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After you go high-speed, you'll never want to "do dialup" again. :thu:


BTW Bruce, I'm going to try the Blumlein pair doubling technique on some acoustic guitar tracks later this week, and I'll post my thoughts on the "panning" thread. :)

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Philip O'Keefe sez------->BTW Bruce, I'm going to try the Blumlein pair doubling technique on some acoustic guitar tracks later this week, and I'll post my thoughts on the "panning" thread.


Brucie sez to Philla-Dilla------->If there's any way I can help......


Brucie the Viking!!!!!




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Originally posted by Bruce Swedien:

My new Satelitte stuff works great. And we just had a middle of Florida Thunderstorm. It went off, but not for long.


That's a big improvement. Before I had my Satelitte stuff, when one of my neighbors Cows stood on my telephone wire, the internet went out for two days.


Ain't science on the farm great???


Bruce Swedien



I looked into satellite internet a few years ago because cable hadn't put in high speed here yet. (I guess the stagecoach was late or something). It looked like the real deal. Glad you like it. The only drawback is the lull during heavy rain or wet heavy snow. Sometimes I have to go up on the roof during a wet snowstorm and clean off my satellite dish. I'm sure you get a lot of that in Florida.

Intesting to note that I never lose my satellite fm signal no matter how heavy the rainstorm. Must have something to do with bandwidth or some such thing. I'm sure all you tech heads could explain it.



Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

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I think the basic Direcway package is $80.00 a month. Satellite Internet is faster than dialup but much slower than cable, or DSL, especially the upload speeds. Most of The Satellite Internet in The US comes from Hughes and is resold under The DirecWay and other names.


Satellite Internet is only desirable if there is no other option except for dialup. The latency and upload speeds make it unuseable for VOIP, and other time sensitive applications.

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I envy you!!! :P


My telephone/Internet provider has a major finger up it's ass! :mad:


I can't get DSL...and I can't get satelitte either. :bor:


Don't know what the problem is...?

OK, I live a bit rural....but it's more like, residential rural...there are plenty of homes all around me...and we are all on dial-up.


Frontier really sucks!

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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Definitely a step up in a situation like yours miro. It's $80.00 a month to start, but I think part of that fee goes to pay for your installation and equipment, and when that's paid off the monthly price comes down to $50.00 or so, but I'm sure you can Google Direcway if you wanta know the real deal.


There's another very cool wireless broadband service available from Verizon which you can get anywhere that you can get cellphone service, and it's about $80.00 a month also. It's of course mobile, and there's actually a guy I ran across on The Internet who has learned how to hack their hardware to greatly increase the upload and download speeds, I'll post a link if anyone's interested.

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posted by miroslav:

My telephone/Internet provider has a major finger up it's ass!

DSL is distance dependent. The further away you are from the phone company interface/hub the slower the speed/bandwidth, maximum distance for effective use being approximately 18,000 feet.
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I've thought about satnet; I really hate giving money to comcast, and Qwest won't get off their dead asses to get DSL to my area, despite the fact that a) I'm in a reasonably well-populated area (I mean jeez...between Lakewood and Golden, and within sight of Coors), and b) they were featured in an article in last Sunday's paper about how they're busting butt to get line repeaters/boosters out to people in the plains and high mountain areas. :freak: Hel-lo?! Take care of us, too, ya bitches...


(hmmm...starting to rain...might be time to take the ol' Pismo indoors...)

I've upped my standards; now, up yours.
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Originally posted by Bbach of Bismarck, son of Peter:

The only drawback is the lull during heavy rain or wet heavy snow.

And for internet gaming the latency sucks. I'm certain Bruce is a big Internet gamer...

1. mix drums

2. play Doom 3 for an hour

3. Do vocal overdubs

4. play Star Wars Galaxies till dinner time

5. Check Anderton's forum for answer to MP3 question



But overall, it's broadband and broadband is the ONLY way to fly.


I'd rather give up the internet than go back to dial up.


Broadband totally change the way I use the net, and by extension, my computer. I'd be lost without the access to nearly any kind of information that this thing provides me.

Crikey! I've only had Broadband for like five years, and I can't remember my life without it!

Super 8


Hear my stuff here


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Originally posted by TheWewus:

It's of course mobile, and there's actually a guy I ran across on The Internet who has learned how to hack their hardware to greatly increase the upload and download speeds, I'll post a link if anyone's interested.

If you would PM me this info, I'd appreciate it, Wewus. I'm looking into Intelos' version, which clocks in here at $30 a month! :eek:
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I'll just post this link for everyone- HERE


Verizon recently rolled out a wireless broadband solution called EVDO according to the technology used. It's available in major markets.


