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Bruce - "Make Mine Music"

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Bruce, just finished reading "Make Mine Music". Thanks for putting that all down in one place. Great read.


If you don't mind I had a couple of questions regarding some of your gear.


1. The Neve 1084 seems to get a lot of use for the gold vocal track. Are there any other preamps that stand out in your mind in this arena? Also, do you end up using the the EQ much while tracking with the 1084?


2. The Bass DI - You mentioned its transformer and I was curious about the construction of this little box. I am in the mood to do some mods to my DI, any insights would be appreciated.

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Middle Man asks the musical questions--------->

1. The Neve 1084 seems to get a lot of use for the gold vocal track. Are there any other preamps that stand out in your mind in this arena? Also, do you end up using the the EQ much while tracking with the 1084?

2. The Bass DI - You mentioned its transformer and I was curious about the construction of this little box. I am in the mood to do some mods to my DI, any insights would be appreciated.


Brucie tries to answer-------->I'm in the middle of a bunch of stuff. All very good! I don't believe in taking these questions lightly.... I'll get back to you with some proper info soon.....


Bruce Swedien

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Originally posted by Bruce Swedien:

shniggens sez-------->Y'know, you are one talented and brilliant man . . .


If only you could learn how to use the quote feature.


Brucie sez---------->Don't plan on it!!!!


Brucie the Viking!!!!

Awwwww, c'mon, look how much easier it is to read.
Amateur Hack
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shniggen----->If only you could learn how to use the quote feature


Angelo----->Bruce will learn that pretty soon... well, in the nearer future.

To name a precise date, exactly then when all Japanese start yodeling, and

all East Frieslander blow the Sakuhachi.

If not then, maybee later, when he vacuum cleans my appartment in Ougadougou.

-Peace, Love, and Potahhhhto
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Middle Man asks the musical question--------->1. The Neve 1084 seems to get a lot of use for the gold vocal track. Are there any other preamps that stand out in your mind in this arena? Also, do you end up using the the EQ much while tracking with the 1084?


Brucie answers--------->My Neve 1084's seem to be my favorite microphone pre-amp and EQ for sound sources that I really care about. Every manufacturer in the industry sends me their new mike pre and EQ. Most of them I send back!


I love my Universal Audio 2-610 Dual Channel Tube Microphone Preamplifier. It can be a first choice.... But then I grew up with that mike pre in the Bill Putnam designed and built consoles at Universal Studios in Chicago.


As far as EQ on my Neve 1084's goes..... Normally very little is what I end up using... 2 or 3 db at 4.7 k., 2 or 3 db at 10 or 12 K, and just a squirt at 110 htz. I customarily high pass the signal at 110 hz....


More to follow as I get the time....


Bruce Swedien

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110hz on HP is interesting for vox Bruce. I usually do mine at 70hz, 12db/octave. I think I will run up to the 110 and see how it works out. I actually like to use as shallow a slope as I can get away with..but 12db down at 35hz may not be enough cut...I usually don't have a plosive problem..but depending on the Q, 110 may be better in many cases. I never thought of running it quite that high.


Will try next session. I do it in post anyway...no harm done.


I did notice you said a "squint" of 110 as well...so this would help the hpf to be a more relaxed curve around the transitional fq.

Bill Roberts Precision Mastering

-----------Since 1975-----------

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Bill Roberts sez---------->I did notice you said a "squint" of 110 as well...so this would help the hpf to be a more relaxed curve around the transitional fq.


Brucie sez-----------Bill, Clean your glasses!! I said "Squirt"! That's the M.I.T. nomeclature for "A very small amount of anything technical"!


Brucie the Viking!!!

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Middle Man asks the Musical Question---------->2. The Bass DI - You mentioned its transformer and I was curious about the construction of this little box. I am in the mood to do some mods to my DI, any insights would be appreciated.


Brucie answers--------->The centerpiece of my Bass Box is its' United Transformer Company LS 10 X transformer.




I designed and built this Bass Box when Quincy and I were recording The Brothers Johnson for A & M records.


Recording Louis Johnson's unbelievably powerful bass style has been of real interest to me because I'm sort of a frustrated bass man myself.


Louis has a nickname of "Thunder Thumbs." There is a real challenge in getting that tremendous sound clearly on the recording. I tried all the conventional direct boxes, combinations of mic and direct pickup and all of these fell far short of his real sound.


