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I don't understand


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Okay, isn't everyone allowed one freakout about something on this board?


Here is mine.


Why, oh why, does everyone care so much when a new thread is posted on a common topic? Why, instead of welcoming newcomers and trying to interact with them, are they immediately told to go searching?


Is it really that big of an inconvenience? If it is, why do people WASTE THEIR TIME POSTING ABOUT HOW MUCH OF AN INCONVENIENCE IT IS?


This was quite evident when I posted about the bass-related Jack Daniels Hard Cola commercial, but it had already been done, albeit under a more obscure title...making different points...etc. I didn't read it, and posted mine. But I should be able to post without being harassed for redundancy.


I appreciate not wanting to clutter up the board...but we could all chill out just a little when it comes to issues of redundancy.


rant of frustration>

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that wasn't aimed at you. sometimes there are threads that happen over and over and over (and over and over and over and over) again. generally these as more along the lines of "how do you feel about fender basses" or "what is your favorite set of strings." quite often these threads can get personal and nasty things can get said, so it is often best for new posters to use the search function first rather than pick open an old scab.


in the case of your particular thread it was more of a "there are already lots of comments on this. check them out at blah blah blah thread."


sometimes this board requires some thick skin. just a word of caution.

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It's all in the interest of parsimony. Often searching and pulling an old thread back into circulation not only saves some folks from repeating themselves but also adds some interest because there are old, intuitive posts from members who are no longer active on the board (or aren't active as often). Sometimes that old post answers the necessary questions and negates altogether the need for a new thread.


I think most folks try to give some response and information, as well as suggest a "search." It is almost never a personal "attack" (e.g., "Use the damn search function, moron!").


As a matter of fact, somewhere out there is another thread very similar to this one!



Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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Originally posted by Sweet Willie:

As a matter of fact, somewhere out there is another thread very similar to this one!

Oh, this irony...


I just wanted to speak my mind about this one time. Saying I was "harassed" is not the right word, but it was basically a bunch of "whoa...deja vu!" jokes that weren't really funny to me since no one was answering my different points.


The only time I used the search function, I did not find what I was looking for. Perhaps I will give it a few more chances...just to make everyone happy... :thu:

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Don't use the search function to make us happy. Use it to make yourself happy. It can answer questions. Somtimes you don't know what the question is, but don't feel bad if someone points you to a thread. And we have some "quick on the draw" thread pointers here. The thing is that some of the answers evolve in lengthy threads - this is partly due to debate on a subject and partly do to members ability to go into great depth. These are worth finding !!!




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally posted by Adamixoye:

I just wanted to speak my mind about this one time. Saying I was "harassed" is not the right word, but it was basically a bunch of "whoa...deja vu!" jokes that weren't really funny to me since no one was answering my different points.

Understood. Valid position if folks aren't getting at your issue. :)


Originally posted by Adamixoye:

The only time I used the search function, I did not find what I was looking for. Perhaps I will give it a few more chances...just to make everyone happy... :thu:

Sometimes when a thread doesn't really answer my question but came up in a search because it covers the same general topic, I'll pull it back up so that others can flesh out my particular issue within the context of what folks had written before. Then they can see how there is a bunch of info already written about the topic, but that it doesn't address my specific concern.






Fanboy? Why, yes! Nordstrand Pickups and Guitars.

Messiaen knew how to parlay the funk.

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My problem with searching is that even if you do find what you want, you can't really take part in the thread you are reading(unless you want all the old threads popping up again). I would prefer to start a new thread as well and be a part of the active discussion as apposed to a passive observer.


That all being said, i am still certainly glad the search function exists.

I lost some time once. It's always in the last place you look for it.
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Originally posted by Adamixoye:

Why, oh why, does everyone care so much when a new thread is posted on a common topic? Why, instead of welcoming newcomers and trying to interact with them, are they immediately told to go searching?


Is it really that big of an inconvenience? If it is, why do people WASTE THEIR TIME POSTING ABOUT HOW MUCH OF AN INCONVENIENCE IT IS?

