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Creative Drought

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Do you guys have any advice on creating songs? I find the only time I come up with anything good is by accident or conincidence. When I try to come up with a new song it always sounds like another one of my bands songs, another bands songs, or it just plain sucks.
Shut up and play.
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Listen to new music all the time, even things you don't really like.


Learn the chords for a new song that you like the melody for. Screw around with re-arranging some of the chords and rhythms, then see if you can come up with a new melody.


Write on a different instrument than you normally do.


Keep a journal and write down random thoughts that occur to you.


Write a short story, then put it to music.


Write a monolog or commentary about something that you feel strongly about, a past relationship, the state of the world, toejam, whatever. Extract the central theme and create a lyrical hook for it. Then create the melody. Then go back to the original article and distill each supporting point and give it a meter, organizing it in relation to the central theme. Put several together with a strong emphasis on metre, and if you like rhythm to form your verses. Add a "pre-chorus" section to tie it into the verse, OR skip the pre-chorus and offer a conclusion, resolution, contridiction or surprise with a different melody for a bridge or release. If you're trying for a hit, drive the hook home.


Get together with someone you don't normally play with and just hang and jam.


Improvise along with a song you like, pick out some of the riffs.


Learn some riffs or melodies, then reverse them or invert them.


Describe something without using the actual word. For example, describe a sunset without using the word sunset.


Read something every day.


If you write something, and it sucks, come back to it later.


Write. Rewrite, rewrite, rewrite.


Pick a style and write a song in that style. Then, take it and convert it to a completely different style. It's a great indication of how strong a song it is.

I really don't know what to put here.
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