okay. Afraid I'm not going mine the Traffic catalogue like Weller though... :rolleyes: How's Illumination? No word of its release date stateside.
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