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Dumb Question

Chad Thorne

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Are my only two options for bass pickups on my J-Bass either single-coil or active? Are there no humbuckers available?


I use fender Vintage Noiseless p/ups on my Telecaster. Does anybody know if something similar is available to drop into Fender basses? Thanks!



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Chad, Fender used to market Lace Sensors for Jazz Bass, you may be able to find those around. I beleive that Seymour Duncan and DiMarzio also make humbuckers for Jazz Basses.







bari man low



"50 million Elvis Presley fans can't be all wrong" - John Prine

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dimarzio makes humbucker pickups you can put into your jazz bass. they made my mexican j sound phenomenal! if your j is an american, get the DP-149 set of dimarzio ultra jazz pickups. otherwise, two neck-position ultra jazz pickups will work.


carvin also makes a single coil jazz replacement (the J99) and a stacked humbucker (H50N). a lot of people love the carvin sound, but i've never played one, so i couldn't say.

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Dimarzio's are great, haven't heard the carvins yet.

Remember chad, there are no dumb questions..... only my dumb answers.


This message has been edited by lug on 07-18-2001 at 01:27 PM

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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By asking questions on this forum, you are doing research! I wish I had this many bass players around to ask for opinions about things. Plus there are people like Rick Turner, Steve Lawson, Michael Manring, Ed Friedland, etc... who stop by with their .02. WOW!







bari man low



"50 million Elvis Presley fans can't be all wrong" - John Prine

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Originally posted by CraigLeyh@FrameBand.com:

>Remember chad, there are no dumb questions.....

>only my dumb answers.



Very funny!


I thought that was my answers!



Back off Craig! I am the KING of lame answers, ask Ed. I have given more misguided advice, well intentioned drivel, idiotic responses, unintelligible babble, and off the cuff nonsense than any poster here. I tell people to boil thier basses for god's sake! What wrong with me. What am I thinking. AM I thinking at all. I DON'T KNOW!

You can stop now -jeremyc

STOP QUOTING EVERY THING I SAY!!! -Bass_god_offspring

lug, you should add that statement to you signature.-Tenstrum

I'm not sure any argument can top lug's. - Sweet Willie


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Originally posted by lug:

Back off Craig! I am the KING of lame answers, ask Ed. I have given more misguided advice, well intentioned drivel, idiotic responses, unintelligible babble, and off the cuff nonsense than any poster here. I tell people to boil thier basses for god's sake! What wrong with me. What am I thinking. AM I thinking at all. I DON'T KNOW!


Are you saying I shouldn't have boiled my bass?? No wonder the luthier looked at me strangely. You know, you need to be careful. Newbies like me trust everybody.






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Well, the Carvin H50s are great, I have them in my BB75 fretless. I use the rear pickup mostly and didn't want the single coil hum of the J99s. I find the H50 to be a great full range pickup, it's not as compressed sounding as other stack humbuckers. It's not as "open" sounding as the J99, but that's the nature of the beast. Be forewarned that Fender makes their J pickups in 2 sizes, a neck position and bridge position size. Carvin makes only one size, so you may need to extend the hole on the neck pickup a little bit to accomodate the pickup.


I use the J99's in my BB75 fretted bass because I love the sound, and play with them both up full most of the time. I only go to the bridge pickup for solos. They have a great airy quality that brings out the Jazz-like sound of the bass.





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