With all due respect ... after 64 posts, you should have noticed that this board is NOT a personal service that will laugh at jokes and answer questions on command. It's more like sitting in a bar with a bunch of talented, half-drunk, free-associating blabbermouths - sometimes you'll get great stuff back; other times you'll get razzed; and if you're lucky, you'll spark an idea or insight for someone else.


And then you'll shut off your computer and go back to playing your bass. If you don't get the response you expected (i.e. - instead of answering your question, people decide to riff on double-posting), let it go, and try again.


Now, pass me the corn nuts.

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Originally posted by music-man:

With all due respect ... after 64 posts, you should have noticed that this board is NOT a personal service that will laugh at jokes and answer questions on command. It's more like sitting in a bar with a bunch of talented, half-drunk, free-associating blabbermouths - sometimes you'll get great stuff back; other times you'll get razzed; and if you're lucky, you'll spark an idea or insight for someone else.


And then you'll shut off your computer and go back to playing your bass. If you don't get the response you expected (i.e. - instead of answering your question, people decide to riff on double-posting), let it go, and try again.


Now, pass me the corn nuts.

Oh believe me...I know...I don't always expect people to give me the response I'm looking for...I just think criticism about double-posting is pretty ridiculous, and double-posting itself is not a big deal. That was my main point, besides just wanting to rant.


Can I get some ranch fries, too?

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Originally posted by Sandman:

My problem with searching is that even if you do find what you want, you can't really take part in the thread you are reading(unless you want all the old threads popping up again). I would prefer to start a new thread as well and be a part of the active discussion as apposed to a passive observer.


That all being said, i am still certainly glad the search function exists.

We've had people dig up old threads and restart the conversation. Sometimes you lose value if the original bassists are no longer here, but that's OK. I like it this way because it gives context to the discussion. I don't like it because I have to re-read the entire post and come back to speed on what was going on. All in all, I think it's fine to bring back a thread. If your question is in the same area, but different, then start a new thread.




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally posted by Bastid E:

it WAS a cool commercial though.

LMFAO!!!! :D


Well, oddly enough, if you did a search on "use the search" you'll find we discussed this a few weeks ago.


As I recall, the general feeling was that none of us really want to offend anyone...especially some poor lost soul caught up in a dazzling wave of electrons and wanting to know something.


As a teacher, I have to teach the exact same thing to a whole bunch of incoming beginners every year. That can get a little old...the same thing happens when someone asks: "What's the best bass for $300?"


Still, to welcome new life to the board, I have taken to giving a quick answer and then using the search feature myself, find an appropriate topic, and posting the link in my response.


I've never met a soul on this board who "takes their ball and goes home" or one who has the attitude, "I learned mine, you have to learn yours on your own." Bassists are a gregarious bunch, as discussed in March. You might enjoy this thread, and if you like, post to it and it will resurrect, and a whole new bunch of guys will give thier opinions:



"Let's raise the level of this conversation" -- Jeremy Cohen, in the Picasso Thread.


Still spendin' that political capital far faster than I can earn it...stretched way out on a limb here and looking for a better interest rate.

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Yep, I have to agree, for the most-part...


I haven't been hanging around here all that long, but this forum does seem to be a little bit 'anal-retentive' about the issue of someone coming on here and re-asking about an issue which has already been dealt with. Doesn't seem like much of big deal for the issue to be discussed again in a new thread.


Lifes too short for such concerns, in my way of thinking.

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I don't condone churlish attitudes (that's a word I was reminded of here at the Low Down!). Our founder was clear about that.


Just the same, after having been here for a while, the repetition can get to you. I follow the lead of a guy like Wally, who is always a gentleman, or Bob who is always brief. Or dbb, who gives a quick answer and moves to the search.


I also follow Henny Youngman/Norm Crosby/Bugs Bunny, but that's a different problem...




Acoustic Color


Be practical as well as generous in your ideals. Keep your eyes on the stars and keep your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt

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I like the zen master method: whack 'em upside the head if they are purposefully lazy-minded or have no motivation to meaningfully engage in participation...


and have interesting conversation and get jamming about bass and music and life with those who can dig it.


The best solution is usually to talk music and bass, as opposed to lingering at the scene of an accident staring at a few scraps of chrome a day after the tow-truck has come and gone.

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