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"Doors and Ken Scott at Ocean Way


Hollywood, CA (June 16, 2005)--The Doors of the 21st Century recently gathered at Ocean Way Recording to lay down some new tracks with renowned producer/engineer Ken Scott. Led by founding members Ray Manzarek and Robby Krieger plus singer Ian Astbury, known for his rich baritone voice in the Cult, the band is rounded out by Phil Chen on bass and Ty Dennis on drums.


One distinctive element of the seminal Los Angeles group is how the musicians--especially the multifaceted Ray Manzarek--successfully blend rock, jazz-inspired improvisation and Weill-esque angularity into dramatic musical backdrops. The band is currently touring North America, South America, and Europe."


I was in a clas long ago when there were dinosaurs, and the teacher, Jeff Rona was the instructor and was doing the round robin what's your name etc on the first night.


He got to one guy who mumbled, "My name is Ray and I retired in 1969".


Three weeks later, chatting it up on break, I asked him his last name...


Unassuming nice film student, turned musician.


The class was MIDI 101 so to speak.





Label on the reverb, inside 1973 Ampeg G-212: "Folded Line Reverberation Unit" Manufactured by beautiful girls in Milton WIS. under controlled atmosphere conditions.
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Many people find it hard to get into The Doors without Jim Morrison, or otherwise expect the music NOW to be similar to the music THEN.


That's sad. After this much time, anyone with any taste would expect that the musicians have grown considerably, and thus, the music to grow with them. I'll give a listen objectively before I think of objecting.



I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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So maybe the Doors didn't put enough out with Morrison because he died, but that was sorta the band members "then" and anything else has got to measure-up to "that" so it's not such a big problem that they were missing something?


I'm happily listening to them in their original make-up as band members, I don't know why the other guys don't work on other projects, although, I'm sure they do, just not as potent as the original "Doors". One of the all-time great rock bands!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm glad that Ian Astbury is getting to live out his Doors fixation. I remember once that he said The Cult was the most misunderstood band since The Doors. I don't remember The Cult being misunderstood at all. I just think he was trying to put himself and The Doors in the same sentence. Really, he's a good fit for that gig.
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The Doors are way overrated.
Do you think so? They might not be to your taste, but they were a good band that put out some very strong albums. Their debut album is a classic, one of the top 3 records of 1967.
"Politics are like sports, where all the teams suck"
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Originally posted by dahkter:

Has anyone seen these Doors of the 21st Century live? They're playing in Atlantic City next month, considering going, but it's $85 a seat...

in atlantic city, for $85 bucks, you could buy a cheap hooker, some acid, a bottle of whiskey, headphones and a REAL doors cd. that experience would be closer to the real 60's thing than the 21st century nonsense..... :)


-d. gauss

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Originally posted by d gauss:

Originally posted by dahkter:

Has anyone seen these Doors of the 21st Century live? They're playing in Atlantic City next month, considering going, but it's $85 a seat...

in atlantic city, for $85 bucks, you could buy a cheap hooker, some acid, a bottle of whiskey, headphones and a REAL doors cd. that experience would be closer to the real 60's thing than the 21st century nonsense..... :)


-d. gauss



I think you're onto something there, d. Maybe you should sell rock star vacation packages. :thu:

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Sheet, I love The Doors. I'd be afraid to see this rehash. My favorite Doors song is Break On Through To The Other Side, because that song has a special meaning for me.


A long time ago, in a land far away, I listened to that song while tripping, well actually flipping out on LSD. We had this stuff that was called Orange Tempura, because it was LSD mixed with water color paint in gel capsules. That shit was waaaaaaaaay too strong. Did I say way too strong yet? Why anyone would mix acid with water color paints I have no idea. Perhaps they got into the product a little too much. Almost everyone I knew who took this stuff, flipped out really bad.


Here's the scenario. I was 20 years old, and still living at home, but my two best friends had an apartment that I pretty much lived at most of the time. One weekend almost all our friends went out of town except for me and Mimi, who was my friend Richard's girlfriend, but me and her were pretty close too, totally platonic relationship, she was like my sister.


Everyone else was out of town and me and Mimi ran across this Orange Tempura and it was Friday so we dropped it. Unbeknownst to me at the time, Mimi went into the bathroom and for some bizarre unknown reason took the Tempura out of the gel cap and snorted it. She didn't really get off, because of that, all the tempura just clogged up in her nose and I guess she just blew her nose, and blew it out. I don't think water color paints were made to be snorted. Like I said, I didn't find out about this till later, when I said "Why in hell would you snort acid?"


Meanwhile, back in my mind I started getting off on this totally too strong dose, and Mimi had put on The Doors, and Break On Through To The Other Side was blasting out of the stereo. I started playing air guitar and kind of rocking to the music, and each time I rocked my left foot the whole room would move in and out, in conjunction with my foot. The whole room would suck in when I pulled my foot up, and then move out when I put it down, and I felt if I rocked my foot hard enough the room would turn inside out, which kind of scared me. This... was my first sign of trouble.


to hear the rest of this true story please remit $1.00 to my PayPal account

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I'm not sure I want to hear the rest of that story, but it does explain a lot!! :freak::D


So, anyway, almost at the end of page one of this thread, has anyone actually heard the new stuff?? What's it like, recommended?? I used to listen to a lot of Doors stuff, listening to a Best of right now after reading the thread, wondering if it is worth me checking out what they are doing now....

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D Gauss -

Hilarious, LOL.

FYI, that Atlantic City show will be on VH1, so that killed the deal for us, screw it.

Would like to hear Ray jam, but what a horrible voice he has.

Love the doors though, actually was into them when I was in 4th through 6th grade, (we had a hippy baby sitter), still dig em, but not $85 dollars unless Jim is there in a Weekend at Bernie's type pose.



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Firstly, if one were alive and said to their frineds, Nah, I'd rather go to the drive in with (insert hottie's name here), and the guys went to see the Doors, well...let's not go there.


What... that they would be over rated is silly, sounds like eh, I'm weary etc...or jealous...


They crafted very cool tunes and it's that simple...


Consdidering the eneragy of the day, it's a wonder that they posted as many albumns as they did.


C'mon Parague, out of the gate, they rocked and followed their nose, not the record companies...



Label on the reverb, inside 1973 Ampeg G-212: "Folded Line Reverberation Unit" Manufactured by beautiful girls in Milton WIS. under controlled atmosphere conditions.
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I think that The Doors were great. Good musicians, with a unique sound, unique lyrics, and good sounding records (the first two anyway). Morrison was a fucked up asshole though.
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