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Seeking talented musicians, singers, songwriters

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The Entertainment Insider Network is looking for talented acts of any music genre that has ambition and is serious about pursuing a music career. All levels of experience are considered. We are in constant contact with the top industry officials and want you or your band to have a chance of making it! For more information please contact me at pcohen@einsider.net

and visit my website http://www.einsider.net/pcohen

I look forward to hearing from you!

Paul Cohen

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  • Replies 16
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Yeah it's free to apply but just like when the car dealers say "All application accepted". What a bullshit phrase that is. Then you get to the last page and it says:

There is a fee of 295.00, if you are accepted to our

roster, and choose to join our service.

There is no fee to apply for an evaluation, however,

we do require some billing information ahead of time,

in an effort to discourage those who are not truly

serious from wasting our staff's valuable time.

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Originally posted by dBunny:

Ah love yer new avatar, Dak. Ah thank it's startin' tuh make yeh tawk funneh, though! :D

Wal, Ah thank 'ats purty nice a ya ta say but 'ats my fust avatah. Ah jest d'sahd'd ta put'em up agin.

'preesh'ate it... :eek:


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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