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Slap grooves


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hey, im new to this so go easy on me! i have learnt how to play slap, sort of, i can play some basic stuff, chilis, etc. but i have no idea about how to make up grooves or anything, i can only basically work around octaves, 5ths and 7ths, and at a very sloooow pace. is there anything that could help me speed things up?! and does anyone one know of a decent bass for slapping thats around £500 ($700ish (at a guess)) (im in England) i have a 5string ibanez sr705, but its not great for slapping as the fret board is ver narrow so i keep scrapping my finger up. im not really looking for a 5string this time though, just something i can really learn to slap on. sorry about the length, i have loads of other things to ask, but i thought id save your time!! by the way im only 17 and have been playinig bass for 2ish years, slapping about 2months!
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I realize this topic from a couple days ago doesn't completely answer your question but this'll get you started: slapping for begginers


When you have some time use the local Search found up near the top of the page; there is just scads of slap methods and gear advice and good cuts to listen to / learn here.


Probably for most people who want to slap lots a standard-spacing will work best. For 5- and 6-string basses that means a big wide neck, so you might be happier with a good 4-string with either two pickups and a center blend for your basic slap tone, or a MusicMan style setup with a pickup closer to the bridge than what is found on Fender P-basses.

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i think 500 pounds is closer to $1000 U.S. and that will get you a pretty darn decent bass. althogh all the ones i can think of are made here, which may alter that a little. try a fender. the mexican ones are great and cheap and the string spacing is a lot wider than an ibanez.
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Yes, if you want to learn some slap, get a Precision style bass with the standard string spacing. My 5er has a very narrow neck, which is good because I have small hands, but doesn't work well if I want to slap the E and not ring out the B (I know about muting). I can pop that sucker like mo'f'er, though, even working on getting the G string slap (ouch, that sounds pretty bad) down. That has a real nice tone, and it's pretty easy.


My other bass is a 4 string P-bass, but is now fretless due to a very boring day over Xmas break a couple years back. So of course slap just doesn't sound right, as you may know.


And don't worry about length, man. These people (myself included) usually have nothing better to do than sit down here and impress each other about how much we know. We will read it, don't worry.


Anywho, I hope things go out great for you, and keep tha phat jammin' bumpin' 'bout it, dawg. Or something like that.

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speaking of slap...

thought this was pretty funny (in a way that makes me want to cry), but didn't think it warranted it's own thread...

dunno if any of you remember my question about learning to slap. well, i was trying and trying all summer. practicing, really beating the crap out of my thumb, and nothing but a dull thump would come out of my bass. got back to school this fall and showed my boy my pitiful attempts. he watched for awhile & said "here, let me try". i watched as his thumb came down smoothly, barely tapped the string, and let out a nice clear ring. apparently, i don't have to whollop the crap out of my strings to have them make noise!!! :freak: and it took a darn guitar player to show me!!! :rolleyes:

anyhow, just thought i'd give you all a little ego boost...no matter how poorly you think you might be playing on any given day, there's always someone worse....me!!! lol. :D

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For the education of all the US guys out there, we in the UK are much worse off when it comes to cheap instruments. £500 = $750 roughly, however because of import costs, tax etc you'll probably only get a $500 bass for £500. However if you're clued up there's still some decent stuff out there. If you can stretch to about £750 then there's plenty of secondhand Stingrays and Warwicks available.



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There was a time I was fooling around with Mark King's licks. As a starter, get the Louis Johnson's slap instructional video. Watch it and get inspired. Pick a couple of licks if you'd be able to comprehend. When I heard it on a audio tape for the first time, I thought, man, this is the stuff I want to learn. Thereafter, it was a dream picking things up.After 4 years, I got the video. It took only about couple of weeks for me to pick his technique and most of the stuff. Then I felt there is more you could do with slap. Extended my research on to other player like Abraham Laboriel, Flea ,Marcus Miller & Victor Wooten. Well, I have picked things from all these players. It will take time. Worth listening to above players. I'm sure you will always better yourself by doing that. :thu:
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Mark King, definitely... Get the "World Machine" video and check out the bass solo, really tight.

Flea, L. Johnson, Larry Graham (the founder of the slap school), Alex Sklarevski's vids all are valuable tools for learning.

And definitely do not hit so hard, you get more ring and tone by letting the string do more of the work.

Good Luck.






I'm a lot more like I am now than I was when I got here.






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