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Tool-challenged bookmatching method...

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Old fashioned glass plate. Sandpaper glued to it. Right angle to hold wood perpendicular to the sanding plate (showing rough cut first). Apply titebond to edges to be bonded. Use pipe clamps to squeeze edges. Add weight to top of pieces being glued to prevent bowing (gluing and weight not added here because pieces not quite ready for gluing yet). Clamp for 12-24 hours. somewhat time/labor intensive. Works well though. See photos below...










Eventually, I hope to get all of my bookmatching done so I can load all of the pics and so one can select tops and backs to make their guitars from. I only build chambered body electrics. Boggs

Check out my Rock Beach Guitars page showing guitars I have built and repaired... http://www.rockbeachguitars.com
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I didn't know you were a luthier, Boggs, thanks for the pics!

The method I use for bookmatching is to lay the two pieces of wood out as I want them, fold them together as a book, clamp in a vice and handplane both edges at the same time; even if you aren't exactly 90 degrees to the face, any error cancels itself out on the other piece, and you'll have a perfect glue line. Of course you'll need a pretty big vice for a guitar top! (Clamping the sheets flat against a workbench, with the to-be-planed edges hanging over the edge of the workbench, would probably work too).


"Eccentric language often is symptomatic of peculiar thinking" - George Will


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Originally posted by Botch.:

I didn't know you were a luthier, Boggs, thanks for the pics!

The method I use for bookmatching is to lay the two pieces of wood out as I want them, fold them together as a book, clamp in a vice and handplane both edges at the same time; even if you aren't exactly 90 degrees to the face, any error cancels itself out on the other piece, and you'll have a perfect glue line. Of course you'll need a pretty big vice for a guitar top! (Clamping the sheets flat against a workbench, with the to-be-planed edges hanging over the edge of the workbench, would probably work too).

Botch, I don't any more consider myself a true luthier than I do a true musician. It's all relative to your own personal benchmarks. Thanks for checkin' it out, man. See the link in my sig if you want to check out some of my other work. Cheers!
Check out my Rock Beach Guitars page showing guitars I have built and repaired... http://www.rockbeachguitars.com
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