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Who's the king of R&R?

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Elvis! I hear this for more than 40 years now and I always thought Elvis was more kind of a ballad singer. His best song IMHO was 'Blue suede shoes' and he didn't wrote that song did he? Who is the real king? Little Richard? Jerry Lee Lewis? Chuck Berry? Bill Haley?
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To me the king of R&R is Layzboy furniture. Oh! You meant Rock & Roll! Sorry. Elvis Costello. -- Rob
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Well, heck, it's certainly Elvis Presley. That mofo had it all. Especially sex appeal. He blasted the sexual revolution into orbit. I grew up in the 60s and didn't even care for Elvis much, as by that time, they were giving him crap for songs. The early Elvis stuff is where he shone. The more I've seen of him, videos and stuff... that mofo had it goin' on. And SHIT, he could sing. What a HELLUVA voice. Did I mention sex appeal? Man, the panties flew off the girls, even with those long skirts on. Elvis was a studmeister white boy with black rhythm and blues. That's what he copied. Heck, Hound Dog was a Big Mama Thornton song... I mean, she put it out before he did. Carl Perkins wrote "Blue Suede Shoes" and by luck, Elvis got it. I think Carl Perkins went off to the war or something. If Elvis had better material and didn't have to do those STUPID movies that he hated, my gosh, I can't even comprehend how... well, that's silly... how could he be even bigger?

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[quote]Originally posted by LiveMusic: [b]Well, heck, it's certainly Elvis Presley. That mofo had it all. Especially sex appeal. [/b][/quote]Well. That one sentence explains where it all went wrong. The true kings of R&R were Carl Perkins Buddy Holly Chuck Berry Of course they didn't have the sex appeal to become [i]"The King"[/i]. They also didn't make a bunch of horrible movies, become a horrific lounge act and basically make a laughing stock out of themselves before they died [b]WAY[/b] too young, in a drug induced haze. Oh well. :freak: By the way, if you ask Little Richard who is the king of R&R he will say: . . . . . Little Richard, of course :eek: .......
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Elvis, like everyone else reaped the benefits of those who labored before him. The question however is who is "king", not who is the pioneer. Therefore, Elvis gets my vote for being the first guy to really make it all come together. And yes, he was talented. He had the same drawing power as Bruce Springsteen, just 30 years earlier.
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[quote][i]KHAN said:[/i] [b]By the way, if you ask Little Richard who is the king of R&R he will say:.....Little Richard, of course[/b][/quote]Nope...he says he is the [i]Architect[/i] of R&R, not the King.
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I always thought Little Richard was the Queen Of Rock and Roll! :eek: I think we should appoint Paul McCartney to the throne. He's outlived them all and I can't think of anyone who has achieved more fame than him.

Mac Bowne

G-Clef Acoustics Ltd.

Osaka, Japan

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Elvis indeed had a great start with some great songs but he was soon singing songs like 'Teddy bear', 'Mu si den' and other silly songs that has nothing to do with rock and roll IMO. And what about his movies? was he a great actor? I remember hearing 'Blue suede shoes' the whole night at the carnival somewhere in '59/'60, great song, but when I heared 'Lucille', 'Long tall Sally' and 'Tutti frutty' by the big 'Little Richard', it felt like being struck by lightning, oh well :) Elvis had great looks and the way he moved his body back in the fifties was spectacular. He signed a contract for lifetime with some Dutch asshole didn't he? It's a pity he died so young and tragic. Elvis was great but for me Richard Pennyman was one of the real kings. :wave:
The alchemy of the masters moving molecules of air, we capture by moving particles of iron, so that the poetry of the ancients will echo into the future.
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[quote]Originally posted by Dwarf: [b]To me the king of R&R is Layzboy furniture. Oh! You meant Rock & Roll! [/b][/quote]Well, Perry Como was "Mr. Relaxation." :) I don't think there was a king. More like Knights of the Roundtable. All of the 50's greats - Chuck B., Little Richie, Jerry Lee - plus John, Paul, and Elvis for bringing the music to pop audiences and making Rock & Roll the dominant force in the record industry.

