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OT - What do I do with black widow spider?

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Originally posted by fantasticsound:

But if you do suffer a spider bite that creates a whitish area surrounded by a red ring, like a target, clean the area with soap and water and put anti-biotic ointment on it. Depending on the circumstances (age, health, other issues of the bite victim) you should consult a physician.

If you see anything like that, see your doctor immediately. It might be a brown recluse bite, or, it might be something just as dangerous.


MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) is a staph bacteria that's resistant to most types of antibiotics. Anyone remember a couple years ago when I thought I'd been bitten by a brown recluse? I had to undergo a week in the hospital...three rounds of surgery on my knee, and a month on IV antibiotics. It wasn't a spider bite, it was CAMRSA (Community-Acquired MRSA). Do a search on it. It's getting quite prevalent, the doctors are seeing a lot of it. And if left untreated, it can be deadly.


A medical website I visited advised physicians..."If someone comes into your office complaining of a spider bite, think MRSA"


Article here

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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You know there's something wrong with the world when spider-bites don't just give you cool super powers and an overwhelming desire to wear brightly coloured lycra. Similar effect to joining an 80's hair metal band...!


Hey Ted, haven't you done both of those things now??? :D

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I did have sort of a "hair-metal" band in the 80s...but I was never skinny enough to wear spandex. Funny thing, at the time, I felt cursed, but nowadays I thank God...because if I had there might be even more embarrassing pics of me.


Naw...I was never Spiderman. That's my grandson, Preston. :D

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Just a thought, would a vacuum with a long extension not work to get rid of said multi-legged spawn of the hellworlds (by which of course mean LiveMusic's new neighbour, not Ted's Friendly Neighbourhood Grandson!!!)??? It would explode inside the vacuum, right???


Then it would be a simple matter of attaching some sort of high incendiary device to the cleaner and blowing it to kingdom come, just to be on the safe side... :thu:

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Bad idea, Base!


Small spiders such as Brown Recluses and Black Widow's will often be sucked in without being killed. If you leave the vacuum alone for several days it may become a comfortable nest for the itsy, bitsy, dangerous spider of choice. :eek:


If you do use a vacuum to remove a spider, you'll need to immediately replace the bag, empty the plastic container or shop vac tub.

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Originally posted by Base:

You know there's something wrong with the world when spider-bites don't just give you cool super powers and an overwhelming desire to wear brightly coloured lycra. Similar effect to joining an 80's hair metal band...!


Hey Ted, haven't you done both of those things now??? :D

I tell ya, when I was bitten by a spider 2 summers ago, in my half-baked brain I secretly hoped that there was an outside chance that it would happen (not the lycra-wearing part - just the cool superpowers part).


Aah....t'was not to be though....




"I prefer to beat my opponents the old-fashioned way....BRUTALLY!!!!"
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There was an episode on some "Night Gallery" type show...maybe it was "Tales From The Crypt"...at any rate, this guy is a comic book freak...has his walls all papered with superheros and all. And he gets bitten by some weird spider. He starts getting superhero-like powers...only, after awhile, it becomes apparent that he's turning into some big ugly hairy spider-like monster and eating his girlfriend (and not in a way she enjoyed, either).


So, that "radioactive spider bite" thing might not be such a cool idea after all.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Every other day, my wife calls me to catch some spider. I always take them outside, never hurt them. I'm all for letting them live. But I will kill a Black Widow on sight. It's her or you. And then she has babies....


The only spider I know of with a worse reputation is Australia's Funnel Web Spider
The brown recluse has a pretty bad reputation, too. They're so small that they can bite you without your realizing that you were bit, and it's hard for an emergency room to treat you if they don't know that you were bitten by a spider and what kind. I had a friend who had an ugly scar bigger than a silver dollar on his leg. Apparently the thing got him while he was asleep and fed for a while.
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What should you do? Maybe the immortal words of John Entwistle will provide some guidance:


There he is wrapped in a ball

Doesnt seem to move at all

Perhaps hes dead, Ill just make sure

Pick this book up off the floor


Boris the spider

Boris the spider


Creepy, crawly

Creepy, crawly

Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly

Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly

Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly

Creepy, creepy, crawly, crawly


Hes come to a sticky end

Dont think he will ever mend

Never more will he crawl round

Hes embedded in the ground

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