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AVG Users - Got Roxio & AVG Problems?

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I have a couple of XP-Pro workstations that I installed DVD writers with a Roxio 6 bundle. After a reboot, AVG's tray icon went black & white and reported a problem. It turns out there is an issue with Roxio (versions 6 & 7) causing the the AVG email scanner to not start up witht he desktop. It has to be manually started. I found a Roxio patch that didn't work. So, I have to open AVG Control Center and manually activate the email scanner on every boot. I tried the 30-day demo of their "Professional" version with the same results.


I also have a PC with Nero, which works fine. But, I want to find out how wide spread the Roxio/AVG issue is.


Hopefully, no one has been operating with this issue and didn't know. This is really serious to me. No internet user should have their email NOT protected, these days.


Anyone else have this issue? Have you found a fix?


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I had a prob with AVG when they went from v.6 to v.7. Yes, Roxio 6 is on my machine. Anyway, went with Avast AV (free for personal use) and stayed with it.


I should replace Roxio right? My machine has only had problems when using Easy CD v.6.

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OT - Hey TeleCarlos, thanks for mentioning Avast AV. I'm going to try it on my old, Win98 machine that's been out of date on Norton for.. oh, about 3 years. :freak:;)


At least with Avast it will be free and I'll have update access for definitions, etc.


Again, thanks!

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I have both AVG and Roxio 6 running on this box running Win2K Pro and my laptop running Win XP Home SP2 and now that you mention it, I don't recall seeing AVG scan my email on the laptop. I'll have to watch for that. I know it's fine on this box. The icon is normal color on the laptop though...


Thanks for the heads up.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Originally posted by TeleCarlos:

I had a prob with AVG when they went from v.6 to v.7. Yes, Roxio 6 is on my machine. Anyway, went with Avast AV (free for personal use) and stayed with it.


I should replace Roxio right? My machine has only had problems when using Easy CD v.6.

Yes, thank you, as well! I guess that is a decent answer... switch. I haven't tried Avast, before. But, I will, soon. :thu:


Here is the URL, for those interested...



"It's all about the... um-m-m, uh-h-h..."

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AM, you might check out Bit Defender too.

It has the number one rating with Anti-Virus Software Review. AVG is #3 and Avast is #11. Those ratings are all based on the pro models though. One thing I've read however, is BidDefender does not protect "live". Don't know if that's actually the case, just read it in a review but if it is it wouldn't be good for scanning email.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Thanks, Dak! I think I like Bit defender over Avast, as well. Here's what I found...


- I tried Avast and was not impressed. It took up over 19MB of RAM running 4 processes. I only saw it come up when the email would check for messages. Otherwise, I had to check Task Manager to even see it running.


- Bit Defender takes up about 15MB, but in one process. I still had to add a short cut to the *Management Console* in the Startup folder to get it to fire. But, it runs fine, unlike AVG. This might still be a Roxio issue.


As for the free software verses the pay-for version... The realtime background scanner is not available. Which means that you have to schedule a scan of your files. This is true with AVG-Free and most other free versions. But, they both scan files as they move onto and off of your system. This includes email, Internet file downloads and copying to and from a server. This is fine for most people.


So I give Bit Defender a :thu:


"It's all about the... um-m-m, uh-h-h..."

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With your thumbs up I'll give it a whirl on my laptop with XP Home Edition and see how it goes.

AVG has worked very well for me on my Win 2K Pro boxes and the Win ME boxes but I'll change if the Bit Defender is better.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Glad I could help!


Avast is used in my home comp / workhorse Dell. Installed some time ago, evrything seemed to work, what else is it supposed to do?!?! Well, it just another option of the few out there.


No need to put in the DAW, of course.

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I let Bit Defender do a scan of my file storage partition, last night. Over 100GB of data. It found some infected files that AVG seemed to gloss over...

- One_Half.3591 On a Win9x BootScan.exe file

- Trojan.Win95.Flashkiller on an old sound card installer

- JS.Trojan.Winbomb.F on FirstPage2000 installer (may have been false)

- JS.Trojan.Winbomb.F on a client restore set

- Application.Adware.NewDotNet.C on a client restore set


There has always been an issue with the FirstPage2000 application. But, AVG stopped detecting it a year ago. I'm not sure why the two other non-client files were never detected. I have had those for over 5 years. And, the two client viruses should have been deteceted by AVG. But, that was about the time I started noticing AVG was acting wierd.


Dak, Let me know if you need to load the Bit Defender Control Center icon in the Startup folder to get it to fire in the Task Bar. I want to know if it is Roxio messing with it.


"It's all about the... um-m-m, uh-h-h..."

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Originally posted by AudioMaverick:

Dak, Let me know if you need to load the Bit Defender Control Center icon in the Startup folder to get it to fire in the Task Bar. I want to know if it is Roxio messing with it.

I have Roxio 6 on the laptop as well but I think I'll un-install it to see if Bit Defender works without it.

I should have time this afternoon to download and install BD and give it a shot.

I'll update.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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AM, my initial thought is to un-install Bit Defender and return to AVG. It does not do a live scan let alone a live email scan in their "free for personal use" edition like AVG does. It's reassuring to see the flip-up scanning window when AVG hits the incoming or outgoing email.


Nothing was found on the laptop by Bit Defender that AVG missed.


I'll give it another couple of days or so before making the final decision as to whether or not I'll delete it. I do know that I won't be installing it on my other boxes, I'll stay with AVG.


On the laptop, if I do re-install AVG, I'll keep Roxio off to see if the live scan is an issue with Win XP. If not and the AVG live scan with XP doesn't work I'll be back to square one.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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Oh, crap... How did I miss the non-email scanning in Bit Defender Free? I think I may be wanting to go back to AVG and put up with the email scanner having to be activated on boot.


I just rebuilt this drive a few months ago. It's just all the apps and utils on it that is causing the dilemma for me.


Curses to those virus writers! I think it is time to boot Roxio. I don't mind paying for a decent AV app, either.


Thanks Dak. One of these days, I'll come down off this mountain and buy you a cup of coffee or something. :wave:


"It's all about the... um-m-m, uh-h-h..."

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Originally posted by AudioMaverick:


Thanks Dak. One of these days, I'll come down off this mountain and buy you a cup of coffee or something. :wave:

Or I'll drive up the mountain. It's been a year or so and wouldn't hurt me a bit to get a bit of fresh mountain air.


Our Joint


"When you come slam bang up against trouble, it never looks half as bad if you face up to it." The Duke...

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