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I like the Knights of the Rock-n-Roll roundtable idea. I can envision Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Bill Haley, and Carl Perkins (along with lesser angels of Rock-n-roll heaven) hangin around the table shootin the bull. Of course, they would all start beating the hell out of each other when the question of "who's the real king of rock-n-roll?" came up. If I had to limit it to one "king"---my vote goes to Chuck Berry. BD
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[quote]Originally posted by KHAN: [b] [quote]Originally posted by LiveMusic: [b]Well, heck, it's certainly Elvis Presley. That mofo had it all. Especially sex appeal. [/b][/quote]Well. That one sentence explains where it all went wrong. By the way, if you ask Little Richard who is the king of R&R he will say: Little Richard, of course :eek: .......[/b][/quote]I thought Little Richard was the queen of rock 'n' roll... :eek: ...which would make Sir Elton the queen of pop... :eek: :D
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Rock and Roll can't have a king. Not if it wants to be true to it's soul. Maybe a president, or a speaker of the house....? But you gotta show the guy the door at some point, so he doesn't kill the party. ;) Jerry
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[quote]Originally posted by Blues Disciple: [b]If I had to limit it to one "king"---my vote goes to Chuck Berry. [/b][/quote]Agreed. Tedster - I'm going to have to stop reading your posts while I'm at work. Another outburst of laughter like that, and they're going to show me the door. :D BTW - If Elton is the queen of pop, where does that leave Freddy M? Or Boy G? I think we need another roundtable, except with a nice floral bouquet, some scented candles, and a lovely silk taupe tablecloth...

The Black Knight always triumphs!


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Dang, someone beat me to the "R&R" idea with the La Z Boy" comment. Oh well... No true "king". Elvis was a monster before the army turned him into a sissy. :eek: But the Sun stuff was great. So he goes onto my list of the greats. Holly was, IMO, a bigger all around talent. Write, play, arrange, produce, sing. What a MAJOR loss. :cry: Little Richard was a monster too. Certainly one of the first over the top showmen (women?) a great piano player (where has all the rock keyboard gone?), and a GREAT singer. Let's make sure he/she gets a seat at the table... I think similar things can be said for Jerry Lee Lewis as well, but he wasn't as "big" as Little Richard. Berry was a true great. Let's face it, Rock and Roll as a LOT of "parents"... if we want to go back far enough, we'd need to consider many blues and country artists. Muddy Waters comes screaming to mind... and so does Hank Williams Sr. Certainly Berry and Williams were melding blues and country influences together to form what we now think of as "R&R" at around the same point in time, although from different sides of the equation. Anyway, add all of those names to my list. Gene Vincent, Bill Hailey, Carl Perkins, Eddie Cochran - all had tremendous amounts of influence. Maga-props to all of the above... As HUGE of a Lennon/McCartney/Beatles fan as I am, I don't know if they belong on that same list... they were more like second generation guys. But I'd certainly say that they belong there for taking things to the next level. They took some of Holly's earlier production and stylistic elements MUCH further. They opened the door for a lot of blues guys to get recognition from white American audiences. And they certainly knew how to rock when the mod strck them. R&R would not be the same today if even ONE name was off this list IMO. So while Elvis has the "title", he certainly had a lot of help. [img]http://www.freakygamers.com/smilies/s2/contrib/navigator/usa.gif[/img] Phil O'Keefe Sound Sanctuary Recording Riverside CA http://www.ssrstudio.com pokeefe777@ssrstudio.com
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[quote]Originally posted by Dan South: [b] [quote]Originally posted by Blues Disciple: [b]If I had to limit it to one "king"---my vote goes to Chuck Berry. [/b][/quote]Agreed. Tedster - I'm going to have to stop reading your posts while I'm at work. Another outburst of laughter like that, and they're going to show me the door. :D BTW - If Elton is the queen of pop, where does that leave Freddy M? Or Boy G? I think we need another roundtable, except with a nice floral bouquet, some scented candles, and a lovely silk taupe tablecloth...[/b][/quote]Well, Dan, Freddie Mercury would have to be the Queen of, er, well, the Queen of [i]Queen[/i]. At least the Queen of Hard Rock. Boy George, well, he's just a princess. Songs like "I'll tumble for ya" don't elevate anyone to "Queen" status. This whole thread is getting to be a drag...
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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O.k. I'm not talking musical contribution when I make this statement, but for me when I say the word Rock and Roll one guy comes to mind. Jim Morrison, Rock star and king. I think the image and myth he created has influenced every front man that has followed him. Namaste Jedi

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Originally posted by Tedster: [b]I thought Little Richard was the queen of rock 'n' roll... :eek: ...which would make Sir Elton the queen of pop... :eek: :D [/b] I think Little Richard was actually Elton's [i]mother[/i]. :D The flamboyant singer/pianist thing must be in the genes! Or maybe Little Richard was the father, and Queen Elizabeth was the mother. That would explain how Elton got knighted! :D ;) Peace all, Steve



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