One day while we were in the studio recording a bass solo withn Louis, I put a high-impedence electronic volt meter across the output of his electric bass. I was amazed at high the actual output level was. You

could almost record his bass without a mic preamp. Looking at one of those puny little transformer direct boxes... no wonder there was something lacking.


Those poopy little transformers are able to handle about +8 dBm maximum level and apparently that isn't enough. I scrounged around my shop and in a big box labeled "to be organized", found a large, old transformer whose weight is measured in pounds not ounces.


With my United Transformer Company LS 10 X transformer, I made Louis a special "Thunder Thumbs" bass direct box. It has really worked well. I have tried the electronic "FET" active boxes but in an area of high rf and electrical noise, they are a bit undependable.


Louis has many different basses that he plays, including keyboard bass, all of them sound terrific through that big old transformer.


Occasionally I mic his amp and mix a bit of that sound in with the direct pickup.


If you don't know who The Brothers Johnson are, I'm sure a little scrounging at flea markets and garage sales will yield favorable results.....


I still use that same bass box on all my projects!!!


Bruce Swedien

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LJ is one of my favorite bassers!!


'Thunder thumbs' Louis and 'Lightning licks' George.


I love all of the BJ's music..always have, always will. I listened to "Q" last night by them. Man...I really wonder what the cats are doing today..any idea Bruce?


I think Da Costa also was slapping some skins on those albums.



Bill Roberts Precision Mastering

-----------Since 1975-----------

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Bill Roberts asks-------->Man...I really wonder what the cats are doing today..any idea Bruce?


Brucie answers------------>At Quincys birthday last year we saw George Johnson. He looks great and is tryng for a movie career. Last thing I heard about George was that he is manageing a video rental store in Compton.


They are great musicians.


Bruce Swedien

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Thanks for all the answers Bruce. It's great when someone of your stature sheds light on the usage of your gear. And yes, sad to say, I have been around long enough to remember the Brothers Johnson. I beleive Louis was one of the first, if not the first thumb player.


Bill thanks too for your EQ insights.


OK I opened up my cheap little DI box. Picture attached. This is the wimpiest transformer I have ever seen. I'm off to the local electronics shop for something bigger.


(Sorry, couldn't get the image to upload. Believe me, it's small)

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shniggens sez--------->If only you could learn how to use the quote feature.

Brucie sez---------->Don't plan on it!!!!


Awwwww, c'mon, look how much easier it is to read.


Brucie sez-------->I don't care if it's easier to read or not! A little extra effort reading will make folks remember my posts better....


Bruce Swedien

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Originally posted by shniggens:

Y'know, you are one talented and brilliant man . . .


If only you could learn how to use the quote feature.

Oh c'mon, do you really think Bruce can't find the quote feature, that he doesn't know how to click on the http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/quote_ubb6.gif icon?


He just prefers to do it his own way, he has develloped his own system and haven't you noticed that some posters are using his system as well now?


I agree with you, the quote function is a better read, but if Bruce wants to do it his own way, what the **** does it matter, he's doing things his own way for almost 50 years and not without success now didn't he?



The alchemy of the masters moving molecules of air, we capture by moving particles of iron, so that the poetry of the ancients will echo into the future.
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Originally posted by sign:

....and haven't you noticed that some posters are using his system as well now?

And that's because it's easier to read? :freak:


Stone In A Pond



"Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on."

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StoneinaPond sez----------->....and haven't you noticed that some posters are using his system as well now?


And that's because it's easier to read?


Brucie sez---------->And that's because it's MUCH easier to read!!! :wave::D:D:D

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Originally posted by Bruce Swedien:

I feel terrible!! No one has even noticed my Graemlins. I put them there myself!!!!

And you didn't ask anybody how to do it! :thu::D
The alchemy of the masters moving molecules of air, we capture by moving particles of iron, so that the poetry of the ancients will echo into the future.
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Originally posted by Bruce Swedien:

I feel terrible!! No one has even noticed my Graemlins. I put them there myself!!!!

Hey, can't give everything away. :thu:


Stone In A Pond



"Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on."

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Have you ever given thought to manufacturing the BassBox? Is the transformer still made or if not, can it be duplicated? I am sure everyone wants one now. Recording bass can be pretty tricky and you sound like you have the perfect tool. I would buy one if it did't cost an arm and a leg to produce.

KB Gunn

website: www.visionoutreach.net


....government is a necessary evil, but it is dangerous nonetheless ... somewhat like a drug. Just as a drug that in the proper dosage can save your life, an overdose of government can be fatal.

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