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My Space Dot Com

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anyone here set up a band account on myspace.com ?


For free they allow up to 4 songs at 192KBPS. And they post them quick. I have found it a great networking tool for finding local musicians and some cool local bands I was unaware of. Also good for finding fans and for you single people it's chock full of girls & guys looking.


me on myspace

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It's chock full of Russian hookers looking to meet customers, is more like it. :D


Anyhow, yeah, I have a band myspace account.


One important thing: MySpace's TOS stipulate that posting anything there grants them a perpetual, non-revocable right for them to use it in virtually any way and for any commercial, promotional, or other purpose they want.


They can create albums of your music and sell them, they can license your music to third parties for commercials, movie soundtracks, etc -- and you have no say -- and no way to terminate that licence.


And, I think it goes without saying, that they don't have to pay you a dime.


Aside from that -- and the fact that the average IQ of myspace folks seems to be in the low 70s -- it's a hell of a cool place.



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I just re-read my post and I could see how it might seem like I'm taking a rather jaded view of MySpace.


Let me say that a lot of my young friends seem to be on MySpace a lot. In fact, at one of my clients, it seems like the GM's second monitor always has MySpace on it.


I'm listening to your intriguingly titled "Seminole Lament," btw, kind of reminds me of some of the new wave dub/dance mixes from the very early 80's. Now "Make a Wish"... properly sleek and spot on vocal work for the genre.





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I'm also on myspace.com. Check it out: Apocrypha


I think if I was a desparate single guy who wanted to get laid really bad, I would like it more because it's such a meat market. But actually for music it's pretty cool too. I have a lot of people asking for a way to purchase my cd's, t-shirts, stickers and info on tour dates. I haven't even played out live yet or made any merch yet. So it has definitely been a way to network and meet people. Not the most user friendly site though. But it is free! :D

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There ya go! A semi-ringing endorsement from Nathan.


I mean anytime someone is asking how to buy your music or merch, it's a red letter day.


Phait, I'll tell you what my buddy who has a bunch of stuff up there and whose band was getting some actual momentum before he broke it up a week ago: They don't care about you and me. They don't know who we are. They're undoubtedly far too busy trying to hold together that funky, badly programmed interface [ok, actually, that's me saying that, I HATE the way that place is slopped together].


Of cousre, that's probably what someone said about The Orchard 7 or 8 years ago... :(



Anyhow, the overwhelming majority of us should worry a lot more that we'll never get heard, let alone exploited.





PS... Phait, I couldn't get your MySpace link to work. :(

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Originally posted by theblue1:

There ya go! A semi-ringing endorsement from Nathan.


I mean anytime someone is asking how to buy your music or merch, it's a red letter day.


Phait, I'll tell you what my buddy who has a bunch of stuff up there and whose band was getting some actual momentum before he broke it up a week ago: They don't care about you and me. They don't know who we are. They're undoubtedly far too busy trying to hold together that funky, badly programmed interface [ok, actually, that's me saying that, I HATE the way that place is slopped together].


Of cousre, that's probably what someone said about The Orchard 7 or 8 years ago... :(



Anyhow, the overwhelming majority of us should worry a lot more that we'll never get heard, let alone exploited.



If I understand what blue's point is...i agree with him :D

The deftones, NIN,Weezer...bla bla bla are all on there. They don't seem to be worried. Plus, I think they (the myspace owners and stock holders) would be stupid to use a double compressed file for anything because it sounds like such ASS. I convert my songs to 192 mp3, then I believe they compress them again because it sounds even worse when it gets to the site. They aren't gonna be using my stuff in a commercial or film with that shite quality. But yes, I think that my experience has been nothing but positive. I want to play out, tour, and share my music with the world. This is helping me do that so far.

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Originally posted by theblue1:

I just re-read my post and I could see how it might seem like I'm taking a rather jaded view of MySpace.


Let me say that a lot of my young friends seem to be on MySpace a lot. In fact, at one of my clients, it seems like the GM's second monitor always has MySpace on it.


I'm listening to your intriguingly titled "Seminole Lament," btw, kind of reminds me of some of the new wave dub/dance mixes from the very early 80's. Now "Make a Wish"... properly sleek and spot on vocal work for the genre.





Thanks Blue! I'm actually going to see a band tonight that I discovered on My Space. So, it does work. Turns out I vaguely know the manager too. Small world!
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