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Living in a motor home or trailer or bus

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Anyone ever lived in a motor home, travel trailer or bus for an appreciable length of time. Several months, at least? How did you fare? Anything you could share with how you coped with cramped quarters? Expenses, heat, cooling, cooking, storage, etc.

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Man, there's nothing like sleeping in your own bed, be it ever so humble.


It's kind of like living in a boat. I think of it that way- I keep it spare and utilitarian and a place for everything and everything in it's place. Some people try to make it homey by piling on the brick-a-brack, but that's just making work for yourself.


In our mobile we ripped out most of the interior walls and made it open and spacious inside. That's nice.


I suppose it would help to know if this would be on the road, on some land somewhere, in a RV lot, how often you're moving, what the climate is, etc.



"There is nothing I regret so much as my good behavior. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?" -Henry David Thoreau

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I lived and worked on a cruise ship for 7 months. The BEST sleep I ever had. There is nothing like coming back to your room drunk and laying in bed while the ocean rocks the boat. The gravity pulls you in and you're in heaven. :D I haven't been on a tour bus yet but I am hoping to spend the next few years on one starting next year. :D
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Two words - Slide Outs.


My parents spend 3 to 4 months each winter in Florida. They prefer fishing to beach so they stay in what they term "a fishing camp." They started with a motor home, then a camping trailor. Their last incarnation is a trailor with slide outs. That extra 3 feet on the side of a living room or bedroom makes a huge difference.



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I lived in a VW Westfalia for 2 years, travelling and working. Fine for the short term, but sux for more than just a BASIC existance. I've also travelled, and lived in a touring bus, and that was much better, but still: there's nothing like having a home, and no moving vehicle I've ever lived and travelled in could ever be consider home...


PlugHead Productions

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Originally posted by Tedly Nightshade:

I suppose it would help to know if this would be on the road, on some land somewhere, in a RV lot, how often you're moving, what the climate is, etc.

Assume mobile, with some extended stays of a week or so here and there. Climate, I dunno. Varied.


I looked at two different neighbor's motor homes. Both of them found steals on used ones. One paid only $18,000 and it's really nice and had low mileage. These are not huge motor homes but adequate. I wouldn't want a giant one. Well, yeah, I would but who could afford one. A used bargain would be the only way.


I have another friend who just bought his second Bluebird. Cost him a cool $1 million. Now, that's the life.


Floors me someone said a tour bus gave great sleep. haha, wow, never expected that.

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