The guy in that link claims to be able to quadruple or more, the EVDO download/upload speeds by hacking the hardware, and adjusting settings. If you're not in an EVDO coverage area you can still get 1XRTT Broadband, which is normally just a bit faster than dialup, but with that hack he claims speeds of 500kbps download, and a relatively fast upload speed, which is comparable to what Bruce is getting with his satellite link. The price from Verizon is $80.00 a month, but you may be able to run some kind of VOIP technology through that link and get unlimited calls for a fixed price. That would be nice wouldn't it?


I've read a lot about that guy on The Internet and he appears to be on the up and up, just a crazy gearhead who understands the technology, and has learned how to push it to it's limits. But.....who knows, Verizon might shut him down any minute, or they may notice if your bandwidth suddenly jumps off the scale.

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The problem is...I am "just" outside of my providers DSL "loop"...so they won't do it, because they say the speeds would not be consistent.

I talked to their techs....and one of them said I should insist they install the DSL...and ask them to put me on a "Slick" (???)which would still be way faster than the dail-up.


As far as my sat (Dish Network)...even though they provide Internet...they don't in my area...they didn't explain why not.


Finally...I called other providers of DSL (Verizon...etc) and they said that my telephone/ISP company (Frontier) has my area all "locked up" to any other companies.

So...I'm being held hostage by the pricks!

They won't upgrade, and they won't let me use someone else.


My only real option would be to switch to cable...but...that's another problem. The cable company in this area (Time Warner) sucks too...!!!...that is why I went the sat dish route.

They never ran cable at my house when they came through many years ago...so now, they want ME to pay for that!

I am about 100 yards from the road...and it would cost about $1K just to have a third party dig/drop cable to my house.

Then of course...I would have to subscribe to their service/programming (which sucks).


It's OK...

I have very fast connections at work...so I can put up with the dial-up at home for now. But...sometimes on the long weekends...it's a bit annoying...especially when the friggin' dial-up keeps kicking me off and redialing on the busy days (like right now!)

Sunday mornings and rainy days are the worst...'cuz everyone is surfin' the net!

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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posted by miroslav:

I am about 100 yards from the road...and it would cost about $1K just to have a third party dig/drop cable to my house.
What the hell? 100 yds is not that far a drop. If I was up that way I'd rent a ditchwitch and slap some coaxial cable in there, and run it to your house for $200.00, plus hardware and rental costs. That's like a 4 to 5 hour job. It sounds like somebody is bullshitting you, that is not a thousand dollar job, unless there's something I don't know about.


If there's anyway you can get it CABLE is the way to go right now. It blows away DSL, Satellite, and anything else. At my house I get 3000 kbps consistent download speeds over cable.


In the next couple of years we're going to see the rollout of some new broadband options, the biggest and most promising being WiMax. This will eventually be Cables biggest competitor. Google WiMax if you're interested.

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Originally posted by Angelo Clematide:

to have DSL or T-1 via cable, you have to be in the reach of circa 3 kilometer (4.5 miles) of a KNOT POINT from your telephone company !

I think you meant 3 miles, 4.5 kilometres. A kilometre is .6 of a mile.
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Test your SPEED- HERE


I could bitch about AOL, but I've got a super fast connection here, plus I took the the filter off so I'm getting free Cable TV, shhhhh don't tell anybody. I could give a rat's ass if they cut that off, I might put the filter back on myself. TV SUCKS, biggest problem being LACK OF CONTENT.

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Originally posted by TheWewus:

If I was up that way I'd rent a ditchwitch and slap some coaxial cable in there, and run it to your house for $200.00, plus hardware and rental costs. That's like a 4 to 5 hour job.

OK...when do you want to do it? :wave:


You can also tune my piano! :thu:



I don't know if they are BS'ing me...but, it's not a grassy front lawn...it's a wooded front yard.

OK...it can go down the edge of the driveway...that is where all the power/telephone is...but still, it's not a straight run.


I'm going to check it out some more...see if I can get better details/prices.


Heck...it might even be better if I didn't have any Internet service at all! Then I would actually get some work done...instead of sitting here killing time, surfin' the web. ;)

miroslav - miroslavmusic.com


"Just because it happened to you, it doesn't mean it's important."

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posted by miroslav:
Heck...it might even be better if I didn't have any Internet service at all! Then I would actually get some work done...instead of sitting here killing time, surfin' the web. [Wink]
Nah don't say that, you'd miss us too much, plus you'd be cutoff from the all the information about music, and music gear, and computers and everything else. Check that out though, that should not cost a grand to do that, in fact, most of the time Time Warner will build a new drop for free, to get a new customer. I don't understand that, that is not that far of a drop. You dig your little ditch, lay your cable, connect to the tap, build your house box, ground block, put in the outlets, connect your modem, connect to the computer, and bingo you're online, and they get $45.00 a month.
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I actually learn quite a lot from being on the internet. Obviously about recording, gear, philosophical approaches to recording, but also about a lot of other things. If we're talking about something and I don't know very much about an interesting subject or don't know the answer to something, I often go look it up on the internet (being mindful of the disinformation that can sometimes occur...).
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