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Music industry eyes `casual piracy'

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The record labels are in pursuit of a new class of music pirates -- not the millions who download bootlegged songs over the Internet but those who copy music CDs for their friends.


The music industry considers the seemingly innocuous act of duplicating a music CD for someone else ``casual piracy,'' a practice that surpasses Internet file-sharing as the single largest source of unauthorized music distribution. After fits and starts, the industry's largest players are taking measures to place curbs on copying.


What do we want? Procrastination!

When do we want it? Later!

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They cant even enforce Internet downloading, how do they intend to stop copying altogether?


With the new HDTVs coming out and all the cool surround sound and DVD players already out,

How long will movie theaters last?


Things are definitely changing.

Sometimes it takes a long time to learn how to play like yourself. Miles Davis
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Folks ask me for copies, I say sorry and explain the overnight sucess story that took most artists the better part of their lives to achieve....but I', an exception.


Unless it's my personal demo.



Label on the reverb, inside 1973 Ampeg G-212: "Folded Line Reverberation Unit" Manufactured by beautiful girls in Milton WIS. under controlled atmosphere conditions.
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Originally posted by Enrique:

With the new HDTV?s coming out and all the cool surround sound and DVD players already out,

How long will movie theaters last?

I like to see movies on the big screen. The theater also has a much better sound system than anyone I know has in their house. That's part of the whole "movie house experience". Ticket prices continue to rise, but folks still go and see the movies. I'm selective about what movies I'll pay my hard-earned money to go see, but I still prefer the theater to watching them on TV.


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


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